Save Your Assets: Embracing Financial Sovereignty with Wealth Alchemist, Keri Lynn

crown yourself podcast Mar 19, 2024


Please enjoy this transcript of the Crown Yourself Podcast, with Wealth Alchemist, Keri Lynn (@kerinorley) and, your host, transformational story coach, Kimberly Spencer (@Kimberly.Spencer)

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Keri’s Book: The New Wealth: Magnetize Abundance, Hold Your Wealth And Leave A Legacy 

In this Crown Yourself Podcast episode, host Kimberly Spencer and guest Keri Lynn dive into women's wealth, financial sovereignty, and the power of mindset in achieving financial freedom. They discuss the importance of questioning societal norms, understanding one's energetic blueprint, and taking personal responsibility for financial decisions. Keri shares insights on navigating the financial system, the manifestation process, and the significance of aligning one's financial choices with their life vision. They also touch on the potential of decentralized finance and the need for financial education. Keri announces her rebranding to Keri Norley and her new book "Save Your Assets," encouraging listeners to take control of their financial future and create a prosperous life.

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We good? Great. Let's get to the goods.



Kimberly Spencer (00:00:00) - It is money-making march for women. As we celebrate Women's History Month here in March on the Crown Yourself podcast. I am so excited to focus on one of the biggest shifts that is happening in the world right now, which is women's wealth. To give you some perspective, according to the report by the Boston Consulting Group, women are expected to hold one-third of global wealth by 2030. This represents a significant increase compared to previous decades. Also, the number of women entrepreneurs and business owners is on the rise globally as more women enter the workforce and start their businesses. We are likely to accumulate wealth independently as well as collectively. And now here's the great thing about women and wealth. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Mentor Women's Report, women entrepreneurs contribute approximately 3 trillion to the global economy each year and we are much more highly likely to be more generous with our charitable giving and behavior. And we also seek to generate social or environmental impact alongside financial returns. So this is very much along the lines of conscious capitalism and being very aware of how we are delegating our dollar to the causes and charities and things that we hold near and dear to our hearts for our futures.

Kimberly Spencer (00:01:27) - And we collectively, as a human race, are entering into one of the most financially transformative times in human history where there is a lot happening beyond the surface of what we've been taught about investing or cash. And now there's crypto and bitcoin skyrocketing, and all of these other factors and assets that come along with wealth and what money actually means. And so as a leader, as a coach, it is mine and as someone who truly desires you to live your best, most sovereign life. It is my desire to bring you, guests, this month that will highlight some of the challenges for women, and also some of the opportunities for being able to grow, transform, and really learn how to become financially sovereign and free yourself with how you spend your money. And that is why I'm so excited to bring you Keri Lynn, the Wealth Alchemist. She can help you safely buy your first crypto in three days or less. No matter what your risk appetite or budget is, cryptocurrency can help you leverage your wealth and become financially sovereign.

Kimberly Spencer (00:02:39) - So here's a fun fact about Keri. She actually grew up in a very successful family, like the 1% within the 1%. And yet she's known that she is here to make a very big difference. And while the women before her were amazing philanthropists, raising and giving tens of millions of dollars in their time, Kari ran away from everything she knew to live in Australia. Shocker, right? That's why we're friends and experience a whole different way of living. She spent years studying everything she could get her hands on around wealth, success, money, magic, mindset, human psychology, transformation, and alchemy. And she discovered how limiting the relationship people have with money is for most people in the world. So she is taking her 17 years of study and the wealth background that is in her DNA and in every cell of her being, to combine this potent energy into an amazing transmission of wealth to the world. And she is here to raise the consciousness of the planet around wealth. She truly believes that the more money you have, the more ability you have to make a bigger impact on this planet.

Kimberly Spencer (00:03:43) - And that is where we are 100% in alignment. As my mentor Brandon Bouchard says, you cannot sustain the mission without the money. To paraphrase the book The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, getting rich is one of your greatest duties on the planet, especially as a conscious leader, so you can decide with your dollar. And the more dollars you have to make decisions, the more power and influence over the decisions that you have that actually shape our world. And so in this episode, Keri and I are talking all about cryptocurrency and financial sovereignty. Now, of course, we are not financial advisors and we are providing no financial advice. We are just giving education and entertainment and sharing our own personal lived experiences with money. So with that, I encourage you to open your hearts and open your minds to the possibility of what crypto and the blockchain have for you to help you become financially sovereign and free. With that, I give you Keri Lynn. Welcome to the Crown Yourself podcast, where together we build your empire and transform yours.

Kimberly Spencer (00:04:59) - Bunch of stories about what's possible for your business, body, and life. I'm your host, Kimberly Spencer, founder of CrownYourself.Com and I'm a master mindset coach, bestselling author, and TEDx speaker, known to my clients as a game changer. Each week you get the conscious leadership strategies you need to help you reign with courage, clarity, and confidence so that you too, can make the income and impact you deserve. Imagine this podcast as your royal invitation to step into your full potential and reign in your divine purpose. Your sovereignty starts here and your reign is now. Keri Lynn, welcome to the Crown Yourself podcast. When I met you, you were just this, like, beautiful, curly-haired, flowing goddess. And I was I immediately noticed your slightly Aussie accent and I was like, oh, she's going to be my friend.

Keri Lynn (00:05:54) - I could say that much the same about you without curls.

Kimberly Spencer (00:05:59) - So I want to dive straight into like what? Like I believe, and I know you. You see, the like attracts the like.

Kimberly Spencer (00:06:07) - It's basic law of attraction. And so like when you see someone else standing in their power, in their sovereignty, what does it mean to you to be sovereign and to stand in your own power?

Keri Lynn (00:06:19) - What it means to me to be sovereign is self-responsibility, and it's in its highest capacity. I've said since I learned NLP many years ago that if we all could come in and be responsible for ourselves, and we all took full responsibility for our lives, we would end the war. And because, like you wouldn't be blaming, like, if you and I fought, I wouldn't go, oh, well, Kimberly.

Keri Lynn (00:06:39) - You know, I'd.

Keri Lynn (00:06:41) - Be like, well, what's my part in this? And I take responsibility and maybe there is a part and then we can come together and talk and have a conversation versus you, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, which is always pointing the blame, which is always pointing the responsibility outside of ourselves. And as long as we are pointing responsibility outside of ourselves, we can never be fully sovereign.

Keri Lynn (00:07:02) - . Right.

Keri Lynn (00:07:02) - And so like I would say, the biggest capacity that is what sovereignty is, is that like we take full responsibility for our lives., and if we look at it even from a different capacity, like beyond that, it's that we also break free from the conditioning that people tell us what we're supposed to do, how we're supposed to be who we show up as, how we use our energy, that we have to work the grind or we have to hustle. And if, you know, like we've talked to you in design, right? Like if we look at our energetic blueprints, like if we're doing anything less than living in our energetic blueprint, we are not fully sovereign. And the more that we look into the truth of who we truly are in our path and our alignment, and we walk those steps in divine alignment, in co-creation, then that to me is sovereign. It's like when I make a full choice, full responsibility, and I come into the most wholeness of myself.

Keri Lynn (00:07:51) - And from that space move forward. There's no one to blame in the world but yourself.

Keri Lynn (00:07:56) - In that way.

Kimberly Spencer (00:07:58) - And even that, like even full blame, even blaming yourself. It's not actually taking responsibility. It's just putting yourself in the villain role of your life rather than actually taking ownership, which is a level of energetic acceptance of the foundation of the starting point rather than a perception of like, oh, now I'm the bad guy in my own story. That's not the case., you get to be the creator, but in order to be the creator, you can't blame. And I love that you mentioned human design because you and I talked about human design for a long time of being able to just understand, as a projector, I had to really and I'm still working on deconditioning myself from the way that other people perceive that work is done, because I am very skilled at quantum leaping. Like I've just realized that that is my genius zone of like, I'm like, okay, here I am, I show up, I feel fully in alignment, and then bam, bam house manifested.

Kimberly Spencer (00:08:55) - Like just coming from that place of rest and relaxation, which is very different than how I used to do life. And so you as a manifester, how do you do life differently according to your energetic blueprint?

Keri Lynn (00:09:09) - Ooh.

Keri Lynn (00:09:10) - . That's a great question. You know, it's really interesting because I've been really feeling the cult pull manifest like to support manifestos recently because from what I've understood of human design, we are some of the, the, the biggest, this one of the smallest groups, but one that needs the most deconditioning. As a manifester, for those of you who don't understand human design as a manifesto, it is our job to initiate. We are 8% of the population, and we are the only ones on this planet who are designed to initiate, which is a completely different energy than every other human being on this planet. And so in that energy, we actually have a closed what's called a closed aura, so that we can actually protect our energy so that we have the ability to actually initiate.

Keri Lynn (00:09:53) - And it's also to protect because we're not supposed to hear everybody else. We don't respond. We're the only 8% that do not respond to other people. And so if I'm listening to all of your thoughts and everybody's things and doing that. Yeah, you know, Kara, you should come over here. You know, you should do this. You could do that. You can do that. Well, then I'm not ever being in my manifest yourself. I'm never supposed to respond. And so it's a very different experience of life to most what we are conditioned to because most of us are conditioned growing up, that we have to follow the rules, that we have to listen to our parents and our elders and our yada yada yada. And when you raise like a manifester child, they are the same. So most manifest are children. They are. They're going to be the kids that are the most abused. They're going to run away the most. They're to try because they don't. As a manifester, I never need to ask permission for anything, ever, ever.

Keri Lynn (00:10:41) - And someone who tells me what I'm supposed to do or says, hey, go do this, or hey, can you this. Like if I have to respond, it's not a natural experience for us. And so it's a huge deconditioning to come into the fact that we can actually own the power of this., I will say this energy, this what I was born for and to come from that place. And it's a very it can be it's also oftentimes because we have a closed aura. Most people don't feel us the same way that you would feel if I can feel I can feel the projector or any other human-like you guys have. But when mine's closed will come in and people bounce off or like, I don't understand why I don't like her. And so a lot of times we have problems making friends as well., and so it's a different energy to be in and in order to fully step into, as you say, the sovereignty of life. It's like I've had to really journey into what this really means and surrender to it.

Keri Lynn (00:11:32) - Yeah, okay. So sometimes people aren't going to like me. And thank you for giving me this, this, this boundary of I now hold my own energy. And from this place again, this sovereign space, I know that I'm here to initiate. So what are the paths I'm supposed to take in my own life in order to initiate? Right. Which is, you know, when we were talking, one of the things you were, you were supporting me with was stepping into this new role of coming into being a paid professional speaker. And it was a really big decision for me. But again, it was this place, where I knew that I was being the most aligned manifester to myself that I'm supposed to go off and initiate, and I'm not supposed to respond to other people. What better way to do it?

Keri Lynn (00:12:09) - Something like that as being a manifester that goes out and initiates? That's what I'm supposed to do.

Keri Lynn (00:12:15) - And gets to.

Keri Lynn (00:12:16) - You know.

Keri Lynn (00:12:17) - Bring, bring change into the world. And so when we really know our design, whether it's a projector or manifester or whatever, it's like we can really come into, well, if I then decided at a point in my life where I had a decision, could I go and work this job for somebody else and not in place mall and dah dah dah, or I can come over here and land and who I'm really supposed to be.

Keri Lynn (00:12:37) - I know God's going to reward me. There's no other way.

Keri Lynn (00:12:40) - Yeah, right. Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer (00:12:41) - And it's it's. I love that you're supporting people and also bringing awareness to raising Manifest Your Children because I know you have a Manifest Your Child. I have a manifest for the child. And, one of the key points that I've liked, I just know that we're choosing to homeschool him because he is he would not thrive in a traditional educational system like he would just it would suck his soul. And yet so like finding that balance and dance and just like a very small example of like working with a manifester is as soon as we started to like, get some practice and he started to get some wins, suddenly he was like I said, oh, do you want to go play outside? He's like, no, mom, I've got more homework. I really want to do it. I said, okay, I'm not going to stop you. Like he just was.

Kimberly Spencer (00:13:27) - He was on a roll. He really wanted to learn and create, but that was he was initiating what he wanted to learn and create, and like, that's how I've been curating his schooling he initiates like he wants to learn more about one specific topic, probably space. And so then we curate like his learning is like his reading, his writing, his math is all around this topic that he really wants to dive into and master because he's initiating that. And then we can kind of fill in those spots around it. But I've had to tell him, I said, you don't have to ask permission to go to the bathroom. You just all I need to know is you just need to tell me, like, just tell me that you're going. Yeah. And I will support you in, in, like you can go, but, like, just allowing for that initiation. I mean, for a projector, learning that my design is always to invite, like it's to respond to that invitation.

Kimberly Spencer (00:14:17) - And so being able to put out the questions but never actually but allowing for that, like responding to that invitation with the total game changer for our sales in general of of managing our business, and then also looking into the human design of each one of my businesses. Game changer as well is like, what is the energetic model that it's being created here? I mean, our Crown Your Self podcast and business is a manifester.

Keri Lynn (00:14:45) - Wow. Yeah.

Keri Lynn (00:14:47) - It's funny as I as I looked into my brand, Keri Lynn, for speaking, it was I'm a manifesting generator and I was like, what? Wow. And it was really interesting because I feel into the energy that I'm like, well, of course I'm going to be busy and I'm going to be on the road. And it's a very generator energy, right? And I was like, oh, fun. And it's kind of fun that I'm like, oh, you can kind of step into that when you go onto stage when you have these places like pull in that energy, you know, it's a really interesting thing when you start to dive into all of the energies of things.

Kimberly Spencer (00:15:15) - Yeah. And, and so in finding that sovereignty and finding that ability to understand, how do we start laying the groundwork for, for sovereignty. So we have personal responsibility, we take that. We have that very unsexy conversation with ourselves where we stop blaming everybody else for our problems and take radical responsibility. But how does that apply? Systemically like when we see systemic problems, because I know you are the wealth Alchemist, and there are systemic problems in the financial industry, like how do we reclaim our sovereignty in the systems that are not designed for us to be sovereign?

Keri Lynn (00:15:51) - such good questions.

Keri Lynn (00:15:53) - So first of all, it's educating ourselves. I know I've been teaching people around this concept for the last three years of the financial systems and what happens, and teaching people how to be sovereign within or without of them, right, in the crypto space. And ultimately, the foundation is like most people need to understand how a banking system works and that we actually are run by six banks that all the money files through, that most all of it is then also run by the global financial elite.

Keri Lynn (00:16:22) - And it is the biggest, most giant pyramid scheme of the entire planet. And when you actually look at it from that perspective and you go, I'm on the bottom of an entire pyramid scheme. And while these people up there are making percent upon percent upon percent upon percent compounding interest on my money, that's just sitting in the bank making nothing. You start to start to question, like, what is this banking system? Is it for me? Who is it for? Because it's certainly not. If you're not ever asked yourself this question, it's not for you. It is for the global financial elite. And those people are so wealthy that they don't come up on a Forbes Top 100. We have the, you know, Richard Branson's and the Warren Buffett's and the Jeff Bezos of the world. They have so much money that they I don't think that's capable to count at all. Right. And so they do not exist within that system. And when we start to look at that, then we can start to make choices, right.

Keri Lynn (00:17:14) - Like, well, how are they doing that? Can we make a different choice? Can we realize what we are part of? Right. Even in that, I think sovereignty begins with like, what am I a part of? You know, it's like and you can look at that from the financial system. We can look at this from the healthcare. I would call it a sick care system. We can look at this from the education system, like you pulled your child out for the same for the same reasons that we're not in education system. We're in a system where and I have my kids in school because I have looked at we have tried homeschool. We've done all sorts of things because I agree with you. Right? You know, and I look in especially at my manifester child and I can see some of the differences even coming into high school where he's making new choice. Right? We can look at all of these systems and we can say, what's actually the system like, what are we teaching? Because in schools we're teaching people how to go be robots and how to go get jobs, and we're going to have some serious problems in these future years, is AI comes out, robots come out, and all of these so many jobs are being taken away.

Keri Lynn (00:18:02) - And this is what our kids are being trained for. Go out and be a sweet little robot. And so we can look at all of these systems and just go, hey, where is this now? And that's the first part of sovereignty. Is that like, even, like you said, as human, like as individuals, right? It's like looking at ourselves and going,? If I were to take full responsibility, what does this actually look like? Am I showing up for myself in a way that's of the highest capacity, or am I showing up for myself in a way that's actually trapping me in something that doesn't work? And all of these systems, if you ask me, they're broken and they don't work. Right. But we keep putting things through them. And so the next piece from that would be like, how can we change? What are the changes that we want to make? I think one of the things I wrote in my book, The New Wealth Magnetize Abundance, Hold Your Wealth and Leave a Legacy, one of the hardest chapters and pieces that I wrote in this book, brings up a lot for me to have put it in there.

Keri Lynn (00:18:50) - And it's funny because then my publisher even, like, borders it out like the shadows it and the only place. But what I said in it was talking about Donald Trump being president. And I said whether anyone here likes him or not is irrelevant. We're not talking politics for the moment, but as a human being, that man came in and he showed the shadow. Right. He showed us what sucks.

Keri Lynn (00:19:12) - He showed.

Keri Lynn (00:19:13) - Us. He showed us so many things that triggered so many people in humanity for so many different reasons. Right? And at the end of the day, you can go and again point a finger at him, or you can look at yourself and say, where was that trigger? What triggered in me? Right? What was in me that got triggered? And deal with it in your own self and your own shadow, but then look at it as a collective. Well, okay. If there are things that are being inappropriately done, then where is that also happening in the whole collective? And how do we make a collective change? And because of that, we're seeing a lot more people have a voice come out of the shadows and say, this isn't okay anymore, right? And so this is how we created by having the awareness, which means we have to come out of the shadows with it.

Keri Lynn (00:19:52) - Thank you. Thank you for all the things over the last few years, right, that have shown us what's in the shadows and then what we want to do to make a difference, and how are we going to show up for that you know.

Kimberly Spencer (00:20:03) - It was a huge perspective shift because when getting to experience the last few years in a different country and seeing how America was responding positive or negative, like don't like it, it, it provides you what in an in NLP they call perceptual positions. So it gives you a third-party perception where you're watching the movie of what's happening, rather than being inside the film of what's happening and being able to see how also other countries and other people were responding and how like I was surprised at some of the responses from Australians regarding some of our systems. And at that time, our president. And I was surprised at the responses, because of the ability to show the shadow and the ability to see that, and for so many Americans to have woken up to, okay, there are some serious problems in our systems that are not the teachers, it's the system that needs to be righted.

Kimberly Spencer (00:21:05) - And how do we adjust and adapt and make those changes? I mean, when, when, when we moved here to Texas, like it's the norm outside of Austin to home school now it's like it's it's.

Keri Lynn (00:21:20) - Weird because like.

Kimberly Spencer (00:21:22) - That was not the case growing up, but like like, I would say a good 60% of the moms that I meet, they. And it's not just because I'm running in homeschool communities, I'm running an entrepreneur community. It's like 60% of them homeschool their children because they've seen, I want to train my kids for what the future's going to hold, which is AI, robotics, and that the educational system is ill-prepared at this moment to teach our kids how to think and to teach the skill sets and of such storytelling that are actually going to be the leverage skill sets of the future.

Keri Lynn (00:21:56) - Like, yes, totally.

Keri Lynn (00:21:58) - So I mean, like, even if I even if I look at financial stuff. Right. Because I think, I think basic finances need to be taught in schools and they're not.

Keri Lynn (00:22:05) - And when I started really diving into crypto in my own investing strategies and all these types of things, which very excitingly, by the way, Save Your Assets is coming in the next month., another book. But as I started to dive into this stuff, I started to really again understand, like, what is this? And how do we really make changes, what is happening here? And of course, I'm teaching my kids. And so Robbie would go into school and he would start talking to people about compounding interest and all these different things, and hey, do the banking this and his teachers and his and the parents had come up to me and like, how does he know this? I didn't even know this. I'm like, I know you guys don't teach it because you don't know it. And the problem is you don't know it. And you're grown human beings with children of your own in a house with mortgages, and you don't understand how that actually functions.

Keri Lynn (00:22:55) - So what happens in a bank is that ultimately you put your money into a bank and then they have, the capability to lend it out nine times.

Keri Lynn (00:23:03) - So you have to call it 50 grand in there. So then they can take it and lend it out to I can have it, Kimberly can have it then. So and so and so and so so by nine times. Which means that they don't have that money in the bank. Right? We are literally lending out money that doesn't exist. And then what happens is that on each one of those they get to have interest, those interests. You're they're making anywhere from its mortgage rates right now, you know, 80% in 8%. Some people are locked in at 4% from before, right, all the way up to credit card, 28%, nine times on your money. Well, you make maybe 1%. Right. So again this is how we're at the bottom there at the top. And then what happens in the financial collapses that have happened in banks which we've seen in the last year, by the way.

Keri Lynn (00:23:45) - We've seen banks collapse already.

Keri Lynn (00:23:46) - You guys this isn't like like take your head out of the sand.

Keri Lynn (00:23:49) - This isn't not not happening. Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer (00:23:51) - The Silicon Valley bank, right.

Keri Lynn (00:23:53) - They they collapsed quite hard., and in that really problematically because it was a Silicon Valley bank, so many startups that were funded on this money were screwed because this is like, this isn't just like, you know, people just sitting in there and it's legacy money that people can live without for a little bit of time. Like, these people need this money, and that's what's funding the world to grow right now. And so when that starts to happen, these banks collapse because they can't actually they have not the cash. If people start to pull the cash out of the bank, it doesn't exist. Right. Like literally we have zero zero like in people. And I always think about this when you look at crypto, people are like, but crypto is nothing. There's zero there. There's like, you've come out of thin air. I'm like, what do you think actual money is.

Keri Lynn (00:24:35) - Like.

Keri Lynn (00:24:37) - Right? We print money from the fed.

Keri Lynn (00:24:38) - How many billions and billions of dollars? We are so many trillions of dollars more in debt from Covid of these last few years. And where did it come from? Where did the money come from that we just somehow, magically all got thousands of dollars? It came because they printed it and they made money out of thin air. And so now we have inflation. And I don't know about you, but I can't walk outside my house these days and not notice that everything is a.

Keri Lynn (00:24:56) - Lot more expensive. Yep. Yeah. And I think.

Kimberly Spencer (00:25:01) - Being able to like when you start seeing it like especially what you were speaking of, really reminded me of, the crash of 29. Like when that happened, when people started to see the stock market crashing, they rushed to the banks to retract their money and then depression. So it's this concept of the illusion of money. So there's the the actual financial process and system. But then there's the the money manifestation mindset. Like, how does that all play in and tie together, especially when if money is a tool, it's a resource.

Kimberly Spencer (00:25:41) - It's I've heard it described. It's like it's energy because it's thin air like it's just like oxygen. So how does all of that tie in together?

Keri Lynn (00:25:51) - To so manifesting coming into sovereignty.

Kimberly Spencer (00:25:53) - Manifest. Yeah.

Keri Lynn (00:25:55) - .. Oh it's good.

Keri Lynn (00:25:56) - Question I think it's I mean if I look at what we've just been talking about, it is the fact that we make the choice. Right. Like we make the choice from the beginning of how we first look at what's here. Right. So if I'm looking at if I even look at the manifestation process, what's here, what's in front of me. Because if everything is an illusion, including money, right? Because it is literally coming out of thin air,, and everything's an illusion, then what's the image in my mind that I'm putting out there to see? Am I seeing $0 in my bank account, or am I seeing that there are hundreds of thousands of dollars in my bank account? Because whatever I see is what I'm going to create, and it's the same thing.

Keri Lynn (00:26:33) - And the other thing to consider, and I will say this too, and I think this is something to really, is an awareness to pay into is the slavery debt based society that we live in, right? So if we see government and I think this is one of the biggest problems that we have as far as getting ourselves out of this if we see the government printing out money upon money upon money, first of all, we see it as an endless like, it's just it can be created from thin air, right? But the way they do it puts us into such debt that we go backwards. And ultimately, I can't remember the exact number, but like each one of us has like 100 and 120,000. Don't quote me on this, but it's a substantial amount of money, about $120,000 worth of debt on our heads the moment that we're basically born. Right? We're human. And you come into debt of trillions of dollars. Well, I that's my debt at some level as a human in this, in this American society.

Keri Lynn (00:27:21) - And so when we look at that from a manifestation perspective, if we haven't looked at how we are enslaved in the system and how we are taught to live in fear, scarcity, lack debt because that is literally what we are taught from the top down. Right. And the reality is that most parents. Haven't actually learned and then been able to teach us. We are starting this right. You know, you and I and this beautiful community that we have., but from before this, it was not consciously taught to anybody that it's like, actually we're not in that there's always been some sort of lack and scarcity drilled into us in, in the financial world. So the first piece, in order to actually having the manifestation is to look at like, again, it's these beautiful ways of like getting curious. I think that's the first step every time is to like, get curious and go, okay, so what do I believe? Where am I at? What are the beliefs that were passed down to me from generations to generations? What were the beliefs that were passed on to me from debt, from government? What were the beliefs that were passed down to me, from my teachers, from my mentors, whatever it is.

Keri Lynn (00:28:24) - Right. And then from there, we can say, is that true or not? And then if it isn't true, well, what's the new choice to be made? And then from that choice, we create a new vision. We create a new timeline, a new experience, and then we can manifest from that space versus the space of this is inherently who we are because God told us not. I'm not going to say that because the government told us, because people outside of us told us that this is, you know, what's supposed to be true, but it's not. And like when I look at the new wealth, the vision for this, it was really like, how do we move from lack and scarcity into, well, if it's just as easy for me to see on the image of my mind lack and scarcity, and it's just as easy for us to live in this space because that's what we've been trained to believe. Then it's equally as easy for me to go, wait, I can just have a really abundant, beautiful, loving, peaceful, blissful life and you and I both know it's not quite as simple as just being like.

Keri Lynn (00:29:15) - And here we are. Yeah, looks like a.

Kimberly Spencer (00:29:18) - Decade of work for me.

Keri Lynn (00:29:20) - This is a journey of a bridge that was not comfortable. Yeah, it was uncomfortable.

Kimberly Spencer (00:29:25) - But because you're, you're literally pulling yourself out of a system and extracting all of the different generational societal beliefs. And if we were to just look at this current system that we live in, I mean, right now there's the threat of a government shutdown in general, not to talk politics. And one of the things that this person is,, presenting is that the government has not yet balanced the budget. And I was like, we are supposed to be if we look to our leaders and as government as a leader, and they're not yet doing these basic financial things, then collectively, it says as a society, like not balancing a budget and, oh, let's just spend oh, let's just debt. Collectively as a society, what are we picking up for in the collective consciousness as well? And we're picking up spending more than you earn.

Kimberly Spencer (00:30:16) - Know what's a budget like and how we manage money. Like we're picking up collectively that, oh, we can just be kind of willy-nilly about it and we'll just kind of go along.

Keri Lynn (00:30:27) - Credit.

Kimberly Spencer (00:30:27) - Debt. Yeah, yeah. Tons of credit card debt. And like, I mean, I can't tell you the relief that I felt when I paid off $40,000 worth of credit card debt and I was like, free done. Thank you. Like not not doing that again. And just but the perception of and it's not that debt is bad. It's like I look at it as debt. When you take personal responsibility, it's a choice to pay something over, pay something off over time. It's a choice unless you're choosing to unconsciously choose that like, and you're not actually consciously choosing that thing.

Keri Lynn (00:31:01) - So it's.

Keri Lynn (00:31:02) - More of a trauma.

Keri Lynn (00:31:03) - Response and warmer trauma response rate. So how do we extract?

Kimberly Spencer (00:31:09) - Ourselves from this system. Like what is first of all, what is a mindset to start thinking of? To start actually extracting ourselves from the system to embrace a new level of consciousness about wealth and money?

Keri Lynn (00:31:21) -, so I think the first step, again, if we come back to is like to actually even have an awareness, do I want to be a part of the system? Because right now, as we talk about this awakening, I would imagine some of you listening have never actually considered this.

Keri Lynn (00:31:33) - Right? Like, and if this is you, I wildly celebrate you right now.

Keri Lynn (00:31:37) - I want you to be.

Kimberly Spencer (00:31:38) - Triggering.

Keri Lynn (00:31:39) - You know, right now. Right?

Keri Lynn (00:31:41) - And I'm so freaking excited that you were here listening to this conversation because I really hope that you then go and look and you say, is this for me? Because some people, don't want to break free, right? And if that's you, celebrate that to make that choice that that's for you. But then otherwise it's like we have to make the awareness and the choice, then the thought process. And I will say, actually, this was a really interesting piece for me when I separated from my ex last year and when we separated, I don't know if anyone, anyone listening has been married for a long time. It was 17 years we were together and your dreams become our dreams, right? And so in the separation, I was like,? What are my dreams like? What do I even want if I'm just on my own and I want to create it, like, because sometimes it was like a combined thing or like it would happen because I knew he was going to be that side of it?

Keri Lynn (00:32:31) - So it was awesome. I'm psyched to have that dream, but it wasn't going to be my job, part of the job to create that part of the dream. Right. And so I think it's the same concept here is it's like sometimes it can be a little bit wobbly. I didn't know right away like it's taken me a year of just sitting in like, I don't fucking know. And I say this to give permission to like, if you're just waking up to this, you don't have to know. But eventually what you have to do is find that vision within yourself and then the beliefs. Ultimately, I say it's a bead you have, right? Look at the person that you want to be like, so I want to go out. We've just said to be a paid professional speaker, yada yada yada. So now I'm going to go and work with people who are paid professional speakers. And how do they show up? What are the things that they do? Like we're modeling, right? What are the what are the ways that they experience life? What are the things that they have to do on a daily basis to get this job done? What do they do? So like, who am I going to have to be, right? Well, I'm not going to be somebody who doesn't ever get on a podcast and who isn't going to be willing to take no for an answer.

Keri Lynn (00:33:29) - And you know, all the things. And I'm not going to be the person who's got, like, a tiny little voice that wants to just have a little quiet, mousy thing, right? Like, we've got to then look and go, okay, well, who's that person over there? I want to be a singer. Well, who does the singer show up to be? I want to be an artist. What is she doing? If I want to have a hot body, right? I'm not sitting on my couch. I love that you did that. The story the other day, that post the other day.

Keri Lynn (00:33:49) - Like, I'm up at 5 a.m. and I'm waking everybody up, right?

Keri Lynn (00:33:52) - That person doesn't sit on her behind and be like, yeah, somehow if I just sit here, my body is going to be hot and I'm going to feel great. Right. And so it's like we look at the way that we want to be. So we create that vision. Who do I have to be in order to bring that into my world? Then I go and do I take those actions.

Keri Lynn (00:34:11) - So I want to have a hot body then, or I want to feel really good because I know for me it's not really about the size of my body, it's how I feel inside and the mental capacity to live. And so I go do the action and then I have the result. I feel better. Right? And so when we look at these choices, if we're in a system that we don't like, if we're in a life or an experience that we don't want to be in, then we have to do that assessment and then, okay, who do I want to be instead? And then take those action steps. And I think a lot of people do this backward. It's like, what do I want to have? And so I try and get to that. And then there's this gap and I and I find it interesting. I've been talking to some people about this and I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it. But the gap when it's like I'm sitting here and the have is over there.

Keri Lynn (00:34:50) - Right. And it's like there's a real anxious place in the middle. And I'm like, but what if it didn't have to feel so anxious? Because it's actually just I'm just focusing on the being because I think it's the gap that actually creates the anxiety of like, I can't, I don't know how to because you don't, you've not experienced it. Right? Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer (00:35:07) - You're you're tripping over the how.

Keri Lynn (00:35:09) - Uhhuh.

Keri Lynn (00:35:09) - And so it's really interesting because the more that I collapse that piece, the less anxiety I feel towards the vision. And I think that anxiety can create., obviously it's a vibration, right? It's the fear. Because I don't actually know.

Kimberly Spencer (00:35:22) - Like my my reaction is it's and I take this from my experience in reprogramming my mind and body around from ten years of being bulimic. And when I was going through that retraining, and this was before I knew anything, this was just my own experimentation. I realized that what I wanted to have was not necessarily a fit body like I technically wanted, but that was the personification of the feeling that I thought I would have.

Kimberly Spencer (00:35:49) - And I think when we forget that, when we attach it to like, I want to have a bajillion dollars in our in my bank account, or I want to have this. It's not the thing that you necessarily want to have. It's what is the feeling? And so if we can think of like, how can I manifest? How can I create that feeling, that desired vibration? Because that's an emotional vibration that's unconscious. How can I create that feeling? Now? That's when we start to bring the having of what the picture. Because, the picture of what we think we want, whether it's a body or hundreds of thousands of dollars in our bank account or the dream house or the dream business like the picture is what's dictating what we think it is. But it's not just the picture, it's the feelings that we think that by being in that picture we're going to experience. And when we can have that, those feelings, that changes everything. And it draws that picture closer to us because suddenly we're feeling the feelings already of what that would result in.

Keri Lynn (00:36:46) - That's an amazing distinction. It's like it's the true essence. What you just said is living in the wish fulfilled. And I remember when I first heard that living in the wish fulfilled, I was like, that's bullshit.

Keri Lynn (00:36:57) - Right? You're like, what are you talking about?

Keri Lynn (00:36:59) - I don't know what that wish is, right? Because if you look at it from a really mental perspective, that is true, right? Like, I don't know, how can I live with that wish fulfilled? I don't have a man sitting next to me. I don't have $1 million in my bank account I don't have, so it can't be true. Right. But if we step into the feelings of the wish fulfilled that it's already here, and the more that you feel those experiences of life, it's like, of course, things just show up around you. I can't. Yeah, until you actually get it. Like you can't understand it. But I swear to God, all day long when you really get this, when you really get this.

Keri Lynn (00:37:29) - And it's so freaking simple. I mean, like, I think you and I just gave them, like, a gift of, like, truly thousands of dollars of training. You and I have been through.

Keri Lynn (00:37:38) - Thousands of dollars of training. Right. Drew hundreds of thousands of dollars in training. Literally put it.

Keri Lynn (00:37:44) - Here. Like this is worth millions to you guys. Like it truly is the answer. And it people oftentimes make it make it so much harder.

Kimberly Spencer (00:37:52) -, and I think that the biggest trip up that I've seen in my own manifestation process is when I actually realized that I don't have clarity on what that picture looks like. Right. And if you don't have clarity on what that picture looks like, then you're constantly manifesting what it doesn't look like. And then that's what you're experiencing is your reality. So it's getting clarity on what would it look like. How would you imagine? It's it's we're very good at imagining chaos. We're very good at imagining the worst-case scenario, which is why we sometimes create that.

Kimberly Spencer (00:38:23) - But when we can imagine and put ourselves in like, what would it look like? Like just to dream for a second, like what would it look like to just like, wake up and not have a stack full of bills? Or what would it look like to wake up and just be like, oh yeah, I can pay that, no problem. Like, what would it look like to wake up and, and look in the mirror and be like, damn, like I look good today? Like, what would that look like? And so just playing in the imagination of getting clarity on what the picture is, and then once you see clarity on the picture, then you can see, okay, well, how am I feeling? How am I responding to things? And that's more my projector language of like, what are the invitations that I'm getting inside of that, inside of that picture? Like what? What am I receiving? What am I experiencing? Like, am I experiencing massive anxiety because oh my gosh, like I need to pay these bills or something? No, probably not, am I? Am I experiencing the massive anxiety of like, oh I well oh, or the disappointment or the like, oh, my body's not where I want it to be?

Kimberly Spencer (00:39:29) - No, because that's not what's been happening in the picture. So we have to have clarity on the picture first and then from like or at least this is my process, finding clarity on the picture of what is that internal representation to use NLP language that you see here feel like a full sensory image. And then what are you feeling as you're going about your day inside of that dream reality? Like what are you feeling at peace like? Are you feeling joy? Are you feeling like I'll get it done at some point? It's not like you're probably not feeling the overwhelmed guilt, shame, and fear that you have at this moment. You're probably feeling a lot more clarity in that picture. You're probably feeling like you know exactly what you're supposed to do. And so then going into your day and going into your work and going into your whether it's working out or your work or your finances, going into your day with those feelings of like, I already know what I need to do because the multi-million dollar version of yourself isn't going like, how do I think about the multi-million dollar? Like, how am I thinking about that now? You already know there.

Kimberly Spencer (00:40:33) - So like that version of yourself is already experiencing it. And so you go into your day thinking, feeling those feelings like I already know what I need to do and trusting yourself in that space.

Keri Lynn (00:40:45) - I love that. Yeah, I want to, I want to add to it because one of the things that like it's so true that you need to have the vision and I had said earlier that last year, this last year I really didn't. And so I want to just kind of speak to like when you don't write because as a person who is epic and I've been teaching manifestation for 20 years and I'm a really good manifester and I can tell you when I didn't exactly what you said, and I sat in a dark hole and true like there's nobody around me and anyone who's been through divorce and the things that I went through like, sometimes we just need to be there. And that's why I'm saying this, because sometimes we just need to heal, and sometimes we just need to experience life and feel it.

Keri Lynn (00:41:20) - But I can tell you it was not pleasant, and I know it did not move me towards anything. But this is where I want to say the hugeness because I had to start walking before I had a vision. And I think this is sometimes really important, is that if you're in that space where you don't actually have full clarity, that's okay too, because if you just step and you're not certain, that's okay, because that step will take you to the next step that might take you to the next step of knowing. So for me, one of the ways that was out was like, again, knowing ourselves, knowing the truth of ourselves, I know I love to write at any given point in time in my life, if there was something that I could always do is write. And if I'm not writing, there's something not okay with myself, right? I'm an author. I call myself an author for a freaking reason. Right? And I've written more words than many probably will write an entire life.

Keri Lynn (00:42:07) - I can write in a year, right? And so when I. I wasn't writing, I was like, My God, I couldn't journal, I couldn't say I didn't want my on my computer, right? And none of it. And so literally, my publisher put a thing out and he's like, hey, early bird special on for book writing. This was November. He put it on for February and I sent him a message. I'm like, I have no idea what I'm going to write. I don't know if I'll be ready, but I'm going to sit my butt in a chair and I'm going to write and I'm going to write myself out, and you're going to make me sit my butt in a chair and write myself out. And if I have to wait for three months to get there, to the place where I can finally write myself out, that's what's going to happen. Because I knew that that was my way out. I didn't know the vision people. Literally, we had this was February.

Keri Lynn (00:42:42) - We had a call set for right after New Year's to actually land the book. And he's like, you're not ready. I'm like, I'm not ready. I don't know what I'm going to write. I was not ready. I was not ready. And all of a sudden when it hit, it hit. I had a huge experience in life that blew up life and it hit and both of us just went, you're ready. And I'm like, I'm ready. We landed the book Everything in My Life. Like I had to purge so much of this stuff through my writing because that's what it was. And even when I wrote, I was like, I don't know that I'm gonna publish. Throughout the whole book writing process. I was like, I know that I'm writing it for me. I don't know, I'm gonna publish it. My publishers are still pushing me behind through. So you're publishing this? Keri is really good. I'm like. But the point is, like, I'm still here, taking the steps, not actually knowing the vision yet.

Keri Lynn (00:43:26) - Yeah, I don't know what's going to happen with that book. I just know that it needed to be birthed through me. And I know that there are so many things that are going to help. And regardless of what it does for anyone else. To be totally fair, with this one, it saved me, right? And I say this because sometimes we don't know. And I still don't know, but that book has a frickin life of its own, and it has taken me on a journey. And that's what happens with books. We birth them and it's like they really birth us and sometimes we don't know. And through that process, though, it has given me the gift of myself. It has given me so like beyond words, what I have done in writing that book, and it has put me on the path that I'm on now. But I didn't know. And so sometimes we just got to take chances and risks and know ourselves enough to go. I know that this is a step but sometimes beyond that I don't know the next one.

Keri Lynn (00:44:14) - But that's manifestation. Like that's co-creation. Like I don't have to always know. And that's when we like we are in that true surrender of, I'm going to walk with you. God, I'm going to be like, all right, I'm going to. You showed me. I have a very clear yes, this is what I'm supposed to do. I don't know the step beyond it, but thank God you showed me this one. And this is just a little bit piece of light that's going to take me to the next one. And so I think sometimes, like if you don't have that clear vision, that's how we get there.

Kimberly Spencer (00:44:39) - I think it's, the word that comes to me is devotion, a devotion to the commitment to the gift of processing it through and whatever that creative modality is for you, whether it's painting or dance or sports or writing, like just allowing for that gift for someone that's birthing a business, like it's what is that creative modality for you that allows you to, to get that activate in, to just take step after step? It reminds me of what my mom said in high school when I was really, really depressed, like super depressed, super perfectionistic, trying to do everything right, getting A's in all the classes that I didn't care about.

Kimberly Spencer (00:45:27) - And she said, Kim, she said, just take a step. Just take a step. That's it. And that it's in that that just do some action to move you out of that space so that you feel. And for me, that was like writing a screenplay and just being.

Keri Lynn (00:45:46) - Just a 16 year.

Kimberly Spencer (00:45:49) - Old.

Keri Lynn (00:45:49) - Just won awards.

Kimberly Spencer (00:45:50) - I'm just yeah, you know, let's just do it.

Keri Lynn (00:45:54) - We just discuss here. Wait really quickly. I want to say here because.

Keri Lynn (00:45:56) - I think this is a really big thing in entrepreneurs and in women like the dualities, right? Like the dualities of how we can mask what we actually feel inside. And yet we can be so freaking amazingly epic on the outside. And like, I think one of the things that I know for me personally is like, I'm so glad we're having this conversation because I think a lot more people need to understand that. Like just because we look really amazingly successful on the outside, and you and I can sit here and say, we're on podcasts, I have books, I have all these things.

Keri Lynn (00:46:19) - I promise you that there is darkness sometimes, and it's like, I don't know how I'm going to take that next step, but you frickin do. And I think sometimes we have to remember that, like for ourselves and for others, and that like, we're all in this together. And I think there are so many people who hide their mental health stuff. And I'm so grateful now that we're having circles that we are in. Right. And it's not common. It's not common for us to be able to be like, oh my God, I'm really successful. But I'm also falling apart in the mess.

Keri Lynn (00:46:45) - Yeah.

Keri Lynn (00:46:46) - Yeah. And it's okay and it's okay.

Kimberly Spencer (00:46:49) - Yeah. I mean, I've seen especially with entrepreneurs, there's just in general there's a higher rate as far as every entrepreneur I've ever talked to has always experienced some form of anxiety or depression at some point in their life, at some point in their journey. And I think being open and transparent with that's like it's part of the journey it doesn't have. It will not last long necessarily, but it may be part of your journey.

Kimberly Spencer (00:47:13) - And that's okay. I'm giving that permission to allow for it to process instead of repressing, or suppressing it. And then and then, one of my favorite books, The Body Keeps the Score, the Body, the Body always asks for its due. Eventually, it's shifting into the mental stress that can come with finances. And you like circling back to, like eradicating yourself from the system, being okay with being in that space of saying, okay, I don't know what it is that I want. How do you then start building what it is that you want? How can you start creating a system that works for you?

Keri Lynn (00:47:57) - Beautiful. So again, if we come back to what we've been saying, like it's so beautiful, how like the layers, it's always the same thing really. Right. So if we look at it first we have to the vision. You have to know what you want. So again I think so many people lack this. What do I actually really want in my life?

Keri Lynn (00:48:14) - And I think a lot of times as well, having been in the personal development space and entrepreneurial space for a long time, a lot of people put a carrot that isn't even theirs, right? Like, I want the seven-figure year, I want the big house. I'm like, do you actually? Or is that just a picture that someone told you you needed to have that success? Right. So this is like number one thing is like, what does it actually mean? And at the end of the day, like when you then start to backtrack, like I look at this again, is this big picture like, okay, so this is what I want. How do I come back to backtrack that? Well, if we look at numbers like Basic, here we are numbers people are going to need to know, like okay, so if I want to live off of my freedom number is 100 K a year, 250 K years, seven whatever it is, whatever your freedom number is is, which is what's it going to cost for me to live my life and the desires that I have in my life? Right.

Keri Lynn (00:49:00) - And then you go, okay, so if I want 100 grand a year, which whatever that is, right, it's just going to say it for numbers here, then call it I need $1 million in a bank account at 10% a year to make a hundred grand a year. It's really that simple. So then how do I make $1 million in my bank account, make me 10% a year, you know, and so then you can start to look at now. Then you start to make choices again. We come to do you have then you'll start to make choices that are in alignment. So I watch people and they're like, I can't afford to. I'm like, I know people who have made 100 K a year or 60 K a year that they live under the budget, and then they actually even if it's tick by, tick by tick, $10 a week, whatever it is, right? You start to put aside money. But at that point, you'll make new choices. I'm not going to go buy that pair of earrings.

Keri Lynn (00:49:44) - It's a piece of shit, cheap pair of earrings that don't really matter to me, that I would rather put that $10 into savings. Right? And we start to make new and aligned choices so that we can actually create the financial sovereignty that we desire. Does that answer that question for you?

Kimberly Spencer (00:49:58) - And so with that money being in a bank, though, it is being in a system. So eradicating yourself from that system, is it is it crypto? Is it NFTs that, you know, kind of happened, and then now they're not?

Keri Lynn (00:50:13) - So like.

Kimberly Spencer (00:50:16) - What's not saying that this is financial advice but like how like is it just the understanding of knowing that the money is in a system? Is it being able to play both sides of saying, I'm going to be in the system, but not of the system? Understanding that if your money is in the system, then you know, what other things do you have that are outside of it? Maybe real estate that's owned equity or something else? How do you work within and also without the system?

Keri Lynn (00:50:45) - So funny, I said Save Your Assets is launching like I am actually teaching this in the course.

Keri Lynn (00:50:49) - So I'll be teaching like how do you break this down? And you make a line decisions for your risk assessment for how do you even know again, this vision, how do we break this down. They'll be calculators all sorts of stuff like that. So it's funny that I'm actually like, oh, I'm actually teaching this. It's exciting., but to say it is broadly as humanly possible here without giving financial advice, really does depend on your desires. Again, like, do I feel there's a lot of people who are like, I don't want to go into the crypto space and it's too much work or it's whatever? So like that's a choice. There's nothing right or wrong with that. That's just a choice. And if you now know that I'm in a banking system that does this thing and you choose to stay there, then you know that. I will also say that like, be mindful because if the banking system has problems, you can have your money trapped in a bank.

Keri Lynn (00:51:36) - And again, that has happened in the last year. We've had bail-in laws happen across the world, meaning that the bank actually holds your money and you can't access it. That is part of what is happening right now. And so people think that the banking system is safe, but it's not in that respect., but then again, moving into the crypto space, you have different risks and there is an education that comes with it. I would tell anybody who wants to move into there, like, you need to educate yourself and you need to be the sovereigns here. The beautiful thing about sovereignty in the crypto space is that it is out of the banking systems. And if we look at this on a very., crypto level, which I love talking about. You are out of the banking system. It is not. The money cannot be tracked back to you unless you do things that trace it back to you, which is fine, but like, it doesn't have like you don't have a number, like you're a number in a system like you're just a number.

Keri Lynn (00:52:28) - You're not, you know, and so you do have a different level of sovereignty for yourself. But sovereignty is also a responsibility. Right. So if you truly and I'm saying this because there are different levels of crypto, you can come into crypto and you can go buy your Bitcoin and your ETH and you can live on a centralized thing like Coinbase, and you're not actually totally decentralized. And I'm not going to get into the technicals of this. But like it's still like yeah, you can go buy it and it'll sit there. And if something happens you'll have someone to talk to and happen. But here's when you fully decentralize yourself, which means that your money is literally it's like, if I lost my wallet, I would lose the cash that's in, my wallet. Right. It's that level of decentralization because you can't go to the bank and say, by the way, I dropped my wallet and can you give me $100 back? It makes me say, screw you. So when we get to that level of decentralization, then ultimately the level of responsibility that you have to have in order to know that you do not have somebody you can just call up and be like, by the way, I just lost my wallet.

Keri Lynn (00:53:25) - And so it's a really beautiful thing. And it's also a level of responsibility that people don't always consider. And so there's an education that has to happen for you to be able to navigate it safely. So when you ask me that question, I will say, do you want that? Do you not? Right. I will firmly say over and over and over again that I think it's most definitely worth your time to learn this, because from the inside, knowing what's going on over here in the crypto world and knowing blockchain, you can look at all the ups and downs and all the volatile things and you can, you know, whatever things are going to come and go. Just like in the dotcom era, things came and went, right? So this is a new field and we're going to have things that fail and things that are going to we're going to learn our lessons. Right. And so in that same way. So if we yeah, if we look to like what's going to be continuing to happen, then we need to educate ourselves.

Keri Lynn (00:54:21) - Blockchain. Blockchain technology itself is here to stay. We already seeing them get layered into banks. So some of these technologies are already coming into the banking system. You just won't know about it. So the way that it works, when we actually look at blockchain and decentralized finance, when you fully pull yourself out, is that you become your own bank. So all those things that I just talked about like that the banking system has, well, I can now lend out money. I make that interest. I am effectively the bank. And so we can then have higher interest rates, like when we when the whole market has just crashed. DeFi market did go down and we were only getting 1 to 5%. I've seen things now back up again. And so you can hit 10 to 20% compounding interest depending on where you are and when the market is. And you know how far deep you want to go into this, but you can actually get to places where in the traditional banking system, we can't get those percentages.

Keri Lynn (00:55:11) - And not only that but one of the truest, most. Phenomenal things that a bank has is daily compounding interest. And if you look at compounding interest over time, people, if you're making say, you've got $1,000 in your bank account and you've got 1% coming in, what's that, ten, a dollar in a month, right? And so you'll make a dollar a month. So now at the end of the month, you have $1,000 and $1,001.

Keri Lynn (00:55:37) - Right. But if that.

Keri Lynn (00:55:38) - Compounds every day, then you have 1001. And then the next day it's 1001 and ten and it's 1000, right? So by the end of the month call it's 1010. Right. So you've already made more money in that month, which then compounds on top of itself and up which over time makes a big, big difference. And so when you can actually come into the space and you can actually get to be the bank, you'll see a huge shift in the way that you can actually, again, have a relationship with money and what it can do for you.

Keri Lynn (00:56:06) - So when you ask that question, it's kind of like you have to decide. And at the end of the day, it's an alignment. Like, what is that vision? How do I want to get there? Where's my risk? Looking at all the different components of what you would want to do? Where does that fit into a risk profile, and how much time and energy do you want to spend doing it? And we'll say one more thing my mentor talks about and I freaking love this comment, is, a lot of people look at diversification and say that this is a really good thing for a portfolio. My mentor will talk about it. He uses this word called diversification. Diversification. And I love this concept because a lot of people will try and go and invest in too many things at one time.

Keri Lynn (00:56:47) - . Right.

Keri Lynn (00:56:47) - So they'll be like, okay, I'm going to go and I'm going to try and be in crypto and I'm trying to stock market and I'm going to buy a house and then they're going to because they want to diversify but they know nothing about any of it.

Keri Lynn (00:56:55) - And they're trusting everybody else. Again this is putting our power outside of ourselves. I'm trusting everybody else to tell me that this is the right thing, but you don't know enough about any one of those things to be like, I can make a really sound, educated decision. Right. So my suggestion is that no matter what it is that you choose in any one of these avenues, is that you educate yourself enough to understand that thing first, get good at it first, and then be like, okay, great. I now get that like, so now I can go like I get DeFi. It's good. We're good over here, right? I want to try, which is true. Like I'm like, maybe I want to start doing some real estate investing now, right? Because DeFi and I are pretty, pretty like pretty sound. Yeah. Right. And so now I'm like, okay. So now I would open up to can I do something else? But then how does that fit into my portfolio, my risk this vision?

Keri Lynn (00:57:37) - Right. And then we can make these aligned choices.

Kimberly Spencer (00:57:39) - That's the risk. And also the management like the self-management that comes into being able to be aware of your finances and whatnot. And you know, having real estate properties and like making like we learned such we had one property, a multi-unit apartment complex in Albuquerque that was just it was hard learning lesson like it was just challenging with managing the managers and figuring out how to make all the improvements and dealing with, you know, tenants and all the things and those. And I'm not saying don't do it because we definitely have some great investments that we've had in real estate. And it is a learning curve. And we had a nice we're just going to put it probably $100,000 education in, from that first property, simply because of the learning curve that came with having a multi-unit as compared to what my husband was more used to, which was flipping, wholesaling, etc.. So inside of whatever you choose to go with and in investing in exploration, there are also the variances what you said is like you can go with crypto that you can just go to Coinbase, have your wallet, or go into complete DeFi or you go into like what is coming down the pipeline within a lot of governments, which is CBDCs.

Kimberly Spencer (00:59:02) - Right? so it's like you can choose which is your the path that you want to choose, but it does come. There are gradients even within there's levels within the the investment space that you're looking at. And, one of my mentors, Mel Abraham, just recently spoke on, wealth growth and whatnot, and he said, always be the captain of a ship. It doesn't matter whether you have a financial advisor a fiduciary or someone in the space, like you are the captain of the ship regardless. And it's that vision first that you want to start with and then lead into that.

Keri Lynn (00:59:38) - It's actually why I wrote this book and the course, the way that I did it was because there's so many people who it's like, if you go to a financial advisor, the financial advisor is going to tell you to invest in stocks. That's what they do, right? If you go to a real estate person, they're going to tell you the real estate is the best, and they've got seven houses and whatever the thing is and they're going, no, no, no, no, no, they're going to think that's the best.

Keri Lynn (00:59:56) - And if you go to a crypto person who's successful in crypto, they might tell you that crypto is the best, right? But none of that's true. And all of that's.

Keri Lynn (01:00:04) - True, right?

Keri Lynn (01:00:05) - You've got to figure out what's the best for you. And you have to know within yourself what's the best that you can do and then seek the help that you want. And they're only helping you to get specific information for that thing that you're working on at that moment. It's not that they understand your portfolio because they don't, and they actually probably don't necessarily I don't know if they have. They asked you, right? If you go to buy real estate, they're not necessarily asking you what's your stock portfolio and what's this. And how does this fit into your long-term vision? We're just going to be like, great, let's go buy a house.

Keri Lynn (01:00:36) - Yep. Right.

Keri Lynn (01:00:36) - Let me have that commission. Right. And it's fair. That's what they're there for. And so, that's why I did it.

Keri Lynn (01:00:42) - It was like I really wanted people to understand, like, what is it that you that is your vision and how do you work towards that and how do you create that for yourself? Because that's the foundation for everything.

Kimberly Spencer (01:00:51) - Yeah, yeah. And I love I love what you just said. And a lot of fiduciaries, won't even touch crypto. They're focused on stocks and bonds and all of that. And so it's looking at this the whole gamut of like what do you want to start with. And having that starting point in building generational wealth. How do you think about money now in terms of like what you're teaching to your kids? Like, how do you think about money in terms of the legacy that you're leaving?

Keri Lynn (01:01:17) - .

Keri Lynn (01:01:17) - It's interesting because the reason that I want to go into speaking and the place that I want to go into speaking is working with high-level people in corporate. And the fact that I look at it as if I, I mean very deeply in my experience of money and what you even said earlier today, which is money is energy and money is a currency.

Keri Lynn (01:01:34) - And if I look at money as a currency, it is one of the current I don't know, I don't know. You can tell me if there is there's any other currency on this planet that moves, is daily, and touched by so many people every single day, all day long, as money. And so if I look at that as a currency, and that's an energy that moves through our planet, I am here, without a doubt, to help shift the consciousness of this planet. So I'm like, well, the fastest way that I can look at doing that is let's change the relationship that we have with money, because then if we do and we change the people who are holding the money and carrying the money and moving the money and shifting the money, then the entire energy that comes through that shifts. And so I believe that as we start to evolve in our own selves, and I believe this, whether it's money or anything, any part of what we're doing in in this change as we start to I think it's a very individual journey and it's like we're moving from this big tribal thing that happened right in our world, that we all have to be doing the same exact thing, the socialism, this whole like we're all here together, we're all one.

Keri Lynn (01:02:29) - But actually, the more that we come back into our individuality, right? And we do what's right for each one of us, and then we come into our wholeness within ourselves. Then from that space, we shift the whole consciousness, taking responsibility, moving that through. And it starts with one. It starts with each one of us. And then through that, the currency will change the way that we manage things changes. And so, like on a very big picture, that's my, my feelings around money right now, that we can make a huge change on the planet, by the way, that we show up for ourselves and our relationship with it., and I think as far as kids go, like, it's our duty in life as human beings to learn this stuff so that they don't. And, like, what's going to happen? Like, I really do think, like what's going to happen when we look at the future for our kids of the way that money works, like, what is the system going to look like, and how do we want to create that? Because these kids of ours are coming through right now, you're freaking brilliant and genius.

Keri Lynn (01:03:26) - And like, I look at my kids who are 11 and 14, I'm like if I knew then what you guys, if I was the person, then right? If I could be the human being that you two are and the awareness that you have. Holy cow. And I just look at what's coming through because I know it's not just my kids, many kids like this. And I'm like, I get chills again.

Kimberly Spencer (01:03:43) - I got chills too, because I see it. I see it in my kids too. I mean, my six-year-old knows what yield is like. He knows what yield is like, and he knows that you put money in and then you get a yield, whether it's you put money into crypto or you put money into a high-yield savings account or a Roth IRA like he understands the concept of like growing wealth. And one of the things that one of my mentors has talked about is that the 1% of the 1% like the super wealthy, don't think about where their next 100 K month is coming from.

Kimberly Spencer (01:04:21) - They think about how is what they're creating in their own wealth going to impact five generations down the road. And when we can start seeing its legacy and when we can start thinking beyond ourselves, which is hard, especially if you're in the, in the beginning, struggles of like in that Maslow's hierarchy of needs of, you know, where's your next money coming from because you're living paycheck to paycheck, like 55% of Americans like. So how does one start when you're at that space?

Keri Lynn (01:04:55) - . I think it's prioritizing. You know, even if you look at our kids. Right. My kids now understand. Well, I can spend this money that's $5 on this toy over here, or I can keep that. And so I actually asked my kids, like, when they want me to buy cheap shit for them, I'm like, would you spend your $5 on that? No. Okay. Well, then I'm not spending mine. Right. And it's the same thing throughout. Look around your house.

Keri Lynn (01:05:16) - Look at how you spend your money. Because I guarantee you. Guarantee you I don't know one person on this planet that I couldn't look at your budget and go, oh, you could cut $10 a week right there. Done. No problems. And you take that $10 a week and you put that into a savings account just for now, put it into a savings account. Don't complicate this, guys, because we can sit here and talk about banks. Your $10 in your bank isn't going to. It's fine. Okay. Put it in there. Make your 1% and just start making it a habit to start growing that and that. You're like, I don't need that. And actually what I find with a lot of people, having worked with so many people and understanding the fact that like when I started to really dive into this work and where I'm really aligned to help people are the people who.

Keri Lynn (01:05:56) - Alarm around.

Keri Lynn (01:05:57) - With a lot of people. We start to learn to manifest. But then at the end of the year, you can make multiple six, you can make seven, you can whatever all these amounts of money.

Keri Lynn (01:06:04) - But at the end of the year, we have nothing to show for it, not me, but other people. And so when we look at that concept, right, and we say, well, what's the actual thing here is most people don't feel good at some level holding on to money. Right? There's some block that's in yourself that has said, I'm not allowed to I'm not worthy of having this. So the fact that you start the habit of if it's $1, $5, $10, $100, whatever it is that you can find to afford to do right, and you start that habit and you let that sit there. Just let it sit there and you feel okay with more money coming into that and watching it grow. It will change your life. It's so simple and yet it will change your life.

Keri Lynn (01:06:44) - . Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer (01:06:45) - And it's such a power like that for me was a huge shift when even though I had $40,000 worth of debt, I started shifting from just paying down the debt to and this is just my strategy to investing a little bit at a time and seeing that bank account grow.

Kimberly Spencer (01:07:04) - I invested in percentages, so I was like just 5%. And at first, and seeing that bank account grow, like suddenly I was able to pay off 40,000 and grow to like to be able to hire our first fiduciary years ago that I was just so ecstatic about because I had a 50-day limit and I was like.

Keri Lynn (01:07:22) - Oh, I can do it. Uhhuh.

Kimberly Spencer (01:07:25) - And I was just so ecstatic. But it's a mindset shift because when it's shifting from the either-or mentality to an and yes and in that, yes you can grow wealth and you can decrease your debt. And it's a crazy mindset shift. But when I started to see the money and one account growing, suddenly I was like, oh my God, like suddenly the other. I was focused on growing wealth rather than paying down debt. And it was a game-changer. And it's a big it's from other financial people in the industry. It's a different who has a different take on it. I saw that as being a greater mindset shift than what I had been focused on and what I'd been trained by other, you know, wealthy people in the industry to just, like, decrease your debt and eat rice and beans.

Kimberly Spencer (01:08:14) - And I was like, I felt miserable, I felt horrible, and versus the feeling that comes when you see like one account just growing and suddenly you're like, oh, oh, I can do that.

Keri Lynn (01:08:25) - But it also, I think at the end of the day, I think that that also shows on a, in a really beautiful way. Like if we don't have that forward, then the likelihood is you'll pay down the debt and you'll end up creating it again because you don't actually still have the energy of I'm okay to hold money, I'm okay to have money because you're coming from the energy of I come from lack and scarcity and debt, just like we've just talked about of make sense. Like it's the conditioning that we have. Right? And so of course I can carry all this and then but until you actually step into being the person who rewards yourselves and holds money and da da da da, and gives you a reason to actually feel good about living your life. You're going to just constantly be in that energy of that.

Keri Lynn (01:09:04) - Dat dat, dat.

Keri Lynn (01:09:05) - Dat dat dat and probably take on more dat dat dat.

Keri Lynn (01:09:07) - Dat dat dat dat dat dat. Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer (01:09:10) - Keri, I want to invite you back for a part two because I think we can get into some deep stuff around like independence and, and I mean this is, this has just been phenomenal.. and it's a topic that I'm so incredibly passionate about because of the sovereignty, because of being able to. I too believe that when we can shift the consciousness of the planet around money, then suddenly we all become more collectively empowered as individuals, which empowers us as a collective rather than coming from a collective of scarcity. And you and I are so in alignment on just being able to empower others to grow. And I hope that you are taking some epic lessons that you took.

Keri Lynn (01:09:54) - Notes with you.

Kimberly Spencer (01:09:56) - And so I'd like to conclude this with a little bit of rapid fire. Are you ready?

Keri Lynn (01:10:00) - Okay, okay.

Kimberly Spencer (01:10:01) - Who is your favorite female character in a book, in a movie or a movie and why?

Keri Lynn (01:10:06) - It's so interesting because it's not true.

Keri Lynn (01:10:07) - This is not my favorite, but the one I'm hearing right now is Pocahontas. Which is weird because I don't know, but we're going to go with it cause that's what I'm hearing. Cool thing about Pocahontas, I love her. It's actually she's a very individual person, right? She came out in her sovereign, in her own sovereign. Like I'm not supposed to be an I'm going to I'm going to make change. I'm going to be open to what's here, and I'm going to stand and who I am and not falter just because this entire thing came in that was not in alignment with me. And yeah, I mean, that's the reason that I'm feeling her right now because.

Kimberly Spencer (01:10:40) - Yeah. What woman,, alive or in their time living would you want to trade places with just for a day to live in her body, see how she thought. See how she experienced the world.

Keri Lynn (01:10:53) - . Right now J-Lo.

Kimberly Spencer (01:10:55) - J-Lo. Oh, she's a badass.

Keri Lynn (01:10:58) - She's a badass. I mean like, I love her curvy ness and that she frickin owns her curves that she's multi-passionate, has amazing successful businesses in multi different arenas in life.

Keri Lynn (01:11:09) - And that she did come from like she just grew herself and she owns herself and she does not let people tell her shit.

Keri Lynn (01:11:19) - I think she's a badass.

Keri Lynn (01:11:20) - I would I would enjoy being in her body for a day.

Kimberly Spencer (01:11:23) - So I normally ask, what is what is your morning routine? But I'd love to know what is your money routine like. Daily money routine daily or weekly money routine?

Keri Lynn (01:11:33) - So I.

Keri Lynn (01:11:35) - Do clearing. So I use, self-kinesiology and some other emotional clearing stuff that I'll do. And actually, so you can actually energetically look to where am I at and my energy field of what I'm allowing myself to receive, and then look at the emotional capacities and things that are blocking myself to be able to move beyond that. That's one of my favorites. Listening. I love listening to any, you know, like so many different there are podcasts, there are courses. I'm in whatever around money and money mindset books. You can go back to it over and over again. And one of the things that's really important on a day-to-day basis just to think about is wallet, is your wallet.

Keri Lynn (01:12:10) - So I do Feng shui is one of my things and you can store your wallet. And so if you look at how you literally put your money into your wallet, this is a really fun tip. Like just consider like, what does your wallet look like? Are you keeping track of your wallet? Is it like a happy, healthy wallet? How are you putting your money in? Are you stuffing it in or are your receipts all in? There is everything bunched in and crumpled. Can it have space to breathe? and a really, really, really interesting tip for feng shui of your wallet is that if you look at your wallet and all of your credit card slots are right, if we look at, again, energy, we don't want to have things like if one's going vertically and one's going horizontally and like we want the energy to be able to move through. So if it's got confusion of the directions of where it's supposed to go and it's supposed to bounce all over inside of your wallet, it's probably maybe bouncing all over.

Keri Lynn (01:12:56) - And so one of the things you can look at inside of your wallet is like, is everything in direction? Is everything neat? Is everything clean? Look at your handbags. Like, how are you literally physically caring for money?

Keri Lynn (01:13:07) - .

Kimberly Spencer (01:13:07) - I completely align and practice the same thing and do a regular handbag cleaning, especially since there are other child products in there and things like that that get thrown into the mom bag. So what do you define to be your kingdom or your queendom?

Keri Lynn (01:13:25) - My body, my temple, and on a very big level, you know, like this vision feels like the balcony I stand on, right? The balcony I will scream from of sovereignty, you know, truly like, how do we create? And I love that we're talking about this because how do we truly create a sovereign space? And then from that, my kingdom, my queendom is let's let's do this. Let's lead you into this world of sovereignty and all and always of your life.

Keri Lynn (01:13:58) - .

Kimberly Spencer (01:13:58) - Lastly, Keri, how do you crown yourself?

Keri Lynn (01:14:01) - My own journey.

Keri Lynn (01:14:03) - With pleasure. My own journey with pleasure. And so I'd say dance. Movement. Touch. Sensuality. Honoring myself. And as you said, devotion. You know, like that's that's where the self-crown comes from. And like, being in the fullness of my own self. One of the things I will say that is a crowning piece for me that has really helped me own my crown is Sexy selfies. Because when you can frickin look at yourself and you can go.

Keri Lynn (01:14:30) - Wow.

Keri Lynn (01:14:30) - Woman, you are.

Keri Lynn (01:14:31) - Fucking hot.

Keri Lynn (01:14:32) - As hell. You can own it. And the thing that I will find that I say that has found such an impactful difference in a picture versus looking in a mirror, right? That mirror can lie so hard because it's our beliefs that we see, right? It can lie so hard. But when I look at that picture, if I were to take that same picture of Kimberly, I believe that it was her. I'd look at it and go, yeah, I totally took that picture.

Keri Lynn (01:14:54) - It looks exactly like you freaking hot. Gorgeous, right? When I look at that picture of myself, I'm like, I can't. I can't pretend because I would have said the same thing about Kimberly. She took the picture. She's hot and sexy, her body looks great so it doesn't matter. And so it becomes this inner belief system that it's like, you can't you're not lying to yourself anymore. And when you can find that freaking gorgeous, stunning, amazing beauty that you are, no one, no one can take you off that perch.

Kimberly Spencer (01:15:19) - Keri, how do we work with you? How do we find you? How do we save our assets?

Keri Lynn (01:15:25) -, you can come.

Keri Lynn (01:15:26) - I have a new one. Oh, my God, this is really weird. I haven't said this website yet, but it's Keri Norley. We are redirecting. God help me that it's all over there right now, but I'm rebuilding the website. Keri Norley. You can find me on Facebook. I am now officially Keri Norley on Facebook, which is really exciting.

Keri Lynn (01:15:41) -, Instagram. Things are coming over there, so things are moving as they are right now. It probably says in some places, Keri, nearly so that, you know, but I am moving everything to Keri Lynn on Facebook, Insta, my website, and Keri Norley Love Forward Slash. I want to say save your assets the book, save your assets book. We'll give you a link anyway. It'll be in here. I should know that it's new though., and that's where the book will be.

Kimberly Spencer (01:16:05) - Phenomenal. As always, my fellow sovereigns, follow her, engage with her. And as always, my fellow sovereigns, own your throne. Mind your business, because your reign is now. Thank you so much for tuning in today. If what you heard resonated with you, be sure to subscribe and start creating a bigger impact now by sharing this with a friend.

Kimberly Spencer (01:16:27) - Just by doing that one simple act of kindness, you are creating a royal ripple to support more people in their sovereignty. And if you're not already following on social media, connect with me everywhere at Crown Yourself Now for more inspiration.

Kimberly Spencer (01:16:40) - I am so excited to connect with you in the next episode, and in the meantime, go out there and create a body, business, and life that rules because today you crown yourself.


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