16 hours after giving birth

Uncategorized Oct 01, 2021

I’m going to own it - I fucking LOVE the hustle. I love the drive. I’ve got big ambitions.

No, that doesn’t mean I work ALL THE TIME. I work a lot. I love it. 

I also make time for beach walks, park time, playdates, dance class, date nights, and the gym.

I just fucking love what I do. It’s a blessing that it now is a choice. 

And when I get an intuitive hit to do, I do.

Like my gut said - 16 hours after giving birth. “Check your email.”

And I did.

There it was.

I’d sent the request out into the Universe. 

I’d done the work. It wasn’t much. Just a little research and a few emails later.

And there it was staring at me - a dream coming true.


I’d like to say I couldn’t believe it (because that’s the norm.) But, honestly, I could. I knew. 

Spike had just walked in the door from getting dinner, and he saw me, like this robe on, baby asleep, computer out…16 hours after giving birth.

He took this picture of me, telling me “People will be triggered by this.” 

I said, “Good.”

I hope this triggers you to transform your story that you can’t do something just because of something.

I hope this triggers you to trust your intuition, to push a little more than you think you’re capable of, to breathe deep into your vision.

I hope this triggers you to have bigger ambitions than you know how to accomplish.

I know I’m ambitious AF. I know I’m not everyone's cup of tea. 

I know and own the fact that I’m a really fucking weird friend who would rather spend an hour masterminding with you than talking the small talk or about reality TV. 

I’ve come to accept that my ambition is a gift. Not everyone has it. 

It doesn’t mean that I work 24/7. It means I allow for the seasons.

And I trust my intuition when it says push - I FUCKING PUSH.

Hey, it’s a strategy that has served me well with my body - getting two babies successfully out (the last one with no doctor and no midwife present)

And the opposite is just as true. I rest when my body says to as well.

I took nearly two quarters off this year, operating at half speed when my dad passed and for my maternity - and yet still Crown Yourself has grossed the same as it did last year.

And that’s WITH me operating at a fraction of my capacity. Imagine what will happen at full.

In my TEDx talk, I’ll be sharing the power of decisions.

Something I decided when my dad died - I’m no longer holding back on being all of me, on doing it all, on releasing it all, on unleashing it all.

I can’t.

Life is too precious not to give it all you got.

Be done with holding back your ambition to keep others at ease. Trigger TF out of them. Maybe, just maybe, it will wake up a fire for something more inside of them.

Remember, your reign is now.

P.S. Yes, I have ambitious AF goals and that includes money (obviously). Money, like food back when I was bulimic, used to be a constant struggle for a while in my business. And it’s now, honestly. One of my favorite topics to talk about, because I believe when more good-hearted, mission-minded, conscious leaders are making more money, THAT is how we transform this world. 

I was honored to be on Cody Laughlin’s “Money Talkers” podcast talking about how you can make your dollar a high performer for you!

Listen to the episode here >>> https://link.chtbl.com/KimberlySpencer 


 16 hours after giving birth Kimberly Spencer Quote - Crown Yourself 16 hours after giving birth - Crown Yourself

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