Embracing Motherhood and Entrepreneurship with Intuition and Sovereignty with Megan Camille

Please enjoy this transcript of the Crown Yourself Podcast, with Intuitive Business Consultant, Megan Camille [@themegancamille] and, your host, transformational story coach, Kimberly Spencer (@Kimberly.Spencer)


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In this episode of the Crown Yourself podcast, host Kimberly Spencer speaks with Megan Camille, a successful entrepreneur and mother of five. Megan shares her journey from being a single mom to building a seven-figure business. She discusses the challenges of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, including burnout and losing everything after her second business. Megan emphasizes the importance of intuition, self-discovery, and creating a supportive community for her children. The conversation also touches on Megan's routines, approach to money, and her definition of queendom, offering valuable insights into her personal and professional evolution.

What you will learn from this episode…

  • Megan's journey as an entrepreneur and mother
  • Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship
  • Megan's struggles and challenges as a single mom and business owner
  • Embracing intuition and psychic abilities
  • Regulating the nervous system and tools for self-care
  • Realizations and challenges of motherhood
  • Creating a village for children and societal pressures on mothers
  • Megan's morning and nightly routines
  • Megan's approach to money and queendom
  • Insights into Megan's personal journey and lessons learned


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We good? Great. Let's get to the goods.



Megan Camille (00:00:00) - I love and accept and approve of me, and I'm not sure that I would have had the opportunity to come to such full resolution with how much I love myself. If I didn't look at all of the things that I thought were unlovable.

Kimberly Spencer (00:00:20) - Welcome to the Crown Yourself podcast, where together we build your empire and transform your subconscious stories about what's possible for your business, body, and life. I'm your host, Kimberly Spencer, founder of Crown Yourself. Com and I'm a master mindset coach, bestselling author, TEDx speaker known to my clients as a game changer. Each week you get the conscious leadership strategies you need to help you reign with courage, clarity and confidence so that you too can make the income and impact you deserve. Imagine this podcast as your royal invitation to step into your full potential and reign in your divine purpose. Your sovereignty starts here and your reign is now. So, Megan, what initiations are you currently experiencing as you are evolving from having a seven figure business?

Megan Camille (00:01:11) - Oh my goodness, I already feel giddy.

Megan Camille (00:01:13) - What a fabulous question! I have never been asked such a thing, and initiation is such an important piece in the entrepreneurial journey that I feel like most people don't talk about. And so my initiations have been constant. I mean, anybody is really going through an initiation if you're in expansion or transformation, but currently I would say what initiations I'm moving through is the ability to hold both the praise of people who approve of my message and who are excited and lit up and turned on by it, while simultaneously experiencing the rejection of people who disapprove and are not lit up. They're actually very triggered and annoyed by by the message or by my work in the world. And so learning to be with both of those, and that neither one is where I get either my fulfillment or my despair, right? That I am one moved by praise or rejection. I would say that is a big initiation for me right now, followed by new levels of opulence and wealth. There's this funny thing that I thought early on as an entrepreneur, which is, well, when I start making this big money that will make life so much easier, it will be so easy.

Megan Camille (00:02:43) - And actually, receivership is a skill set. Being able to receive money and believe that it is okay. I really did not believe I had a program within that would go why you? Why do you deserve this? Or what makes it okay? And so the more I've gone through and building my businesses, that has definitely been an initiation lately. Why? I mean, is this allowed when there's other people who are not experiencing this? And so what is the work that you've put in.

Kimberly Spencer (00:03:21) - To either counter that voice or to accept and nurture and.

Megan Camille (00:03:25) - Love on that.

Kimberly Spencer (00:03:26) - Voice that is showing up, that saying, you know, who are you to experience this level of opulence and luxury?

Megan Camille (00:03:35) - Yeah, this is the inner leadership, right? This is what happens beyond a strategy. This is what happens beyond finally finding what your purpose is, is actually inner leadership. So how can I be with these ideas, these stories. And one of those ways is removing myself from identifying myself as the one who believes that, who believes I can't be opulent, who believes I can't hold well, who believes that I'm actually doing something all the more I rise, right? So I create spaciousness between those thoughts and ideas and the identity that holds those thoughts and ideas.

Megan Camille (00:04:17) - And my highest wise mind, which is I am witnessing that that is what's happening. I'm not it. Right. I'm witnessing that happen. So some of my favorite tools have been self-inquiry. Byron Katie's were, without a doubt like these things have been so much more helpful in business than strategy ever was. Self-inquiry and shadow work.

Kimberly Spencer (00:04:43) - Ooh.

Kimberly Spencer (00:04:44) - Let's talk. Shadow work. So what?

Megan Camille (00:04:47) - Because I loved.

Kimberly Spencer (00:04:47) - Byron Katie's work with, you know, looking at the the table of beliefs. And how do you knock down that table of what is the belief? But the shadow, like you faced many shadows throughout your evolution. What is the most recurring or prevalent shadow that you've had to recognize?

Megan Camille (00:05:10) - well, I just want to clarify that, actually, Byron Katie's inquiry work is shadow work, but it is an easy, soft entry into shadow learning. And both to looking at the aspect that that we exile, right, that we're like, right. And so they are one and the same. However, I would say the aspect that has been and is psychic and intuitive, that that is something that I didn't see as legitimate.

Megan Camille (00:05:39) - I didn't see it as powerful. I saw it as Woowoo snake oil quackery. And so for a long time, I didn't bring that into my work. that was a big shadow. And then another shadow, was around the extensive human experiences in the sex industry that I had having been sex trafficked. There is a lot of internalization of, like, how could I have done such a thing? How could I have been so weak to, you know, succumb to to that kind of treatment? Right. Like this was so many years ago. Now it's a little more mainstream and it can be like kind of empowering and cool for some of those people. When I was there, it was underground, and so that shadow of it kind of followed me around and going, I don't want to be too visible, because if I am really visible and I become intimate with the world and connected, intimate in an emotional kind of way, if you do enough of digging, you can find this shadow. And so those were the two that I have got to play with time and time again.

Kimberly Spencer (00:06:50) - I mean, that was a story that before you really came to our agency, when we first started working together, like you didn't share. And I remember when you first shared that with me, I was blown away and I was like, that is a point of differentiator. And I saw that as an asset for the story. But what did it take for you to start summoning forth that story? Because it was healed? Like, definitely you did the healing work. But now in the process of sharing that story, what did that do for you?

Megan Camille (00:07:23) - Yeah, because historically I'd only shared it privately within my containers. Right. Like private clients or within my mastermind? Not quite so publicly. My idea was, how is this really going to benefit anyone in knowing it, and will it repulse people? Right. It will be like, oh, don't don't like her. Right. So you really supported me and going, oh, this is how it's differentiating. And here's how you can actually give it in a way that it feels generous, that it feels inspirational, that it has golden nuggets in it, as opposed to just like, hey, poor me, sort of thing.

Megan Camille (00:08:01) - Right? I wasn't sure quite how to weave it in in a conversation. And that's where I feel really supported.

Kimberly Spencer (00:08:09) - Yeah. You did. I mean, you just just now, that was such an epic demonstration of, you know, here's my shadow and let me share this piece of my shadow that's coming up as I am expanding. I mean, that was such an expertly done weaving that like, you've just had the practice and I'm I so honored that because I see that in you.

Megan Camille (00:08:33) - Thank you, thank you. Yes. After so many podcasts, I'm like, oh, there's an entry point for that story.

Kimberly Spencer (00:08:39) - I think of it as like some of the the most visible people currently in our time, I think of Kim Kardashian also has a level of shadow of the the past. And yet that level of visibility and exposure that she has now. There were lessons learned because of that experience. So what did you discover through that experience that have supported you in building the empire that you're creating?

Megan Camille (00:09:09) - Yeah, yeah.

Megan Camille (00:09:10) - Oh, I think one of them is that I'm unlovable. Regardless of what my experience has been. I'm lovable by me, right? Like I love and accept and approve of me. And I'm not sure that I would have had the opportunity to come to such full. Resolution with how much I love myself. If I didn't look at all of the things that I thought were unlovable, right? So it was like the sort of paradox of where I found unlovable things about myself is where I learned to to truly love myself. And the more I approve and accept and the love of me, the more courageous I am, right? So my courage and my ambition really go hand in hand. They go, they go. There's such a good partner and there's such a good partnership. Right. the other things that I've learned is that everyone at the core is innocent. Even the guy who sucks trafficked me. At his core, he is innocent. At the core, he was born as pure as the rest of us.

Megan Camille (00:10:22) - Right. And that any sort of hatred or disgust that I held for him, literally, it made me sick right after he was long gone out of my life. I still was taking the poison by having such pain around that. And then finally, the last thing that that taught me so much of is everyone will have their own interpretation of me or.

Kimberly Spencer (00:10:52) - Misinterpret.

Megan Camille (00:10:54) - Right? How they see me or my previous experiences is through their own filter. How I see myself is even through its own filter. Probably very rarely do I see the trueness of me, and so I don't expect others anymore to do that either.

Kimberly Spencer (00:11:16) - There is one, story that you shared. I think it was on, women making waves on the Mishaps, Magic and Mayhem podcast, where you shared about how in the healing process of with your abuser, with the man whose sex trafficked you that you imagined holding him as a baby? Yeah.

Megan Camille (00:11:42) - Yeah. Still gives me chills. I because that was actually part of the shout out order I was willing to see.

Megan Camille (00:11:50) - Is humanity right? Someone who sexually, physically, mentally, emotionally abused and exploited me, I could have held on to. How dare you? What's wrong with you? What kind of person does that? But I was willing to see his humanity beyond that, right? I actually didn't want to be right anymore in how horrible he was. I wanted to be free. And so. And this happened after I had babies. Right. And I remember oh my gosh, it could totally just just bring up emotion. Because looking at my little boy. So it was my son that I gave birth to first. Right. And having those thoughts so early after it was just a few years coming back and having those thoughts of, gosh, that guy who did all those things to me started here, right? Suckling at the breast, just perfect and innocent. And, you know, their little goodness child, that was him at one point. That was him. And I was willing to see his humanity instead of only his monster, and was also willing to see where in those moments of sex trafficking, I too had been monstrous, that I too had done things I would not do today.

Megan Camille (00:13:18) - Right. And in those that is what reconciled, right? It brought those opposing forces. He is horrible. I am a victim into. He is innocent and so am I. And it was an experience and thank you. And I would have to say that came from being a mom of a little boy.

Kimberly Spencer (00:13:38) - Yeah, it's such an honor, and I think we're blessed with the kids that we need to remind us of who we need to remember who we are. And like, when my son was born, I just there was so much of a recognition of the deep seated, like what Doctor Henrik said of the core upper limiting belief. and mine was of being fundamentally flawed and this deep fear that I had a year's worth of shadow work to recognize and reconcile with that pregnancy of thinking, oh, I did everything right. And then still there, there was just a label that was attached to him by a doctor that something was going to be off. And I just I had to reconcile that and healing that.

Kimberly Spencer (00:14:25) - And the beauty that comes with bearing children and having children and the growth that comes of our own healing that comes with kids is majestic. And I think it's just so divine.

Megan Camille (00:14:39) - the, the initiation rite.

Kimberly Spencer (00:14:41) - Initiated.

Megan Camille (00:14:43) - This idea that we can do it right and get some sort of outcome versus we are always doing it right because it's what we're doing right and receiving what is given. So I hear initiation in that as well.

Kimberly Spencer (00:14:59) - Yeah. I think that one of the my favorite things that you've said is instead of choosing to be right, and I'm just paraphrasing, but you surrendered the need to be right about the man who's sex trafficked you, and instead you chose freedom. And how often are people death gripping to their own belief systems in order to be right? We're really they just need to surrender. Being right to have that freedom and be wrong about something, someone who they are even.

Megan Camille (00:15:30) - Yeah, and I remember fork in the road being. Activism or what I'm doing now and going. Should really fight for those women there.

Megan Camille (00:15:41) - I should do whatever it takes to put these guys in jail. I should do whatever it takes for the law enforcement to see what is wrong here, which actually would have kept me in the vibration of what is wrong and how right I am right now. There is a place for all of it. Thank goodness for those who do the good fight of the activism. And I see how I've made actually a bigger ripple in going out and being a fully healed, at least from that, from, you know, that experience. I'm always in a healing journey, but healed and awakened and sharing from a space of he is pure innocence like the rest of us. And so actually, what if we start treating all our boys that way, right? And then actually start treating them and in that way, from the time they're at the breast? And that actually we don't have to put people in jail in a couple of decades. Right? So my activism became, my sharing it became my message.

Kimberly Spencer (00:16:45) - I think that you touched on such a beautiful point of always healing.

Kimberly Spencer (00:16:48) - And I think that especially for those who are into personal development, especially, I think parenting and entrepreneurship is personal development on steroids. So the experience of healing, but where do you draw the line between the constancy of the healing, of looking at the past and the future? Of what? Where is the vision like? Where do you typically place your thoughts and your. On the day to day basis. Is it more toward consistent healing or is it more toward future focused?

Megan Camille (00:17:21) - It's evolved. yeah. My my idea of this has evolved to over, over the seasons, over the years initially. I really required some excavation, and being allowed to sort of be the victim and, going off the deep end and then focusing a couple of years really on healing. And eventually I was just like, I kind of want to have a different experience than this. So while it's always an evolution, I would say as opposed to healing, now I'm doing more awakening. I don't spend hardly any time in anger or resentment or, they did this, you know, whether it be from parenting.

Kimberly Spencer (00:18:05) - Or or the.

Megan Camille (00:18:07) - Experience in Vegas, like none of that do I spend any sort of amount of time on. But I did excavate it for a good long time. Right. It's like cleaned it all out. and in this way, if those thoughts come up, I know that it's habit, right? It's like residual habit. Like. Oh, yeah, that was once a very default setting to think I recognize that, I see it, and now I'm so much more in the imprinting of what is to come. Right? Imprinting the present moment, imprinting on your future, and a lot less about what has been or what was done to me. And that's the reason why I am this way today, even even the positive aspects. Right? I really practice in being in the moment and less about healing.

Kimberly Spencer (00:18:53) - Yeah. I've noticed that there's kind of a delineation point or a bifurcation when eventually the healing becomes you're so aware that you can always be healing that it sticks you in a place where you keep on looking at the past versus actually the, the new choice.

Kimberly Spencer (00:19:09) - Like what you sort of choose real life, there's a new experience to be had, and that's really the the and the the jumping off point of the healing journey. I think of like, what is that new experience that I'm choosing to lean into? And you are now leaning into scaling, beautiful business, a couple businesses with twins and five children like, including five children and twins. So how do you navigate with the the dance that comes with motherhood and entrepreneurship?

Megan Camille (00:19:43) - One of the top things as I don't make my children my excuse, I do not burden them by carrying, the reason why I can't do this or the reason why I should be home with them. Yeah, I think I'm a very involved mom. Right? I am here before they go to school, after their home. the girls stayed home until they were about two years old, and then they went to the twin girls. Then they went to Montessori. I was an independent mom for many years with my two older children. So motherhood has just been part of my entrepreneurial journey.

Megan Camille (00:20:17) - And early on I really decided that they do not get to burn. They do not get to bear the burden of being my excuse of why I can't be ambitious, of why I can't be wealthy, of why I can't have a fabulous career that I think about as much as I think about them. Right. And that just was one of the deepest commitments. And the other commitment was, what if I was my daughter's? Right. Our sons, they usually kind of just have a free pass. Hey, go do me and have whatever you want. And girls are like, well, you need to put it in between motherhood and marriage and, you know, these sorts of things. And so I look at my little girls and I imagine when they have babies, what I want them to stop living their life, but I want them to stop dreaming, but I want them to stop prioritizing themselves. What I want them to stop having drive if they naturally have it. And the answer is a million times no.

Megan Camille (00:21:16) - I want them to still be who they are and have children, right? I want their identity to be a mother. And. We aren't. You know what? That. Unless, of course, they simply want motherhood. Beautiful. I actually my daughter, my oldest daughter, who's nine now, she let me know the other day that what she wants to be when she grows up is to be a wife that stays at home and has babies. And I thought, of course. Promise that that would be my daughter, right? And fabulous. I am so excited. I'm so excited to support her in whatever it is. And I also am so excited to support myself and whatever it is.

Kimberly Spencer (00:22:01) - Yeah, I think that that's when you honor your own. You have the integrity with who you naturally are. Because I've always known that I was going to be a mom always. And I have always, always known that I'm going to have a business or and have a career and have been doing the dance of all of it, because that's just a part of who I am.

Kimberly Spencer (00:22:27) - And I think that the the culture of sacrifice that we're taught as women, that it's an either or mentality is it strips you of your of your power when really you can have it all if you just don't choose to do it all?

Megan Camille (00:22:44) - Yeah, I love that you can have it all. You don't have to do it all. And this idea that somehow is mothers who are working or leading a business or CEOs and don't value motherhood or children as much as it's just kind of old news now it's just kind of tired, right? I mean, it's what my kiddos know and so they don't want and need for anything, right? They have lots of loving parents in their lives, and I love that they get to see what is possible without the idea that it needs to be my way, without the idea that they should grow up and earn their own money. They shouldn't be a CEO, they should work, or they should stay home. Instead, it is what is available. And even as I pursue my dreams, I am deeply devoted and love being your mom.

Kimberly Spencer (00:23:35) - And and like your kids were a huge initiation point with being a single mom of two beautiful babies and having the track record that you had. Entrepreneurship really was the only choice for you. What stages? What were the toughest initiations as you've gone through and evolved from the beginning stage of starting your business with two babies at home to evolving to six figures and then multi six and now seven figures, what were each of those situations that you face at each of those stages of evolution, and especially as your children grow to.

Megan Camille (00:24:17) - Yeah. The first one was deciding that I was going to be an independent mom, that I was not going to be married anymore, that I would be single and I would have my two kids. And, but that was a hard decision because I had no college education, and I was unemployable because I had a record, a track record. That's. Not what I meant. I did have a record, though, and so I wasn't employable at any sort of job that, allowed for good income.

Megan Camille (00:24:48) - and so when I was leaving that marriage, that was a huge admission. How, you know, my first husband was a professor at a college. She was very well-to-do. He supported us with the nice lifestyle. And I thought, oh, gosh, am I about to dam my children to single motherhood, living off of the state, struggling. Right. That that was my idea. That is almost what held me in place. thankfully, I had a great support system that was like, you can do this, Megan. And that's when I really started becoming an entrepreneur. So actually, the leading was the hardest, or choosing to move forward as, as a mom. Then there was, of course, the time where I was working like 10 to 12 hours a day. I had a breastfeeding baby and a toddler, and I was launching my second business, which was to really free me up from the first one. That was definitely a challenge, right? Like, whoa, that was a lot of hours.

Megan Camille (00:25:49) - And then the third and most, I can't say most, but I feel like it was such a big turning point was after my first two businesses, especially the second one where I worked myself into burnout and lost to everything because I had a mental and emotional breakdown. Had to go stay some place to recuperate for 30 days. ended up losing my car, my home, all of our belongings. We lived at home with my mom, on her floor. I shared a room it was supposed to be for 30 days, and it ended up being nine months. That was probably one of the biggest decisions and identity deaths that I've had up into this point was like, how could I have been earning a quarter million dollars a year in my own business and be here? Oh, shit. that was a big one. And that was actually where I restructured. That was where I was like, I cannot hide who I am, I am intuitive, I am psychic, this is what I'm here to do.

Megan Camille (00:26:52) - And at this point it can't get much worse. We all have our own homes. So what's the what's the worst that can happen? I'm going to start aligning myself with my highest timeline. I'm going to use my gifts. And within about four months I was making six figures. And then shortly after that, multiple six figures and so on and so forth. So that was a really powerful one to go. Lost it all and go, oh, I can rebuild. But this time let me do it in three hours a day because I have kids and there's no way I'm doing what I just did for the last few years. And so that is why now I support my clients and myself and only working three hours a day, five days a week, four days a week so far there.

Kimberly Spencer (00:27:38) - Yeah. And so with with that intuitive gift that like, you've always been intuitive and you've always been psychic and that and you know, you've shared stories on other shows where you were doing readings. for some of your was it your moms clients? Yeah, yeah.

Kimberly Spencer (00:27:57) - And so the second generation entrepreneur and like having that background, did that give you more, proclivity to take risks?

Megan Camille (00:28:07) - Think so. I'm actually third generation. My grandmother, was also an entrepreneur and I love that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. and so I think that there was. I was just exposed to it, right? It wasn't this outlandish thing in my family. It just was. It was a no. They really paved the path for me because they did not have very much example in their life as they grew up. But I did. And so once I hit the ground, I just ran with it. But that that didn't really support and seeing that it could be done, I definitely resisted it for a while, especially when I was newly married and had a newborn. I was like, I've never done it on the grass. They're not going to do that. I was like a lot of work. so yeah, I would say that I, I leaned toward it a little bit easier than the average.

Megan Camille (00:29:03) - So between being able to see that it was doable and. Not being employable. Those two things just kind of came together.

Kimberly Spencer (00:29:13) - And so the psychic and intuitive piece. Does everybody have a psychic gift that they just aren't yet in tune with?

Megan Camille (00:29:21) - Totally, totally. And I tend to like. Refer to it as something different than a gift, because the gift is like a little special, something that I guess that other people don't. And intuition or being psychic is is a muscle, right? It is being tuned to the frequencies and the quantum grid that is surrounding all of us, that is all of us inside and outside. So we all have that where it's natural. It is our innate nature to be psychic, to be in tune with the world around us. for me, again, with the support of my family, it was a blessing. I worked from early on, and so now it's like, you know, it's just how I move through life. But that doesn't mean that other people don't have it.

Kimberly Spencer (00:30:11) - And so when you're learning how to tap into your intuition, what is the first step that you kind of need to bridge beyond awareness. Or beyond the acceptance that we all have access to it.

Megan Camille (00:30:24) - Yeah. That the setting it is typically very very easy for people. I know that their humanness likes to get stuck in. I don't think I can hear it or see it or feel it or know it. And actually what happens is the moment it's perceived, it's dismissed. And we go into the logic and we're accessing our human again. So the way in which you can strengthen your intuition is follow it. Following the moment it hits you. Take action. Don't think about it. Don't process it. Don't take it to your husband for his his direction. Right? Like go, oh, this is what I just got. Even if it looks illogical or irresponsible or doesn't make sense, I follow it. I go to it no matter what. And that actually strengthens that muscle so much more than, you know, using cards or a pendulum or muscle testing.

Megan Camille (00:31:22) - Right? Those things, can work the lost soul, but was going to keep it coming through stronger, louder, more dependable is by following it instead of receiving it and then like, oh yeah, that was my intuition, but I'm actually going to go do this thing because it's more logical.

Kimberly Spencer (00:31:42) - Yeah, yeah, the conscious mind really loves to just inject logic into our circumstances. And with that intuition, like. How do you discern between the difference between an intuitive nudge to not do something and your own humanness of your own fears and and programming?

Megan Camille (00:32:06) - Well, then an intuitive nudge to not do something is also typically instantaneous. It's actually before the thoughts can creep in. It's before the nervous system can have a reaction. It's so immediate whether it's a yes or no or this is good for me. Those little not good for me. It's immediate. Right. And again before anything else can take place, some, some nos indications for me is like a heaviness, a cloudiness, like a stormy boulder type of vibe.

Megan Camille (00:32:42) - Those are clear indicators. As you're working your intuitive muscle, you also want to be. Getting familiar with your humanness, your mind, all the chatter. Right? The human is is the ego. So who am I beyond Megan? Who am I beyond this identity? differentiating between those two things and your nervous system. Because oftentimes people will read their nervous system as their intuition. And most people have a dysregulated nervous system from their early childhood conditioning. Right. That's just that does make sense. I just normal. And so if they have a visceral reaction, they go, oh, this brings about fear in me, and this must be my intuition and I shouldn't go forward or I should. Well, you know, whatever the should is based on their nervous system and actually their nervous system isn't fully functional, so it isn't all that dependable, right? So those are a few things that we want to be looking at when we are going solely on intuition.

Kimberly Spencer (00:33:48) - That is one of the best explanations of the nerves and the reasons as to why getting and maintaining and doing what you need to do to regulate your nervous system.

Kimberly Spencer (00:34:00) - I've ever heard of just being able to understand that the the dysregulation of your own nervous system is what is not blocking, but mis communicating a message.

Megan Camille (00:34:13) - Right? It's just miscommunication. And there's so, so much beautiful teaching out there that is trauma informed and that sort of thing. And when they say, hey, your body knows actually your body knows the past. Knows the past. I was sitting in one of my ayahuasca journeys and could see where all my somatic system was still holding trauma. And I'm like, after all these years, all these years and I still got stuff in there. Right. And my nervous system would react to even excitement as fear. Right. And if I was to only follow the body before I released some of that trauma, before I got her up to speed with the future vision, before my body was actually able to withstand activation of the nervous system. I would be frozen years ago and I wouldn't have have made that right. I was able to override that and follow the intuition, but eventually you get to look at it.

Kimberly Spencer (00:35:18) - And then the looking at it. It's like when you're able to regulate that nervous system, like I always that was why I'm so grateful that even before personal development, my first business was teaching Pilates when I was 19. And that is one of the four few forms of exercise that actually can regulate your nervous system because it activates your parasympathetic nervous system. And so you're practicing the regulation and will regulate like just so that we're clear, like regulation is not parasympathetic only or sympathetic only like you want to have the versatility, just like your heart rate goes up and down, like you want to have the versatility of being able to have it spike with excitement. joy, moving forward, you have to kick a goal and then have it down, regulate into, into the parasympathetic so you can rest and digest the experience that you just had. So that ability to have that flexibility, that's what's key. And when we get stuck with trauma, like that's when it kind of freezes or locks in a specific position, whether it's up or down.

Kimberly Spencer (00:36:21) - And then for me it was understanding where I like to where my regulation kind of likes to park it with being dysregulated and then understanding how to then downgrade or downshift, because for me it's anxiety. Oh yeah. It's yeah.

Megan Camille (00:36:37) - Oh my gosh. I was gonna say yeah Park is usually up here like that. like oh my gosh I don't know. Yeah but work day is over. Why am I still like this? Right. And actually having the tools to come back into a calm state that actually I really enjoyed being in the activated state. Right? It really fueled my day, my inspiration, my vision. And then it's like, okay, I'm in the backyard with the kids and I'm ready to be like, I'm here. And having tools to to regulate this is such. Important piece to business, to success, to money, to be able to come back into a resting space.

Kimberly Spencer (00:37:21) - Did you find that, I mean especially since you hit burnout had extreme and extreme case of burnout that you tend to like because of past or past conditioning or childhood or trauma that you kind of like to live in that more activated space, or that's where your humanness and your ego kind of that's where it kind of likes to like to live.

Kimberly Spencer (00:37:43) - Like for me, that's that's 100% like I it, it prefer I had to learn space and grace that was and taking time off and like this concept, it's crazy. It's called vacation. What? Yeah.

Megan Camille (00:37:58) - Yeah. And then, you know, run a business and then take vacation. Yeah. You get that? Yeah. Because my, my default setting would be overdrive over production overwhelm. Right. And. Oh that's it's why I created my program of 500 K and three hours a day is because you don't actually have to miss out on the income, and you can do what you love those three hours a day and then come back into the space and grace. Right. And it doesn't have to be full blown of anything. It can be a little bit of everything, which is where I find most freedom is I didn't have to choose. Right. There was a time where I was like, I can never do that again. I'm not gonna run a business, I'm not gonna do this.

Megan Camille (00:38:43) - And a lot of people come to me after that. I'm afraid that I will get back to that space. And now I'm not afraid because I have the tools to regulate.

Kimberly Spencer (00:38:53) - What is your favorite tool that you use?

Megan Camille (00:38:56) - again, like this is an evolution. some weeks it's this thing, other weeks it's that thing. But my goal too, is Kundalini yoga. Breathwork. Both the activating and the parasympathetic. Right. still in silent meditation versus a guided meditation. Right. Because that's still a doing, by the way. And that's how my humanness would love to come in, like let's do a meditation. Right. And then definitely still in quiet meditation. And then throughout the year, I sit with plant medicine a few times and that will activate. But it also allows me to integrate over, over time. So those would be for sure the the big ones and angry self-inquiry is actually very regulating to see all of these aspects of whatever situation might be activating me.

Kimberly Spencer (00:39:56) - How long have you been practicing sitting with plant medicine?

Megan Camille (00:40:00) - About three years.

Megan Camille (00:40:01) - Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer (00:40:02) - So even before you had your twins.

Megan Camille (00:40:05) - No, no. How old are they? So they're almost three. So about two and a half years.

Kimberly Spencer (00:40:10) - Yeah, yeah. So what inspired you to go that course of exploration?

Megan Camille (00:40:17) - What did inspire me. It wasn't my mom because she went the first time and was like, oh no. I was like, oh, I don't know why I want to do that. But something just kept on urging me and kept calling me and I don't know, can't quite remember other than I was fascinated by it. I would wake up at night thinking about it and had like a pole in the solar plexus. one setting. That initial setting was so profound, created so much reconciliation in my life, even after years of doing therapy, coaching, shadow work, that it was just another level of excavation that I didn't even know was possible. Even as someone who's intuitive and psychic and multi-dimensional and can go into different timelines and realities, this just allowed me to see what else there was.

Megan Camille (00:41:14) - And so after that initial setting, I knew that there I knew that there was more.

Kimberly Spencer (00:41:20) - Yeah. Yeah I think the, the because I know we have, we've had a lot of listeners who are interested in plant medicine. I have someone coming on in November who specializes in facilitating plant medicine. And that being said I want to acknowledge the fact that you've done years of shadow work, of self-inquiry, of the exploration versus a trend that I see in the industry of self healing and personal development, where that's the default of like, almost like looking for a plant medicine pill versus actually getting to doing the challenging work of sourcing it through yourself first and like clearing out some of the clutter before you go in with a hardcore like cleaning crew.

Megan Camille (00:42:07) - Yeah, because the plant medicine sitting for me has been a very wide spectrum. It's been. And sometimes terrifying and other times enlightening. And either way, there is months and months of integration. it definitely opened up my nervous system. So it took regulation to a whole new level.

Megan Camille (00:42:31) - it awakened the nervous system that I thought was regulated and perfectly fine, but actually, it was dormant. and what I used to say, I think everyone ought to do this. I actually don't say that anymore. And I think that it's really important to be called, to find facilitators that are absolutely genius at their craft and be prepared to integrate, because what it is not is a fast track, right? Like, yes, it's like years of therapy in a one setting. But can you imagine what there is to integrate after years of therapy in three hours? Right. And so my deep dedication to my soul and personal evolution prepared me for that. And had I done it years before. I would probably been very freaked out.

Kimberly Spencer (00:43:25) - Yeah, yeah, I think that that's a trend I have. It's something I have not explored yet. but something that I've had interest in, as well, which thus my audience has mirrored. but my choice is I want to be done having babies first before you go through.

Kimberly Spencer (00:43:44) - Yes. Yeah.

Megan Camille (00:43:45) - And I still wonder if you know what my experience would have been before babies, but it was after all my babies were born. Although I had massive downloads, from my twins that were little, little when I first sat. Right. So that was just like next level I understand wanting to link to.

Kimberly Spencer (00:44:06) - Yeah, yeah. I think, birth birth itself, having been such a spiritual initiation every time, that's been the deepest level that I've of initiation and integration, I think that I've yet experienced was just giving birth naturally. And the trust that is born and etched in your bones when you do that.

Megan Camille (00:44:26) - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so much of those hallucinogenics are, you know, released during. Yes, yes, yes.

Kimberly Spencer (00:44:35) - Yeah. There were some.

Megan Camille (00:44:36) - Definite like.

Kimberly Spencer (00:44:36) - Breakthroughs and just natural, you know, awarenesses that came through just through that experience itself. So. I can only imagine what doing that after would be like. So some. Something to explore to put a pin in.

Kimberly Spencer (00:44:52) - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what with the intuition, with your psychic ability and I know. When you know that you're off. How do you get back on course when? When you feel that heaviness? Is it just as simple as just a little decision of saying no? Or do you find that for you, they tend to be the the intuition has not been listened to or with your clients. It's not been listened to for a long time. So there's several steps and decisions that need to be made to course correct.

Megan Camille (00:45:24) - Yeah, this is such an individual basis because if you're following your intuition, you're in the flow of, hey, my intuition guidance, which is divine Will, right? Divine will. Life guides me. I am not in control here. There's no way my humanness could ever create or decide or lead to the level that divine consciousness pouring through me. Can I look at this whole universe that exists? And I didn't even control it, right? I wasn't tell him anything how to do this.

Megan Camille (00:45:57) - so that if you're in that role and you notice, oh, I went into my humanness of wanting to control things or micromanage or have it my way, or else, then it is a redo. Let's go back and redo. it can be a conversation. It can be an offer. It can be an entire relationship. You go back and redo it. Hey, and that conversation we had, I agreed to XYZ and I'm noticing that I agreed to that because I really wanted your approval. And I'm also noticing that what would feel better is for me to stay aligned with what is important to me. And so all the way. Agreed. And here to let you know that that does not work for me after all. Redo the conversation, redo the whatever it is, go back and redo it and rewrite. Right? This is how we shift timelines, and you don't want to be in that timeline, shift it and go back in time and with the person or the, experience and redo it, not just in your mind.

Megan Camille (00:47:01) - If you can do it physically, do it physically, and then follow what you know to be true. Now, if we're in years and years and years, right? People who have been married or avoiding their purpose or their mission, we're doing little micro adjustments until they're in their ideal timeline, able to hear their intuition. And usually this comes with a lot of peeling the humanness layers back of these stories of like, I'm I feel guilty or I am wrong, you know, those sorts of things. And that might take a little more, a little more time. but not always because some people just wake up and they go, hey, I'm ready for this shit. I'm ready for that. And in that case, we release those identities. And when you are not so, covered in identities, stories, humanness, you can actually see, hear and feel the intuition so quickly.

Kimberly Spencer (00:47:59) - Yeah. The power of just the stripping away one of the illusions of who we thought, who we think we are or who we think we should be for other people, and what that looks like now as a mother.

Kimberly Spencer (00:48:14) - What identities have you recognize that you've like been like, no, I'm, I have to strip that belief system back because I think some of those are for me. I'd like I if it was realizing that my love was also attachment to my children and that like learning how to detach, like the art of detachment from your children, it's like that's such a societal like, no, you're not supposed to detach like they're treating their children, but also knowing that that's that's not detached, attachment is not actually love. And so how to love fully without attachment. So that was one for me. What was one for you?

Megan Camille (00:48:56) - well, one similar to yours is that they're not mine. They aren't my object. They are not mine to do with as I please, that I'm actually here to guide them and keep them in a nice, safe, safe ish container and that they are their own people. They are not mine. They are not an extension of me. They are individual. They are their own essence, their own spirit.

Megan Camille (00:49:22) - Not here to live out my path and purpose, not here to make me feel loved or wanted. the other one is that they need me all the time just isn't true. My goodness, the the programming and conditioning I got growing up is that moms are the most important, and that moms should be the one to do everything, that only moms can do it that way. And I see that as such a huge disservice to children having a full spectrum parenting experience. so letting go that I do it better because I'm the mother, has been wild away, freeing not only for me, but for my children and them forming a strong relationship.

Kimberly Spencer (00:50:06) - With their.

Megan Camille (00:50:06) - Father. So they have two primary parents. I mean, that is mind blowing for a child. You imagine having two. I had a primary parent, right? It was my mom. Yeah. And so my kids have two primary parents in this house, but they also have their the older kids have their father and their other mother who are primary.

Megan Camille (00:50:28) - And so they have a village. I am not in their being the only one to meet their needs. And then the last one is that my drive and ambition to build an empire somehow takes away from them having a loving present mom that I have to choose, and instead I can actually have both. And that frees them to have that option later in life as well.

Kimberly Spencer (00:50:55) - I think that that is such a powerful message to just beat the drum for the next generation, to create personally responsible human beings that are not codependent, but see the and recognize the interdependence of all of us together versus I think the the model that you were shown that I was also shown of that very is in a way, codependent parenting versus it being an interdependent relationship and recognizing your children as the independent souls that they are. I mean, my God, my toddler certainly wants to assert himself. Be independent. What I think. Yeah. About that. Right. What is it with the Covid babies? Because I don't want to say humanness, the fact.

Kimberly Spencer (00:51:48) - That they are just it is something else. It is it is amazing to watch the level of assertiveness and boundary holding that I'm like, oh, I guess that's something I need to learn. Yeah. And an even stronger level.

Megan Camille (00:52:02) - Because.

Kimberly Spencer (00:52:02) - Damn toddlers are they don't mess around. God, I know they're really dictators, man. Oh yeah. Yeah. And when they know what they want, they just said that it's done. Like they're allowed on the counter, but like.

Megan Camille (00:52:19) - They're not waiting for permission. Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer (00:52:22) - Yeah, I think that that's it's when we open up, like Osho said, when we open ourselves to learning from our children, we can learn so much rather than just thinking of us as we are the teachers. I think kids can. Kids can be just our best educators, especially our own, because it's this remembrance of these pieces of ourselves, of reflecting back as like our own little mirrors. But I loved the the ambition is not separate from your children. And in fact, by you going for what it is that you want and for your dreams, you're just demonstrating greater possibility for them.

Megan Camille (00:52:58) - Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer (00:53:01) - Megan, I have loved our conversation so much, and I would love to shift into a little bit of rapid fire if you're ready. Yeah. Yeah.

Megan Camille (00:53:10) - I love this.

Kimberly Spencer (00:53:11) - Who was your favorite female character in a book or a movie and why?

Megan Camille (00:53:16) - Oh, daughters of Joy by Deepak Chopra. she was like this back pocket secret to awakened the main character in that book. but she wasn't, like, out there. Yeah, she was changing people's consciousness.

Kimberly Spencer (00:53:34) - Amazing. What person would you want to trade places with, alive or alive, and in their time to be in their body? See how they thought experience the world as them just for a day.

Megan Camille (00:53:45) - Jesus. Oh my gosh. The love codes, the unconditional love codes that he that he held, that he represents. I would trade definitely his life for a day.

Kimberly Spencer (00:53:57) - Yes. Yeah. What is your morning routine? Set you up for success?

Megan Camille (00:54:02) - Good morning. Routine is actually pretty extensive. I get ready first.

Megan Camille (00:54:08) - First thing, but then I do some of what we talked about earlier. I do some cleaning, I do some breathwork, I do some movement, I do some journaling. I set my intention for the day who I'm choosing to be. is there anything else in there that I do? But it's definitely all about me. During that time, I'm just connecting with myself, connecting with with, yelling and true self, letting go of anything that feels like it's in my sphere of feeling, buddy.

Kimberly Spencer (00:54:37) - What is your money routine?

Megan Camille (00:54:40) - When running routine. Are there shifts and changes as well? I buy what I want, when I want because I want it. I don't set goals anymore because divine will. If it is mine, it is mine. And if it is not, it is not. And I am a. I choose to pay my team better than what I was ever paid. Being on someone else's team. I'd say that those are probably my new my more unique approaches to somebody I care a lot less about saving than probably the average person who has any sort of wealth.

Megan Camille (00:55:16) - I care a lot more about the experience and having a beautiful life, and I also have some investments that will build over here.

Kimberly Spencer (00:55:26) - Amazing. What is your nightly routine to set you up for a successful morning?

Megan Camille (00:55:30) - This one is a little more challenging for me to stay consistent with, with the toddlers learning to go to sleep without a pacifier right now, but with.

Kimberly Spencer (00:55:40) - My.

Megan Camille (00:55:41) - Probably about 7:00 or 1030 at night. again, I didn't have any light breakfast tea. And I connect with my husband. We regulate and talk about the day we just connect in bed. But I actually retire to my room very early, about 7:00.

Kimberly Spencer (00:55:59) - Awesome. Awesome. What do you define to be your queendom?

Megan Camille (00:56:04) - Creating my own financial sovereignty and doing what I love.

Kimberly Spencer (00:56:09) - And lastly, how do you crown yourself?

Megan Camille (00:56:12) - I say yes to me. I say yes to me a lot. If it's on my heart. If I want to do it, it's a yes.

Kimberly Spencer (00:56:21) - Megan, how do we find you? How do we work with you? And how do we learn how to make 500 K in less than three hours a day?

Megan Camille (00:56:29) - You can find me at MeganCamille.com

Megan Camille (00:56:31) - You can find me on Instagram at the Megan Camille or on Facebook. May as well. 503 hours a day. There is a primer for that. I also do a live training about once a quarter, and all of that information is also on my website and Instagram.

Kimberly Spencer (00:56:51) - Megan, it has been such a pleasure having this deep dive conversation on initiations and transformation, and just being blessed to have been working with you, the past year like it has been a truly my honor to know you and support you and your visibility and and just be able to see how you are expanding at a rapid rate. And I am just honored to be a sliver at being a part of that.

Megan Camille (00:57:16) - Thank you so much. It has been such a pleasure. And I know we've we have, we've been we've been at it together. And I love getting to, to travel this journey with you. So thank you so much.

Kimberly Spencer (00:57:27) - Absolutely. As always, my fellow sovereigns, own your throne. Mind your business because your reign is now.

Kimberly Spencer (00:57:34) - Thank you so much for tuning in today.

Kimberly Spencer (00:57:36) - If what you heard resonated with you, be sure to subscribe and start creating a bigger impact now by sharing this with a friend. Just by doing that one simple act of kindness, you are creating a royal ripple to support more people in their sovereignty. And if you're not already following on social media, connect with me everywhere at Crown Yourself Now for more inspiration. I am so excited to connect with you in the next episode, and in the meantime, go out there and create a body, business and life that rules because today you crown yourself.

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