Mastery: The Uncomfortable Path to Unstoppable Success

Please enjoy this transcript of the Crown Yourself Podcast, with your host, transformational story coach, Kimberly Spencer (@Kimberly.Spencer)

How often do you allow fear of failure to deter you from pursuing your true passions? What could you achieve if you embraced being a beginner and showed up anyway? In this episode of the "Crown Yourself" podcast, host Kimberly Spencer delves into the concept of mastery, highlighting its significance in both business and personal development. She emphasizes that true mastery involves deep understanding, relentless practice, and embracing discomfort and failure. Kimberly shares her own experiences and those of successful individuals like Tim Ferriss to illustrate that mastery is a continuous journey. She also promotes her upcoming book, "Make Every Podcast Want You," set for release on September 30th, encouraging listeners to join the waitlist. The episode serves as a motivational guide to pursuing excellence and continuous improvement.


What you will learn from this episode:

  • The concept of mastery in business and personal development.
  • The distinction between surface-level knowledge and true mastery.
  • The importance of deep understanding, practice, and embracing discomfort.
  • Personal experiences illustrating the journey toward mastery.
  • The role of perseverance and continuous improvement in achieving mastery.
  • Overcoming the fear of failure and rejection in the pursuit of goals.
  • The significance of resilience and learning from setbacks.
  • The commitment to consistent practice and dedication in skill development.
  • Insights from successful individuals and their early challenges.
  • Promotion of the upcoming book "Make Every Podcast Want You" and its relevance to effective communication.

*Transcripts may contain typos. We do our best to catch any human or robot errors prior to release. And we thank you in advance for your understanding. Enjoy!

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We good? Great. Let's get to the goods.




Kimberly Spencer 00:00:07  Welcome to the Crown Yourself podcast, where together we build your empire and transform your subconscious stories about what's possible for your business, body and life. I'm your host, Kimberly Spencer, founder of Crown Yourself. Com and I'm a master mindset coach, bestselling author, TEDx speaker known to my clients as a game changer. Each week you get the conscious leadership strategies you need to help you reign with courage, clarity, and confidence so that you too, can make the income and impact you deserve. Imagine this podcast as your royal invitation to step into your full potential and reign in your divine purpose. Your sovereignty starts here and your reign is now. Number two. Mastery. Mastery stands out in a society of scrolling casualness. In a world where people mostly follow followed trends and where information is easy to plagiarize as your own mastery is the embodiment of knowledge, mastery is deeply understanding and excelling at what you do, not just copying others. You can stage perception. You cannot stage mastery. Athletes understand this better than entrepreneurs in business.


Kimberly Spencer 00:01:20  Some fake it until they make it. But on the court you can dress up in Nike and look like a basketball player, but get in the game against Michael Jordan even today and you'd be demolished. You may be able to swim, but you would be left singing in the shallow end if you raced against Michael Phelps. Mastery takes time. Just because you can do something doesn't make you the master of that skill set, knowledge or subject matter. For example, I am a master mindset and communications coach. I am not a master marathoner. I have run seven marathons and three half marathons at barely five two. On a good day, I'm nowhere near an elite runner. Not even close. Nor am I a fast runner. But I like running. More specifically, I love the mindset that can be cultivated by running marathons. When I go on podcast to talk about high performance mindsets for entrepreneurs, I speak about the principles of marathon running. Endurance, resilience, peak performance, and preparation all play a part, but I do not talk about the training to be an elite runner.


Kimberly Spencer 00:02:27  That's not me. I can talk about what it takes to cross the finish line. I can talk about how I transformed my story from being an exercise induced asthmatic who couldn't run a mile to save her life, to being able to endorse seven marathons and 26 hours of natural childbirth. Physically, the mindset of endurance I've mastered, I've mastered transforming any limiting story into one of possibility and power. Becoming an elite runner. I have not, nor do I want to. Mastery frames your message by focusing on areas where you have deep knowledge, skill and experience. You can speak confidently and authentically about that area, industry or topic. Mastering means embracing discomfort more than most humans ever dare. In a world where people prefer Amazon, quick delivered wins, our culture is plagued with complacency, compiled with too much comfort in quick viral wins. If we aren't successful in six months to a year, most people quit and go on to the next shiny object side hustle. You attract other hobbyists when you are casual about your craft training and business masters attract other masters who are constantly skilling up, learning, and growing.


Kimberly Spencer 00:03:42  If this is driving you up good, get good. Master your craft. Because mastery requires building a skill set and not quitting. When it gets complicated, you must put in the practice and be okay with sucking. As a beginner in Dan Sullivan's book, Ted ten Is Easier Than two x doctor Benjamin Hardy shares Michelangelo's story of mastery and how, by focusing solely on improving his craft, he became world class and well compensated, making way more than his other artists counterparts. Michelangelo doubled down on skill set mastery. Business is a skill set. Woodworking is a skill set. Communication is a skill set. Writing books is a skill set, and podcasting is a skill set. It takes practice. We all start at the very same level. Beginner. In 2018, I was coaching a client who had just started her coaching business. Even though I only have a high school diploma, I've coached five PhDs, including a NASA scientist. My clients have gone on to become the number one in their industry in the world, fulfilled their one year goals in three months, doubled their best six figure months, landed five figure contracts two weeks into coaching with me, healed their workplace and family relationships and one even fulfilled his childhood dream and bought himself a plane.


Kimberly Spencer 00:05:02  I've spent 17 years as an entrepreneur. Learning from the School of Hard Knocks, received 13 certifications, had four successful businesses including one successful exit, and helped clients scale to millions of dollars in revenue. This client was one of those PhDs during our session on skill set mastery. She mentioned feeling scared about starting her new business. This fear can be especially tough for high achievers who have already accomplished much. They worry about starting over from the beginning. However, a true expert is constantly learning and growing. Knowing she liked Tim Ferriss podcast, I suggested she listened to the first episode. Yep, go all the way back to episode one. At our next session, I asked her, what did you think of his first episode? No offense to Tim, she said, but it was terrible. It was nowhere near the quality of his work now. She said, relieved. No offense to Tim, but it was terrible. It was nowhere near the quality of his work now, she said, relieved. Folks, this is Tim freaking Ferris we're talking about.


Kimberly Spencer 00:06:11  He's one of the most excellent podcasters of all time, with nearly a billion downloads of his show. And yet my client thought his first episode sucked. But what makes Tim Ferriss different from the 90% of podcasters who quit after three episodes? He kept going. He kept getting better, he kept practicing, and he mastered the craft of podcasting. To achieve mastery, you must suck first. Most people stop because they're so scared of being rejected, failing, or empowering imperfect that they stop. This is just our ego. You can have your pride or you can have your goals, your choice. As my longtime mentor Brandon Bouchard says, you're not scared to start your dream. You're embarrassed to be seen as starting small. If your goal is to grow your business, get more visibility and make every podcast want you. This process takes time. Can you be on the biggest goal? Top 100 podcasts? Absolutely. Do you have the street cred? The level of mastery, visibility, social media, followership, discipline and leadership right now? Maybe not right now, but you will if you keep choosing to better each of those areas every day.


Kimberly Spencer 00:07:27  At a conference, one of the top female podcasters shared a story about inviting a celebrity onto her podcast and getting turned down. I mean, this is a woman who has nearly 1 million followers and a global top 100 podcast, and even she got rejected. The magic is that instead of accepting rejection, she alchemist it into an opportunity to become an even more masterful podcast host. A year later, she got that same celebrity on her show. Through this book, I will show you how to get on podcast interviews. I've used these strategies to get booked on everything from Tiny Startup podcasts, with only a few people listening to Global Top 100 podcasts, we've leveraged these same strategies to get our communication Queen agency clients. We call them celebs booked consistently on the top 5% of the top 5% of podcasts, all the way to the current number one top entrepreneurship podcasts in the US. Today's young and profiting the strategies you will learn in this book work. It's up to you to continue working them and skill up your communication mastery.


Kimberly Spencer 00:08:33  So as you grow your business and pitch yourself to podcasts, accept rejections as an invitation to get better. Take action now. Go to your favorite Instagram account or podcast and take the next ten minutes and scroll all the way back. The scrolling alone will take you some time, depending upon how long they have been in the game. Give yourself ten minutes for this exercise. Scroll all the way back to their very first post and or their first episode, and observe as you travel back in time, the evolution of their brand. How did their brand evolve? What do you notice has improved? Are you closer to a similar level of mastery than you thought? What skill set would you need to improve to become even more masterful? I hope you enjoyed this excerpt from Make Every Podcast Want You how to become so Radically Interesting you'll barely keep from interviewing yourself. Coming to an Amazon cart near you on September 30th International Podcasting Day. Go to make every podcast want to get on the waiting list for this book.


Kimberly Spencer 00:09:46  My fellow sovereigns, this book has been a labor of love. I had no idea the intensity of birthing this book, of what this would be like and what this journey would be like. And so the fact that this is coming out and going to be released in just less than two short weeks is everything. It feels like I'm giving birth again and it feels amazing. I am so honored and excited to share this book with you. I am so excited for you to have this knowledge and to implement it. Most importantly, so that you start getting your voice heard and making the income and the impact that you deserve. I am so excited to share this with you. So please go to make every podcast want you. Com sign up on the waitlist so you are immediately notified when this book goes live on September 30th and we are going for bestseller status. I'm not backing down from that one. I am declaring it out loud and proud. And I am so honored to have you on this journey with me.


Kimberly Spencer 00:10:48  Thank you so much for being a part of our Crown Yourself community. Thank you so much for being such a supportive, amazing, beautiful community of high achievers who are just building their dream. I hope that this book and that this work inspires you to continue going after yours so that you create a life, body and business that fricking rules because you deserve it. And with that, as always, my fellow sovereigns, own your throne. Mind your business because your reign is now. Thank you so much for tuning in today. If what you heard resonated with you, be sure to subscribe and start creating a bigger impact now by sharing this with a friend. Just by doing that one simple act of kindness, you are creating a royal ripple to support more people in their sovereignty. And if you're not already following on social media, connect with me everywhere at Crown Yourself Now for more inspiration. I am so excited to connect with you in the next episode, and in the meantime, go out there and create a body, business, and life that rules because today you crown yourself.


Kimberly Spencer 00:12:31  It has been a minute since I have recorded a solo episode for the Crown Yourself podcast. I have been deep in book baby birthing mode, deep in in hovel, humbled. Is that even a word? I've been hunkered. Yeah, hunkered. That was the word I was going for. Hunkered down in total, head down, get it done. Devotion to getting this book and this work out into the world and I am so excited. We are two weeks away, less than two weeks away from make every podcast wanting from make from the book, make every podcast want you coming to an Amazon cart near you, meaning your Amazon cart. I am so excited for this guys. Like I am literally like the pregnancy feels are real and I think even if I wasn't pregnant, I would still be having all the feels because this book is massive. Like if you and if you're an author like I get it now, like I fully get it and I'm so excited to share this with you. I'm so excited.


Kimberly Spencer 00:13:44  And so with that, I wanted to bring you a little sneaky peek of Make Every Podcast Want You on a section on mastery. Here we go.

The Crown Yourself Podcast is a fast-growing self-improvement podcast, ranked in the top #200 personal-development podcasts in two countries, so far,  out of 4.5 million podcasts. Each week, you get the conscious leadership strategies you need to help you reign with courage, clarity, and confidence so that you too can make the income and impact you deserve. Imagine this podcast as your royal invitation to step into your full potential and reign in your divine purpose. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.



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