It's not perfect, this journey.
There are moments worthy of puffy eyes, release, pain, struggle, triumph, challenge, championship, figuring it out, and all the above combined into the span of 90 seconds sometimes.
But it is in those moments of crashing, burning, finding, releasing, allowing that allows for all the pieces to come together.
Keep going.
You got this, puffy eyes or not.
You don’t have to put it out in the world - but perfect doesn’t sell and it PAYS to be human.
As Captain Marvel shows us, the benefit of being human is that we have forged an unshakable resilience to get back up again...
And again...
And again...
And again...
And every time we stand up, FOR ourselves, FOR something greater than use, FOR love, FOR more...
You strengthen the resilience within us, which, when forged, exercised in the throws of "too much," stress, overwhelm, pain, struggle, choice, choosing, and redeciding, recommitting to that vision.
You see more of who you are becoming.
The Queen who is both worthy of it NOW and earning it every second.
Keep going.
Allow the world to be with you on your journey.
It may surprise you as you show up more authentically and more vulnerably that you will actually attract more people, more cheerleaders, more supporters into your world.
Being some perfect paragon of perfection actually, subconsciously, leaves little niggling distrust in your customers’ minds…
Because it ain’t real.
Life has shit sometimes.
And meltdowns.
And hardship.
And struggle.
And always trying to be perfect...well.
If you can smell B.S. with your own attempts at perfection, guess what your audience is thinking from that stinking.
Let them see the behind-the-scenes action.
You don’t have to expose it ALL, but show some humanity for goodness sake.
This world is STARVING for your authenticity...and your hope.
You can have your raw and real moments and still find the most beautiful silver linings in it all.
You can constantly be up-leveling your game AND still be figuring it out.
You don’t have to have all your shit straight in order to serve.
For yourself.
For others.
We got this.
Remember, your reign is now.
P.S. Authenticity rules on the interwebs, in fact, it sparkles. Choose to show up and show ALL of you. If you’ve got some self-limiting beliefs holding you back, that’s why I created my #SparkleonSocialMedia self-study course.
I’ve combined my No B.S. style of coaching with ALL the strategies, tools, and advice you need to get started being BOLD, FEARLESS, and AUTHENTIC AF online.
...And how to make MONEY from doing it too.
You’ll learn….
How to Punch the Fear of Being Judged In the Face
Where to Identify Your "Subconscious Sticky Spots" around Social Media
Why You Just Posting Stuff Online Isn’t Working to Build that Following or Bring in ze Money!
What Tools to Use to Plan Out Your Social Media in Advance
The Success Tax EVERY Influencer is Required to Pay
What the Pro's Do to Be So Confident Online
It’s all jam-packed into 5 video modules, MP3s so you can take the course with you where ever you go, and journal prompts to plot out your world domination...ahem, I mean social media posts. 😉
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