Embrace Your Inner Cycle: Transforming Hormonal Challenges into Creative Opportunities with Renae Fieck

Please enjoy this transcript of the Crown Yourself Podcast, with Cycle Advantage Coach, Renae Fieck [@renaefieck] and, your host, transformational story coach, Kimberly Spencer (@Kimberly.Spencer)

Connect with Renae Fieck

BIO: Renae is a mom of 3 and occupational therapist. She helps women optimize their time and energy through unlocking the power of their cycles so that they can be thriving high achievers. Through her method she helps women balance the demands of life, make a bigger impact, and get bigger results without adding more stress or needing more time. She’s the host of The Cycle Advantage Podcast. She can be found at http://www.renaefieck.com .

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In this episode of the Crown Yourself podcast, host Kimberly Spencer and her guests, Renae Fieck explore the profound impact of hormonal cycles on women's creativity, intuition, and well-being. Renae shares insights on navigating life and business through the lens of hormonal changes, emphasizing the importance of understanding and honoring these cycles. Kimberly discusses personal experiences with hormonal health, grief, and motherhood. The conversation covers the four phases of the menstrual cycle, the significance of nervous system regulation, and the challenges of societal expectations. The episode encourages women to embrace their natural rhythms and redefine success on their own terms.


What you will learn from this episode…

  • The impact of hormonal cycles on women's creativity, intuition, and well-being.
  • Understanding and harnessing the potential of menstrual cycles in personal and professional contexts.
  • The cyclical nature of women's hormonal changes and its influence on motivation and emotional states.
  • The importance of nervous system regulation in managing stress and maintaining balance.
  • Strategies for aligning business tasks with the different phases of the menstrual cycle.
  • The significance of self-care and rest during the menstrual phase to prevent burnout.
  • Emotional challenges associated with the luteal phase and the importance of self-reflection.
  • The relationship between societal expectations and women's productivity and success.
  • The historical connection between women's cycles and the lunar cycle.
  • Empowering future generations through open conversations about hormonal health and self-acceptance.

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We good? Great. Let's get to the goods.



Renae Fieck 00:00:00  A lot of women don't look at their periods. Is that really great, wonderful time of the month when we start to transition it into this space of like, that's when your million-dollar ideas come in. That's when your most intuitive things come in. But you have to create the space to allow that to happen. So a lot of women just going through life and going through the day and just hustling to the next thing or missing out on those really intuitive things because they're not listening to them. So it really does require that intentionality to create the space to hear it.

Kimberly Spencer 00:00:29  Welcome to the Crown Yourself podcast, where together we build your empire and transform your subconscious stories about what's possible for your business, body, and life. I'm your host, Kimberly Spencer, founder of Crown Yourself. Com and I'm a master mindset coach, bestselling author, TEDx speaker, known to my clients as a game changer. Each week you get the conscious leadership strategies you need to help you reign with courage, clarity and confidence so that you too can make the income and impact you deserve.

Kimberly Spencer 00:01:00  Imagine this podcast as your royal invitation to step into your full potential and reign in your divine purpose. Your sovereignty starts here and your reign is now.

Hey, Renae. Hey. How are you?

Renae Fieck 00:01:11  I am doing extraordinary When you think of your cycle and these visionary or creative spurts, do they come in more one part of your cycle than into others? Yes they do actually. Honestly. So your visionary, like creative part of you happens when your hormones and brain are functioning one way and then other times of the month it's like more on integration and more on reflection and things like that. So like how your hormones function throughout the month do drastically change in I mean, literally there are studies coming out now, like MRI studies of how our brain changes throughout the month, and so certain parts of our brain are lit up at different times than other times, based on where our hormones are throughout the entire month, making it. We are very different day to day to day, like there's not a single day in a 30 day window or like a 20.

Renae Fieck 00:02:09  If we want to say monthly rhythm, that women are exactly the same, like our hormones are gradually increasing, gradually declining every single day. And all of that shift and change does impact the way we think. It impacts the way we create. It impacts the way we communicate. It impacts the way we self-reflect, how many limiting beliefs we feel like we have, how much self-doubt we have. Like literally everything changes throughout the month. And so those rhythms, like where you sometimes want to burn down your business and you don't want to do it anymore, or the times where you feel like I am amazing AF, like I've got this, like those shifts and changes aren't necessarily you or something wrong with you. You're like, why did a week or so ago, I felt like I was on top of the world and I was going to crush everything, and now I feel like everything's falling apart and I don't want to do it anymore. Like that shift and change isn't something wrong with you. It's just like the rhythm of how your hormones go.

Renae Fieck 00:03:08  And when you know what that rhythm is, then they don't blindside you anymore. 150%.

Kimberly Spencer 00:03:14  That was.

Renae Fieck 00:03:15  A.

Kimberly Spencer 00:03:15  Big.

Renae Fieck 00:03:16  Awakening last.

Kimberly Spencer 00:03:17  Year.

Renae Fieck 00:03:17  Like, I've.

Kimberly Spencer 00:03:17  Always kind of followed my hormones, but last year, because we had a lot of transition and we're coming off of a lot of, death and grief and losing family members and moving twice in one year, like my. I went to the doctor and I got my hormones tested, and he's like, you don't have any. And I was like, well, that's not true. Yeah. because there is a cycle. But my cortisol was so off the charts, he said, no wonder you felt like you wanted to burn your business to the ground. Like, no wonder. Like because my cortisol was just stuck on high and it wasn't impacting my menstrual cycle, but it was definitely impacting my mental cycle. Yeah. And I'm curious how because you coach through the cycle, the female cycle and honoring the body as the body changes during like seasons of trauma or grief, or even pregnancy.

Kimberly Spencer 00:04:10  How how do the hormones and the ways that you regulate and navigate your business in that that time correlate? Yeah.

Renae Fieck 00:04:18  Well, I think it really comes back to it. Like I talk about like I used to be teaching menstrual cycle or like cycle thinking stuff all wrong because in the past I feel like it was very much focused on just the hormones, like I come from a medical background, so it's like focus on the body, the biology, like what's actually happening, how is it impacting our brains, how is it impacting like the cortisol like you talked about, like how is that cortisol cascade impacting all the other hormones. And that was kind of the lens in which I started my business and really focused in, in the beginning. And now I've moved into this place of like, I really feel like my core purpose and my core. Yeah, my core purpose in life is to help women learn to trust themselves. And so that goes beyond like the cycle is the stepping stone for that. Like it's helping women kind of break out of that mold of listening to this is how we're supposed to work, this is how we're supposed to do it.

Renae Fieck 00:05:11  This is how you should be doing. And it helps them learn to listen to what's happening for them and where their bodies at and what that rhythm is. And oh, I do need a down day today, so I'm going to give myself that permission. So I think the cycle becomes like the stepping stone to that. And then it transitions and morphs into really helping women learn to trust themselves and like, learn to trust what's happening for them and their own reality and their own intuition. And so then that transcends any of our experiences, right? So it doesn't matter if we're in a state of grief before in a season of high intensity, it doesn't matter if we're in a season of pregnancy. It all comes back to that question of listening to like what is true and right for me right now, and what do I need right now? What is my body need right now? And I think you even talked about like that cortisol cascade or like cortisol high as I'm an occupational therapist. And so a big part of my professional practice is in the state of nervous system regulation and understanding how our nervous system is impacting us.

Renae Fieck 00:06:12  And so I've said this like so many times, but like no other generation before has ever had to deal with the amount of sensory stimuli, the amount of sensation, the amount of stress, the amount of like fight or flight sort of spaces as any generation before. So our generation today is a vast need of learning how to regulate their nervous systems and learning how to bring back that cortisol level down. And a big part of that is learning and understanding, like physiologically, what is happening in the body mentally, what's happening in the mind, like what is happening for you in whatever season, wherever you're at, doesn't matter what is happening for you. Are we off the charts? If we're off the charts, like, how do we bring it back down and be okay with that when the messages may be push harder, or when the messages may say don't quit, or when the messages say you have to sacrifice everything in order to get to your goals, right? Like, how do we learn to listen to you despite what all the messages may be around you are saying, so that we can make sure that you are regulated.

Renae Fieck 00:07:17  You you're grounded, you're calm and like, then that transcends any situation. It goes beyond just the hormones at that point.

Kimberly Spencer 00:07:26  Yeah, yeah, nervous system regulation was something I defaulted and stumbled upon when I was 19 and, teaching Pilates.

Renae Fieck 00:07:34  Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer 00:07:35  and it's like knowing that, knowing how to downgrade into parasympathetic and then ramp up into sympathetic and understanding that like when we say regulation like regulation does not mean that one is bad or one is good. That's it's not a moralistic thing. It is what it is. Right? Yeah. And so when what are some techniques that you provide to allow for that regulation of the nervous system.

Renae Fieck 00:08:03  Well, so before when I used to work at the children's hospital and worked with children and, in the areas mostly of sensory integration and autism and ADHD and stuff like that, and we always talked about it like this, just right zone. So there, like, we all have a threshold of either too much stimulation or too little stimulation. So as adults, like most of us, are highly, you know, like highly functioning adults, like we know when we're in a low funk and we're like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna go get some coffee, right? Or we, we find ways.

Renae Fieck 00:08:33  Or if we're feeling way over stimulated, we take a bath and we calm ourselves down. So it's one understanding and listening to where that just right zone is for you. And then, like you said, having a toolbox of stuff that's going to help you either when you've exceeded that threshold above and we're in that state of fight or flight and panic, like, how do we bring it back down? And when we're in that low, like we're just not feeling like we have enough energy, what do we have to pull us back up? And so I think it really does become something that is very unique to each person to discover and kind of figure out, like what those things are that are really going to be really grounding for you, and which ones are going to be those ones that are energy boosters for you. I think there are some general principles, like neurologically a lot of like what we call a deep pressure or slow or, or bringing back to the body can be very grounding and kind of help us come down things that are a little bit more activating or like things that are, you know, we in the OT world, we talk about like the vestibular.

Renae Fieck 00:09:36  So like in the inner ear, like, are we creating a lot of movement in the ear? Those tend to be very alerting and bringing things up so we can pull in like very physiological ones. I find that one of the ones that I have been using so much for my clients is breathwork. Breathwork tends to have, I find like the ability to do both for a lot of people and depending on where you're at and what you need. And so we can really customize the breathwork session to be able to bring you back to your body and help you really center and get calm and like, really grounded in the body. And we can also use it as a way to really activate the body. And so that tends to be one that I use a lot. I go to like very, body based stuff. So it's like the breathwork getting outside in nature, like going for a walk. I mean, people vastly underestimate the value of like, no headphones and just go outside and go for a walk.

Renae Fieck 00:10:32  Like what that can do for your nervous system, and that what they can do for your creativity and what that can do for how you just show up. Like so many things there, I mean, the list could go on. Like I could go like I've my sister introduced me to this like t morning practice where it's like an ancient Japanese practice of of tea and whatnot. And so I do that every morning where it's this like stillness thing. Maybe not every morning, but a lot of mornings we're all like, pour these tea and like, sit and drink and just have this, like, meditative experience. And for me, that clears the mind and helps ground me and center me in such a different way than a lot of other things. So I think one, it's finding the things that work for you in your current life. Like in the past, there's no way I would have been able to get out for an hour before my kids are up and do this, like tea ritual in the season of life I'm in right now, that works.

Renae Fieck 00:11:25  There was a season in the past where it was literally, as I get in the car, I just pause before I'm driving down the road and just take a couple big deep breaths or visualize grounding myself. So I think it is very specific for people based on what their nervous system needs, and also the season of life that you're in, and giving yourself the grace to lean into practices that work where you are, rather than having this expectation of I have to have this whole ten step nighttime routine that I see on Instagram, and that's what I need in order to make my body feel good. Like we don't always have to do that.

Kimberly Spencer 00:11:59  I completely agree, and thank you for bringing up the ten step Instagram routine, because sometimes when you see those, especially because you and I are both moms and I know that, you know, back in 2016, you weren't you were in a pretty harrowing position with three kids and a husband with a brain tumor. Yeah. So did you have these resources back then, or did you have to, like, business and build on it? Yeah.

Renae Fieck 00:12:23  Yeah, I know at that time I really didn't. I at the time, all none of this was, this was all like outside of my box. And I think it was probably maybe six months post. Having my daughter is when my, my sister introduced me to Beachbody and I became a Beachbody coach. Like wanting more of that freedom financially and also, you know, post-baby, like wanting to get healthy and fit. And that was the gateway for me in terms of personal growth and personal development and really taking care of my body. Like prior to that, I probably never would have been the person that would want to work out, like I never would have done anything like that. And so it really became this journey of me of like learning to love and honor my body. And even recently, my daughter had her birthday and I had my third baby at home. And I was reflecting on that experience with when her birthday came around and thinking through, like even just the process of birth and like going through that whole experience for me of navigating through pregnancy and birth and then postpartum and all of that, I think.

Renae Fieck 00:13:34  I think that was probably the bigger catalyst of understanding our bodies in a much deeper way and like became this catalyst for me of like really honoring the woman's body like a journey that we go on and how the menstrual cycle plays out and like how birth creates and like how this magic happens. Like, I think that was kind of, for me, the beginning of it. And then it slowly started to grow after that. And at that time, really exercise was the only main tool that I was using. I and all the things I knew in my head, which I think is the other piece of it. Like, we know these things in our heads sometimes, like I, I knew it. That's what I did in my graduate degree. Like that's what I spent all my time doing, was helping people regulate their nervous system. But I wasn't necessarily embodying it and doing it for myself at home. It's like it was in a container of like, this is my work, this is what I do.

Renae Fieck 00:14:27  I wasn't crossing that into how does this actually help me in my body, in my regulation? So I would come home and I would be with the hormones the way they were, like, I would hit that luteal phase and I'd become a raging lunatic and get so angry and so mad and, like, scream at my husband and like all those things and like, felt so out of body, out of control and didn't know that that that it was hormones that were causing it, Didn't know that I was just totally deregulated, like so many pieces of it. But I think the hormones played such a big piece of it at the time. I didn't know that that's what was happening. So yeah, two things.

Kimberly Spencer 00:15:05  One, you just painted for me this beautiful picture because of, of, of the pregnancy journey that I've, you know I, because we know the cycles of the female cycles and there's the four phases and then there's the, you know, then then you menstruate, but that I suddenly saw like, oh, that fourth trimester that's called, you know, after you give birth, that's really the kind of almost menstruation period of the down period versus that, that second trimester where you get that like the creative, like nesting, sort of like a superpower sink in just so much.

Kimberly Spencer 00:15:41  Yeah. Thank you so much for that breakthrough. for me. And secondly, like, I think the EU said something so powerful that is the knowledge of our cycles. And I just had the pleasure and honor of seeing Lisa. Bill, you speak on stage and podcast convention. And she was she shared about how women between the ages of 40 and 55 studies show that that's the highest time that most women get divorced, and that most women commit suicide because of their hormones shifting into menopausal years and perimenopause and menopause, and the fact that their brain is changing so much during that time. So when your clients come to you, what are the differences that you notice between the generations as far as like how they need to navigate their business, whether they're in their 40s and perimenopausal or menopausal, or in, you know, 30s and early 20s where, you know, that's birth and baby years. Yeah. and then or younger. You know, what? What are you noticing are the commonalities with the women who are past menopause, who have gone beyond that.

Kimberly Spencer 00:16:55  And so now they've gotten through that. And so what are you noticing as to how each one of those types kind of needs to navigate their business in a different way?

Renae Fieck 00:17:02  Yeah. Well, I think even just like what you talked about, like with pregnancy and birth in that whole experience, it's very cyclical. And I have never really evaluated and looked at all those phases. But they're they're likely if I were to put it, there are all four of the phases of our cycle within that pregnancy experience. We have the same four phases within the year. So spring, summer, winter, fall very much align. And I, I really firmly believe that each one of those four phases, each one of those four seasons, gives us something biologically that's like a basic need. And that when we have those basic needs met, is when we feel balanced, we feel whole. We feel complete. We feel in alignment with what we're doing. It's like we need all four of those phases and without one of them is when we start to feel that imbalance, when we start to feel like something's off.

Renae Fieck 00:17:54  And so the same thing, when we look at that, it doesn't matter what season that you are in, in terms of your menstruation status, that we we want to cultivate all four of those seasons. So I have I will put the the caveat out. I have not worked with a lot of women who are postmenopausal or in that perimenopause phase. Some of them are like in the early stages of perimenopause. But I have a theory that if women in that phase start aligning with the moon and start using the moon as an external guide, that not only are they going to feel more balanced as they navigate through it, but I do kind of have this theory that it could help them transition hormonally easier, because we're telling the body to continue with this normal, natural rhythm that we've been on. And even if the hormones are kind of a little off and they're doing their own thing and they're whatever that the hormones do during menopause, that if we're continuing with that consistent rhythm, it's like our body thrives on routine and it thrives on habits and it thrives on that rhythm Like that is I mean, that was a whole part of my practice area, is a therapist is all about helping people tap back into those rhythms, tap back into those habits, like when somebody had a stroke.

Renae Fieck 00:19:05  I can help them relearn how to brush their teeth far faster if I know how they brush their teeth in the first place. Like, I can't remember the first time I was in the hospital, and I was working with an older patient who'd had a stroke, and he took the tube of toothpaste, and he stuck the tube of toothpaste to his mouth. And my immediate thought was, oh my gosh, like his cognition is off. Like he doesn't like he had the stroke, he doesn't know what he's doing. And he squeezed a little bit in his mouth and then he started brushing his teeth. Right. For him. That's probably how he did it. His entire life was like squeezed toothpaste into his mouth. Instead, I put toothpaste on my toothbrush and then bring the toothbrush. Try to mouth if I were to force him to try to put it on his toothbrush, he would not have been able to relearn that skill post having a stroke. And so we know so much about the way the brain works and how the brain functions is that when we help it stay within those rhythms and stay within those habits, it functions with more ease and it regains things like we've created those neural pathways like continue with the neural pathway.

Renae Fieck 00:20:03  So for me that is like I would love for women that are out there listening to that are in that phase to try it. And it may take a while and come back to me with the research, like after you've done it, but going through like using the moon to navigate through that season, or same as like pregnancy, like I've had women who have been using their cycle for months and months and months before they got pregnant and noticed the exact same four phases throughout their pregnancy with some variation, right? Like some days you're a little bit more tired than you maybe would have been, but they noticed that same rhythm, even though the hormones are not the thing guiding that rhythm. So I think it really looks at this idea of like, the hormones are definitely the basis of what I do, but a big part of it too, is also creating these habits in these rhythms, and that habits and the rhythms impact the way our body functions and creates a little bit more of that stability. So when we look across the spectrum of the life, if we look at wherever you are menstruating, status is that as people, as human beings, if we're meeting all four of those core needs.

Renae Fieck 00:21:07  So the menstruation phase hits the core need of rest and restoration and recharging the follicular phase is the sense of like purpose and creation, like creating things out into the world. The ovulatory phase is our sense of relationship with other people in connection to other people. And then the final luteal phase is our relationship in connection to ourselves. And if we have all four of those pieces, I don't know, like I feel like we are so much more balanced. It's like that's what we need. Like that's our what makes humans feel balanced. And I think that that spans wherever status you are in terms of your administration.

Kimberly Spencer 00:21:49  I completely agree. And I see the the cycle, you know, because we are natural beings. And when we tried to disassociate ourself from the natural realm and it's very easy to because I think one of the things I literally was having a conversation with my hairdresser the other day about just how it's very easy, especially for smart women, to get stuck in their heads and out of their bodies, especially if you've had trauma.

Kimberly Spencer 00:22:14  Yeah, and being in your body can feel like an unsafe place to be. Yeah. Yeah. And in that space, though, of finding that relationship to yourself, finding how you relate to others. And that created creativity and that sense of purpose and then allowing for the rest. And like I know for me I've definitely been guilty as the, you know hardcore high achiever who decides to start a business with every baby. And unless the, the rest phase was something that I deeply deprived myself of. And that piece was so integral in my healing. And necessary. Yeah. What piece of the cycle do you see most commonly women struggle with.

Renae Fieck 00:23:04  that one like the rest. Yeah a lot of well especially the women that I work with because like you said, we're like highly ambitious. Like we want to go, we want to do we want to create. We want to stay in that follicular phase all month long that feels like high on life or crushing all of our goals. We're getting the to do list done.

Renae Fieck 00:23:23  We're like moving and grooving and getting things moving. Like we want to stay in that phase. And so we push and we strive to try to stay in that phase as much as possible that that rest and taking space back. And I see it. I mean, I'm in some groups of entrepreneurs and I sometimes will just listen. It is that that is the. The hardest part for entrepreneurs. And they talk about like the like I hear people saying like the rest is productive. And there was like another big phrase that is in that vein of like when we are in that rest space, that is our visionary. Like you and I talked about that a little bit at the beginning. Like that is our visionary space. That is our CEO space when we're stuck in the doing and the going, we're not able to be in that visionary CEO space. And yet so many entrepreneurs, especially because a lot of them either A or solopreneurs, are started as a solopreneur. And in that solopreneur space, you are doing a lot of the work.

Renae Fieck 00:24:21  You're like moving things off the ground. And at some point we got to let go of those things and stay more in that visionary space. And like, that is where we want to be That that is the, the, the rustle of like going from hustling and grinding to get our businesses up off the ground to transitioning into allowing ourselves to rest. And even I could put on there that like those solopreneurs that are hustling and grinding, they need it the most in that phase even. But that is, I think, the hardest part. Like those, that's one of the hardest phases for women or for people to really embrace, especially if they've got big goals and big dreams. It's like we've been conditioned for so long to make sacrifices and to work hard. Like even I know I said like early. I started with Beachbody and I still use their workouts. And I was listening to one the other day and she was referring to Tony Robbins. And I don't know if this is true, but she was talking about like, Tony Robbins was talking about that.

Renae Fieck 00:25:16  In order to live an extraordinary life, you have to do things like beyond extraordinary, like you have to do the things that nobody else is willing to do, like A-plus. Players don't get like the the extraordinary life. It's the ones that go above the A-plus play. Right. And so she was talking about this idea of just pushing and, and success and like this achievement ranking. And I left that workout like listening to her. And I was like, well, what if actually not doing that? Like, what if not? Striving and pushing was the most extraordinary thing you could do? Because most of what society is telling us is to achieve the biggest job, to have the biggest bank account, to buy the biggest house, to have the fittest body like all of those things that to go counter culture to so that that is the most extraordinary thing you can do. So understanding what matters to you and what are those goals you want to achieve. And leaning into that and not listening to anybody else, not listening to what everybody else calls success or would anybody else thinks is extraordinary.

Renae Fieck 00:26:19  But finding that extraordinary thing for you, and I think we are seeing a lot more, at least I am. My social media feed is full of these women who have taken this like, simple life approach and created farms and homesteads and just like unsubscribed from that whole success ladder. And I think that is the most extraordinary life like that is that is still incredibly extraordinary to like, say, tap out. I'm not doing this like hustle and grind sort of thing. I don't know where I was going with this whole conversation or where we started with it, but I think it is kind of unraveling and unlearning some of those messages that we've been taught that we have to do or perform a certain way in order to be successful or any of those types of things. Oh, I remember where we were like, which phase? So that's the hardest one is the rest for sure. Do you find that a lot of women across the board really struggle with the luteal phase, because of all the emotion that comes up in that phase?

Kimberly Spencer 00:27:18  And it can.

Renae Fieck 00:27:19  Be really challenging. It can be a lot of limiting beliefs and fears and doubts and wondering if I'm good enough, am I able enough and capable? So it can be a really heavy phase for an emotional self-doubt phase. And I think that that phase can be one of the other ones that a lot of women notice the most. They struggle the most in terms of like it comes on them whether they want it to or not, whereas the recipes, they can just skip the rest days if they want, right? Like they can just move along past it. But this one comes and they they really can't just get over it like it happens regardless.

Kimberly Spencer 00:27:54  So I found the luteal phase requires me to rest because of how big the emotions are. And then once I started honoring the bigness of the emotions that they've just been built up, they were kind of like a Jenga set and like I just kind of needed to be toppled. And then once I started honoring that and letting it, letting it be what it is and also knowing, like my family knows, like nine days out from the distractions, like mommy is just a little bit more on edge.

Kimberly Spencer 00:28:24  And that ability to be present with what is, yeah, was a game changer for just for my relationships and also mainly my because like you said, that luteal phase is the relationship to self of like really being able to say like, wow, this is the phase that every single self-doubt that I have seems to rear its head. Okay, this is my time to actually process that before I go into the resting phase. And I think that the to your point about the the Beachbody workout experience, I think that their women do discipline differently. Yeah, a lot of advice out there, especially in the personal development realm, was like, you know, being disciplined and you know, you have your workout every day and you do the thing and I'm fine with that. But sometimes the workout needs to be different. Yeah, depending upon where you are in your cycle. Like, I know that, you know, during my, my ovulation time, I'm not doing a lot of like low transverse Indominus work with Pilates because my ovaries are like, hey.

Renae Fieck 00:29:23  You're here, we're here.

Kimberly Spencer 00:29:26  And so that that awareness of the body and like what she really needs versus this fitting yourself into this box that is manmade. Yeah. That doesn't actually fit the female form. Yeah.

Renae Fieck 00:29:41  Yeah. And I used to like harp on the word consistency a lot, because I think that idea of being consistent all the time is really what holds a lot of women back, because we feel like we have to show up the same way, and we have to do the same thing over and over again, especially when we think of like in the workout space, right? If we want to get if we want to get results, we have to be consistent. Well, consistent looks like showing up and doing the same. Like not the same workout, but like same style of workout like every single day. But women's bodies are very different. And there's there really has not been a lot of research. I think even I was writing something the other day, it was like 1980, 1980 was the first that it was recommended that women be included in medical studies.

Renae Fieck 00:30:26  1980. Like, that's not that long ago. And even at that point, I think a lot of the women that were being included in studies were women that were on birth control. And birth control is very different on our bodies, like it doesn't have the same sort of status. So I think we're going to start to see a bigger trend going forward of like, what does exercise look like? What does nutrition look like? What does sleep like? I've even seen that recently. Like I want to find the study, but I've seen a lot of social media posts. People saying that like, women actually don't need 7 to 8 hours of sleep, like the general old recommendations that women actually need 9 to 10 hours of sleep. And so I'm like, I want to find the study on that. But even with that, like when we look at sleep and nutrition and food and all of these like basic bodily functions, what has been coined as the standard or the normal or the recommended didn't necessarily account for how a woman's body changes.

Renae Fieck 00:31:22  And so I of like wanted to get rid of the word consistent. And yet at the same time, like we do have to show up in our business consistently like we do have. It just isn't consistent every single day. And so some more recently I had seen someone use the word devoted, and I really like that word, especially for women. Like because I know, like you and I are probably both the same. We are so devoted to our businesses, like we want to see that business grow. We want to we want to show up for our families and our businesses and our people and our community like we're going to do. We're we're devoted to showing up for them. But that devotion doesn't necessarily mean that it's consistent every day. And I really like that, because that gives me the freedom and I think gives people the freedom to feel like I can be devoted to my business and that it's going to move and I'm going to move it. I'm going to do the things that need to do to move it forward.

Renae Fieck 00:32:15  But that may look like me taking a week off. That may look like me taking a break, that may look like I'm not posting on social media every day, like whatever that looks like creating that. What is devotion look like for you in your business, and how can you be devoted to your business and the growth it has, and the family, or for your family and for your community and your people? Without that feeling of like, I have to do the same thing every single day. Like consistency, feel.

Kimberly Spencer 00:32:40  I love that you and I have different definitions for consistency, because I think this is something so powerful and the words that we use like I, I, I truly, deeply believe in devotion. I also believe in consistency. But I think the consistency from what I'm hearing from you is more of repetition. Yeah. Versus because a cycle or female cycles are consistent. Exactly. That's consistent. We have every single four four phases. Nature is consistent in having every single one of the cycles.

Kimberly Spencer 00:33:11  But we're not in summer 24 seven. Yes, 365 days a year. We have those consistent cycles. So I think cycles are consistent. Repetition. Yeah. Not like we are not built to experience the same thing every single day. And one of the biggest changes for me in my business was when I took my giant list of consistency things that I was like, I'm going to do this on my discipline, things that I'm going to do and kick them off from off my box. And I, I dialed it back to like, bare ass minimum. Like, what are the few things that I can be really, really devoted to and that I know that deeply support me. So like a meditation in the middle of the day while I'm putting my son down for his nap. Non-negotiable. For a good workout, taking my vitamins three times a day, like those those basic things. And then for business, the same thing. Instead of having 14,000 bajillion things to do, which as business owners can happen, like there's always something else.

Kimberly Spencer 00:34:14  Yeah, that you can do. There's always. But looking at like what really moves the needle, what is that 5% that moves the 95%? And those few actions to do just do those. Yeah. What if you just surrendered the rest of the day and just did that 5% that moved 95%?

Renae Fieck 00:34:31  Yeah. Yeah. And I think that like you talked about like I kind of I've steered away from really talking about the consistency because it is like I think it was a it was for me a buzzword. And then it got an attraction. But I also found that I got a lot of people that didn't want to put in the work when they hear the word consistency. So I think the wrestle with consistency and when we think about it is like, if you're in the place of like, I don't want to show up consistently because I don't want to do the work and I'm it's resistant and I'm trying to avoid something or I'm avoid the discipline or I'm avoiding whatever. That's a whole different ball game and a whole different conversation and topic, right, of like how we move into this place of being committed to what we're doing and showing up.

Renae Fieck 00:35:14  And like you said, it is still cycles. It's still the rhythm. In fact, if we look at like the rhythms of Mother Nature, it's more consistent than anything else, like the way the moon operates and the sun operates like the sun comes up every day and the moon comes up every day like it's this. Those are the most consistent things in our world, and yet they're not the same all the time. Like, and so even that, like, I look at the dichotomy of like the sun and the moon, right? The sun functions way more like men do in this 24 hour rhythm. And the moon is more in the the 28 day rhythm of women. And so there is both rhythms. And I think that that's a beautiful way to look at it too, in terms of like masculine and feminine, is that there's no right or wrong. They both coexist and we need them both like we couldn't. I mean, yesterday we did without the sun for a bleep of a minute like a thing during the eclipse.

Renae Fieck 00:36:08  But like otherwise, we need both. And they both coexist and that they balance each other out like the sun's up during the day and the moon's out during the night. And vice versa. Like there's no right, wrong bad and the other like. And so it's looking at how does that rhythm look for you and how can you be in that state of commitment? And how can you be in that cycle that works for you? Right. And how does it align with how your body is feeling and how your intuition is guiding, and create some consistency within that flow of what women really feel? I think is a good way to put it.

Kimberly Spencer 00:36:43  Have you noticed that at any point in the cycle intuition is heightened in women?

Renae Fieck 00:36:48  a lot of people believe that the menstrual phase is your highest subconscious intuitive sort of time. So it is the time. I highly recommend all of my clients take off social media, at least for a couple of days, and get off of like all platforms. Just go outside and be in nature.

Renae Fieck 00:37:06  Be with your eye. It's like it is your visionary space or time of the month. So whatever you can do in that time to create spaciousness, to allow those intuitive ideas to come in, often talks about your million dollar idea time when a lot of women don't look at their periods. Is that really great? Wonderful time of the month when we start to transition it into this space of like, that's when your million dollar ideas come in. That's when your most intuitive things come in. But you have to create the space to allow that to happen. So a lot of women just going through life and going through the day and just hustling to the next thing or missing out on those really intuitive things because they're not listening to them. So it really does require that intentionality to create the space to hear it.

Kimberly Spencer 00:37:47  Yeah. And yes, I'm reflecting on just the past few months of my cycles, and those have been some, like pretty awesome, like breakthrough moments in those few first few days of menstruation.

Kimberly Spencer 00:38:00  Like, is it really like the last time it was when I was in LA and suddenly I had this, like, awakening to a whole different type of clientele for our podcast agency and had like three offers and contracts on the table because of the space that I had given myself and that experience to allow yourself to be in that space. Yeah. have you noticed a depending upon whether a woman's cycle falls with the moon cycle, whether it's a full moon or a new moon menstruation, that their intuitive capabilities are different.

Renae Fieck 00:38:36  So you will hear people say that that women and I think historically, we probably all did function with the moon. So the new moon would be your your bleed time and the ovulation phase would be your, the ovulation would be the full moon. And I do think that prior to having artificial lighting, that is likely how women's bodies, normally we all probably functioned in that way. Once the introduction of artificial lighting came in, it started to impact our circadian rhythms. And the circadian rhythm has a really direct relationship to our information rhythm, which is our menstrual cycle.

Renae Fieck 00:39:11  So I think there's a lot of mix there. But I do think biologically, we were probably built to kind of operate on that, that moon cycle. I actually had a client one time and be like that makes most of much sense. Like if you think about it, back in the day when they didn't have artificial light, the only time that they probably could like have intercourse and sex and whatnot and make babies was when there was a full moon out and they could see each other, and I was like, oh my gosh, like, but it kind of makes sense, right? Like make babies when the moon is out. So I think that normally and historically, that's probably how we were designed to operate. I do know that there are some things I've read where women that bleed on the new moon are more inclined intuitively in some ways. Or if you're on the full moon, that it's different and things like that. I think that there may be some element to that for people who are really aligned and like, really in tune with their body and really in tune with energetics.

Renae Fieck 00:40:05  I think for a lot of women, they probably don't notice that, and that there probably isn't something there. So I really think and everybody like my, my cycle is 32 days. And so there are times when I do match up with the moon and sometimes I don't, and so do I take advantage of it when it lines up that way, I'm like, yes, I'm going to like go all in on these like and make this a really powerful cycle. And other times it's not. So I don't know if that really answered your question, but I think for some women they maybe feel it. And but I think the consistency of it being on the cycle for most women is probably very hard. I think most people have closer to that 30 day cycle than a 28 day cycle, and so even just a 30 day cycle isn't going to match up every time. It's you have variation to it. Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer 00:40:54  Yeah, yeah. And I think that, that that was something because I used to have a 35 day cycle.

Kimberly Spencer 00:40:58  Now I'm at a 38 day post two babies. And it's, it's allowing for that variance. And I think when we take apply the strategy of our menstrual cycle into our business, what do you recommend is the pattern for the flow of each of those four phases?

Renae Fieck 00:41:18  Like I said, that menstrual phase is the time for you to be really like planning things out, being visionary, like thinking of what's coming in the month, kind of setting those intentions, setting those goals, getting the ideas out there. Then you move into that follicular phase. I oftentimes call it the accelerate phase because it is about like taking big momentum and taking big action. It's when estrogen starts to climb and estrogen has a lot of that more testosterone type feel where we're like, I want to take things on, I'm good. Let's go. Let's get things rolling. Let's put those ideas into practice. Like, let's take big action on them. And then we get to the top of that height of estrogen is when we ovulate.

Renae Fieck 00:41:58  And so at that point our bodies are biologically trying to make a baby. And so you're very magnetic. There's studies that have shown like even the your skin changes, your saliva changes, your smell changes. Like biologically, you're signaling to the world to make a baby with you. And so you can be very magnetic, very radiant. You communicate more articulately. So it's a great time for podcast interviews or going live or launching or anything creating social media posts, like anything that requires you to be on camera and talk to camera. Great time. You'll likely be able to get, you know, seven, eight, ten reels done in a quick little short period of time versus if we do it in that next video phase, you might record it like 50 bajillion times and still not like it and then never end up posting it because you don't like the way you looked and how it felt and like all those things. So this is a really great time to go hardcore on anything that requires your visual presence, because you are going to feel it like you're resonating with the people you're connecting with.

Renae Fieck 00:42:58  And then once that estrogen dips down, progesterone picks up and progesterone feels very different. For some women, it can be very productive feeling, but it's a totally different type of productivity. It's not like I'm going to get things going. I'm going to get things moving. I'm going to get things off the ground. It's a I'm going to clean out my entire closet. I'm going to go through my entire email inbox. I'm going to crunch all my numbers. I'm going to do very behind the scenes type of work and very productive in that way because of all of those emotions and all those fields. It can also be a really powerful time for you to write. So writing sales copy, writing emails, writing social media content, like writing anything, requires you to connect with your people and understand them in a very empathetic way and like heart to heart, feeling sort of peace. But you don't want to show up on camera and talk it. But you're like, I could be in my yoga pants and sweaty bun and just be behind my computer and creating a magical content.

Renae Fieck 00:43:58  So I think it's a variation of looking at what are the tasks that you have in your business, like what are you doing? And then matching up with each one of those different phases where those tasks will fall. Some of them can fall into both, right? There's going to be things that maybe you could do it in your luteal phase, or you could do it in your accelerate phase or that follicular phase, like it could go either one. So then that really becomes this magic of looking at how much is on my plate, where is the best place to put things like it's not a cut and dry, you know, very masculine way to approach it. It can become very dynamic and like, okay, well, I have a very heavy cape like launching per se. When you launch, like it gets the first time you've launched something, there's a lot of riding there. You might be riding a sail, there's a lot of content and there's, you know, check out pages. And like all the thing like there is that luteal phase, maybe a very, very heavy riding phase that some of those other luteal phase tasks, like your budget or your numbers or anything, that kind of stuff that might not fall in that, that phase that month, that one might have to go in the accelerate phase that month.

Renae Fieck 00:45:05  Right? So there is some flux and some change and there's some variability that when we look at really all the things that we do in the business, they can we can shift and change them. The other thing I will put out there just while we're on this little topic, is that this should feel empowering. This should feel motivating, this should feel exciting and not a limiting factor. But women can do anything they want to do in any phase of their cycle. It doesn't matter. Like I can show up. I've shown it up and done so many podcast interviews when I'm smack dab in the middle of my menstrual cycle, like her menstrual phase, like it doesn't matter. Like you can do it. You can do it in any phase. It just may be different. You might not have the same energy. You might have to going back to that nervous system regulation. Like if you did it in your menstrual phase, you might need a bubble bath and like only 1 or 2 things on your calendar for the entire day.

Renae Fieck 00:45:56  But in there, that height of your ovulation phase, you might be able to do 12 podcasts back to back to back. Right? So it's like understanding that you as a woman can do anything, any phase of the month, any time that you want to do it, you just might be more aligned to do it at different times of the month. And so rather than looking at this as like, okay, well, I can't change everything, I can't move everything. Don't worry about that. Like change the few things that you can change, right? Like, you and I both have kids. I have three kids today after school. I have three school pickups, I have swim, I have soccer or not soccer. Baseball. Like I have back to back to back. Right? Like after school. That doesn't change. Like I can't be like, oh, it's my menstrual phase. I can't pick up my kids from school and drive them to swim and baseball and all over the place because I'm tired.

Renae Fieck 00:46:46  Like, it doesn't happen like that can't shift. So the question then becomes, what can you shift? What can you lean into? How can you lean into your cycle? Not like I have to reinvent and do everything over again. And like how this isn't going to be possible. I hear that from women all the time. It's not possible for me. I work a 9 to 5. It's not possible for me because of this or that. And it's like, okay, I get that. Like some things may not be able to change, but what can you change? Maybe it looks like you're just looking at your workouts. Maybe it looks like your nutrition. Maybe it looks like giving yourself permission to go to bed earlier and like wake up a little bit later. Maybe you skip your morning routine and allow yourself to have that extra recuperation. I don't know, but what can you do? And let me start asking that question like, what can I do? It changes the lens and the results in which we get completely agree.

Kimberly Spencer 00:47:34  And I love how you framed it, Renae, so that it's not this is a limiting piece, like I see a lot of women, particularly because there is so much information out there, which is wonderful. But from cycles to human design to your astrological charts to like all to nervous system regulation, to, you know, thinking that there's all this, these things that you quote unquote, have to do and have to follow. And honestly, those are all like, they're still putting it out of you even if it's in. Yeah. Even if it's the body like it's thinking that there's a half to is putting that outside of yourself, which prevents from the very core of what this is all about, which is trusting yourself.

Renae Fieck 00:48:18  Exactly.

Kimberly Spencer 00:48:19  And I have seen with people who are leveraging and using human design in their business, like I'm a projector and my friend here's a Shirai. She's a reflector. She built a $30 million company. But I've seen people on the flip side say, oh, well, I'm a reflector, so it takes 28 days for me to make a decision.

Kimberly Spencer 00:48:36  I'm like, not so like, let's not use these things as an excuse. Like just because, you know, they're just because your next launch is coming up and it just happens to be oops, you schedule it during your menstruation cycle, still continue with doing it and measure the results. Allow yourself that curiosity to explore. But I think when we're beholden to these all of these shoulds, then it it diffuses us of our power. Yeah. And what this is supposed to do, what our body and honoring our body is really supposed to be about. It's about learning to remember, to trust the natural gift of this beautiful meat sack that we've been given for this lifetime to be able to say, like, okay, there's a natural rhythm to this space as to how I need to move. How do I keep going with this?

Renae Fieck 00:49:26  Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And I think that that like, like you said, coming back to it, it's all about learning to trust yourself and learning what you need, because every single one of us is going to need something different or we're not all the same.

Renae Fieck 00:49:39  Right? Like when we look at food and nutrition like you or I are going to function very differently. Some people thrive on a vegan diet. Some people thrive on a carnivore diet. So how can you say that there's one right way or one right thing for everybody and there really isn't. And so when we start to look at all of the different remedies and all the different things out there, all the different tools that are like you said, they're like, say, this is what you need to be doing. This is how you should be doing it. It defeats the whole thing. Like really at the ultimate, it should come back to like, how do I learn to trust myself? Like, how do I learn to listen to that intuition and and use all that stuff is as information and education? Because we are not going to always know, like, hey, you know, tart cherry juice helps people sleep at night or magnesium helps you with your menstrual cycle. Or like, we may not have that information, so use the information to then discern what is it that I need? What's going to work for me? Which of those things am I going to put in my toolbox, in my toolbelt and use and utilize? And which ones am I going to let go of?

Kimberly Spencer 00:50:45  Yeah, I think the only time is when we can do that is when we actually have the space to get still.

Renae Fieck 00:50:50  Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer 00:50:50  Like it it requires that built-in rest period and or stillness or, you know, space away from social media and all of the noise to say, okay, I'm I received this noise. Like what? What resonates within my body, what actually feels good in the space that it feels forward moving.

Renae Fieck 00:51:11  Yeah, yeah. For sure.

Kimberly Spencer 00:51:14  Totally love it. Yeah. So since you are a mom of three and our, you know, we can't put mom life on hold even, you know, despite cycles and things like that. Have you applied your cycle strategy to your parenting as far as how you engage with your children?

Renae Fieck 00:51:35  I would say that like the biggest thing with in terms of my kids is for me, understanding where I'm at and when I need a break and when I need that, that space. So there's been plenty of times where I'll tell my husband, like, I need to check out right now. Like, can you do bedtime? Can can I go take a bath? I'm going to go for a walk like you take care of this.

Renae Fieck 00:51:56  So I think some of those moments of communication have been really helpful. I think even for me, I have gotten really good about turning off music in the car because even just stimulation, like hyper stimulation and also understanding the impact that noise and vibration and frequency, like all that kind of has on us and stuff, that I've gotten really good about writing in the car with no music and no nothing, and just using those micro moments to be able to allow myself to reconnect with myself. So I think it's making those small shifts and changes that have made the biggest difference for me. But I think one, it's the communication and I've even had those communication with the kids. I'm like, mom is on edge. I'm needing a little bit of space. Like, please don't ask me for anything right now. Like just give me ten minutes. Like I'm going to go outside and do the thing. Like, let me just be ten minutes, you know? And my kids are older now. My oldest is almost 13.

Renae Fieck 00:52:52  So they have that awareness and recognition, which I think is also a really beautiful thing to model to our kids that they're that mom still need some time away and mom needs like a break and things like that. I think it's also been for me. I've done a lot of trips, like I was just gone last month for ten days in Sedona, and I'm leaving next couple weeks for another big trip, like speaking and doing it. Different things. But I think they see that as like, mom needs these breaks too. And I think that that's a really valuable skill to teach our kids and model to our kids. That mom is not the same all the time, and that it's okay to take breaks, and it's okay to have moments where we are not able to handle and we don't want to have fun all the time. Like sometimes mom doesn't want to go play. Mom wants to just stay here, like, and that's okay too. So I think, but it all comes back to communication.

Renae Fieck 00:53:40  I mean, ultimately it's like having that awareness, like being able to communicate that to your kids or your spouse or your partner or whoever like that. This is where I'm at. This is what I'm needing, and this is how you can help support that. And that's how we'll all function a little bit better.

Kimberly Spencer 00:53:55  It's so true. I mean I just it brings me back to a couple weeks ago I just had this like emotional moment. And I literally had three minutes before I had to get my boys out the door. But I went into the bedroom and I shut the door and I just allowed myself to cry. And my little six year old son shows up and is like, he knocks on the door was like, mommy, we have two minutes, are you okay? And I'm like, and we just have this, you know, this phrase in our house, like, mommy is processing or anyone like I'm processing. I'm just allowing myself to be in this. Yeah, let me feel it and then I will be fine.

Kimberly Spencer 00:54:27  And that's exactly the case of what what went down. I just had to allow myself to fully feel that feeling. And then it processed. And then I just stepped out with my son and all was well. And of course, it was in, you know, the the luteal phase, like the day before menstruation. So, yeah, there's big feelings, but you know, and my boys, because I'm raising two boys and having them have an awareness of mommy cycle too, like they are super aware. They know what a period is. They know what menstruation is like. They they're old. They're like. At first my son was horrified. He was like, oh my God. Yeah. And then I was like, no, this is normal. This is what allows mommy to have more babies like this. This is really this is a good thing. Like, yeah, part of the female body. So it's it's normalizing the conversation around the cycle, which I'm so glad you got. Like, we got to have you on this show because I think it's so vital to.

Kimberly Spencer 00:55:23  Make these things that have been like, taboo and like, you're all this talk about it and like secret women's groups, I'm like, no, let's let's bring this out to the forefront so that it's the knowledge. So the kids like, oh my God, if I had had this knowledge when I was 16 years old and, you know, you may have been struggling and, you know, trying all the things that my hormones were out of control, I would have just had so much more agency over my life, my emotions, and wouldn't have been as self-destructive as I was as a teenager, for sure. I think it's so necessary that that, and I love that you are just paving the way for this conversation to open up in so many different avenues.

Renae Fieck 00:56:01  Yeah, well, and I mean, like, I could go in a whole like that would be a whole nother conversation of like, what we could do for the next generation by having this conversation about women of our generation healing, and then being able to make and pave the way for the next generation.

Renae Fieck 00:56:16  And like as somebody who has two girls and a son and watching like as that navigation into middle school and things like that has been happening, like how important and valuable it is for girls to understand that this is hormones and not an identity thing, and And having that separation between like hormones and identity of like the world is ending. I have no friends and life sucks and life is miserable like an understanding. And for them to know, like, hey, this is a part of the cycle and where I'm at. And having that recognition, I think, could change the trajectory for so many girls in that next generation going forward.

Kimberly Spencer 00:56:53  And for the mental health crisis that we're losing, like right now, especially with with girls, I, I completely agree. And I'm on board. And whatever movement you start I just I am on board with that. Let me know okay. I would love to pivot into some rapid fire to wrap this up. You down? Sure. Who is your favorite female character in a book or a movie and why?

Renae Fieck 00:57:18  the first one that came to mind, I'm just going to go with it is, Meredith from brave.

Renae Fieck 00:57:22  I don't love that movie and love all the story like part of it, but I do love her independence and drive and also the willingness to concede and like, create relationship and connection again at the end, like to put some of her things on the line, like on the line to create that relationship. So I'm going to go with that one.

Kimberly Spencer 00:57:44  What woman alive or alive in her time would you want to trade places with just for a day to be in her body. See how she thought. Experience the world through her eyes.

Renae Fieck 00:57:55  The same one. The one that comes to mind is Oprah. Like, I would love to. I don't know, just to see what that real reality looks like for her of, like the journey that she's been on and to see the things that she has been able to experience and do. Like I think that's really powerful.

Kimberly Spencer 00:58:13  What is her morning routine to set you up for success. You mentioned tea.

Renae Fieck 00:58:18  It does. Yeah it does vary. I would say in my luteal phase I actually let myself sleep in quite a bit and I can get up like rushed out the door pretty much because I let myself sleep extra.

Renae Fieck 00:58:29  But I do. If I have time and space, I will do this whole like tea ritual in the morning, but he usually takes like 45 minutes to an hour, so I have to allow for that. If like this morning I did not have that time. So I made my little mushroom coffee and just sat for like ten minutes. But for me, I've always said like morning routines can vary based on where you're at in your cycle. And so my morning routine does fluctuate in flow, but I am finding a lot of value in that stillness. First thing in the morning for sure.

Kimberly Spencer 00:58:59  Same, same. What is your evening routine to set up for successful mornings?

Renae Fieck 00:59:04  Lately I've really been focusing on a gratitude journal, but my gratitude journal is like embedded in as like a manifestation journal. So it's like setting the gratitude for, like, things that already currently are like my reality. And then also being very grateful for the things I'm wanting to manifest. So I kind of like blend that experience together.

Renae Fieck 00:59:22  And then I've been I usually I'll read a book. Normally I use it as my like leisure play fun book. and honestly, I will admit that I've been reading some very like sensual books that I feel like that's a part of our femininity that a lot of women have been, like, turned off. So I've been there, but lately I've been reading some more personal development books in the evening and really enjoying that. So. Either way, I read in the evening.

Kimberly Spencer 00:59:50  Same. So what do you define to be your queendom?

Renae Fieck 00:59:54  I feel like if I like is truly coming back to that place of like truly accepting and owning who you are, what you are and being okay with that. And I like for me that what came to mind even too is like lately I've been really feeling this urge to like, garden and be outside and like, create this space and just allow ourselves to be present in the spaces that we have and the where we are. I think that is really what creates that queendom type feel versus that.

Renae Fieck 01:00:22  We can always be driving and striving for something else, but when we're always looking to, the grass is greener on the other side. We lose the experience of where we're at right now, and I think that is where we really resonate, and that's where we create that coherence. So I think it comes back to embracing and embodying our our current reality and being okay in that presence and also on a journey to bigger and better, bigger things too, like that, that duality of like holding both of those things at the same time. I don't know if that was a really great answer, but it's.

Kimberly Spencer 01:00:58  Perfect, I think. I love living in the duality and the paradox and the. Yes and of it all like, yes, you can be disciplined and you can discipline your rest. Like, yes, you can have consistency and it doesn't have to be the same. Yeah. So that that paradox. Yeah. How lastly how do you crown yourself.

Renae Fieck 01:01:19  I honestly I thought about this the other night when I got out of the, I got out of the hot tub or something, and I did some, like dry brushing and dry brushing has been something that I like, waffled with over time.

Renae Fieck 01:01:30  But as I did it and I was like, oh my gosh, my skin is like dry and crusting and falling all over the place. It was like super gross. But it was in that moment that I was like, taking care of my body. Is that thing like I find that in the past, I very much felt like taking care of my skin or doing my hair or wearing makeup or like any of those things was frivolous, like it was above what I needed to do. And as I've gotten older, I've realized, like, how much taking care of my body and taking care of me from From putting lotion on to putting lipstick on, to curling my hair like taking care of my hair. How much? That makes me just feel like I value myself and I value my body. It's not what I look like thing. It's not a what anybody else thinks of me. It's truly a like me, not a self-confidence. I wouldn't even say that. Like, it really feels like a value thing, like I value in order for me to put lotion on and to paint my nails, or to do my makeup, like that's me honoring my body, that's me valuing my body and making sure like I feel good and I resonate with the frequency of what I want to project into the world is this person that values herself and loves her body and takes care of herself and like all these things.

Renae Fieck 01:02:54  And so for me, any time I practice any of those things, like whether it's painting my nails or putting on my makeup, I feel like that embodiment of that, like I value myself enough to do that. Whereas in the past it would have been like, it's not that big of a deal, like, I don't really care. Like these are all frivolous things, but it's now become like, this is my part of me, like loving me, if that makes sense.

Kimberly Spencer 01:03:17  Yeah.

Kimberly Spencer 01:03:18  I so deeply love and resonate with that desire and that demonstration to the world of how deeply you are valuing yourself. Like I have my warrior paint ritual with my makeup and like, I just I'm like, this is like my time to it's not for anybody else. It's just for me. And so I so honor that you value that and that you found the value in doing that for yourself. Yeah. Renae, where do we find you? How do we work with you?

Renae Fieck 01:03:49  Yes. if you go to Instagram, it's Renae.

Renae Fieck 01:03:53  So my first and last name, it's weird spelling, so I'm sure you'll have it looked at or picked up. Same website. Renae. Com those are my favorite two places. If you are a podcast listener and love listening to podcast, it would be the Cycle Advantage podcast or The Greatest Places. For any.

Kimberly Spencer 01:04:08  Thank you so much for coming on the Crown Yourself podcast. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and to learn from you. As always, my fellow sovereigns, own your throne. Mind your business because your reign is now.

Kimberly Spencer 01:04:21  Thank you so much for tuning in today. If what you heard resonated with you, be sure to subscribe and start creating a bigger impact now by sharing this with a friend. Just by doing that one simple act of kindness, you are creating a royal ripple to support more people in their sovereignty. And if you're not already following on social media, connect with me everywhere at Crown Yourself. Now for more inspiration. I am so excited to connect with you in the next episode, and in the meantime, go out there and create a body, business, and life that rules because today you crown yourself.

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