Finding Success in the Failures

the princess and the b Jun 13, 2022

We’ve all heard that failure is a part of success, but how do you find success through failure? What lessons from failure do you need to learn to finally find success? How can you adopt a failure mindset and start failing forward fast?

Recently I had a pretty awesome failure - one that in my industry you don’t talk about.

Many people in the coaching industry LOVE to share about their million-dollar launches, and honestly, I am genuinely happy for them.

But, as my mentor, James Wedmore taught me - success is a crappy teacher.

We learn so much more from our failures.

And so often when we hear about those ginormous launches that go so well, we forget that most likely before that launch there were multiple “failures” along the way that didn’t turn out so praise-worthy for the Instagram page.

Honestly, this is a pattern I intend on stopping.

Why? Because when we see those epic launches and success, it’s very easy to think “Oh good for thee, but not for me.”  Okay, well maybe your mind doesn’t phrase it in 13th-century English ;)

It’s easy to see the BIG wins and the BIG milestones and put up a “belief barrier” that’s 10000% from your ego, that denies you the opportunity of even trying.

That’s why I’m going to be more transparent about my failures.

I want you to know how I epically fall on my face, learn, pick myself back up, and do it so freaking fast it will make your head spin.

Because failure is NOT my identity. It’s a thing that happened.

And the faster you pull yourself back up, learn from the mistakes, get the feedback and keep going, the faster your life will change.

In this episode of The Princess and the B Podcast, I’m going to share with you about our last failed launch of Communication Queens and how it actually pivoted our business into doing something I have always dreamed of - doing the dang thing and getting more good-hearted mission-minded, purpose-driven leaders making more money.

But I never would have seen this possibility had it not been for our failed launch. I’m going to show you all the ways we found beauty from the ashes of a course that now has been resurrected into a whole new entity - the Communication Queen Guest Podcasting Agency!

Listen to this episode to learn the exact steps to succeed after a failure.

Remember, your reign is now.

P.S. Our new division, Communication Queen Agency, is open for enrollment. So if you’re looking to add an extra 6-figures to your revenue, or just get to 6-figures, let us chat to see if your business can profit from guest podcasting.

No longer am I just teaching you how to get booked and profit from podcasting - we’re now just gonna do it for you ;)

Oh yeah. Because you don’t need another course. You need it done. 

Book a FREE 30-minute Discovery call here.

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