OMG! OMG! It’s here. It’s out. It’s live. It’s freaking scary. It’s freaking happening. It’s freaking done.
There’s no going back now.
Because that is what happens every time you up-level - every time you grow beyond your current capacity.
You change who you are at your core.
It’s your choice to decide...
To choose...
You choose how life changes you.
As Holocaust survivor, Victor Frankl says, “Between cause and effect there is a space, a gap to choose your reaction.”
For in his passing, I was contacted by THOUSANDS of his fans from Elders React.
They shared memories and moments of how through that viral show, he brought them so much joy.
For many, he was the grandpa they had wished they had.
For others, he was just “that crazy guy” on Youtube...
I don’t think my dad knew or realized, really, how many lives he touched with his spirit of love and generosity.
When I showed my mom this post she burst into tears with, “OMG, He didn’t even have a clue as to how many lives he’d touched.”
That’s when it hit me.
It doesn’t have to end with him.
Certainly not in his way...
But on my own.
Despite being an addict for most of my life, my dad was able to accomplish the EXTRAORDINARY.
He built a freaking multi-million dollar tree business with my mom!
And if that’s not a testament to NO EXCUSES, I don’t know what is.
Growing up, I was there on the ground floor.
...My mom pushed me around in a stroller passing out flyers, just to generate work...
...Us not being able to go out to eat because my parents didn’t have enough work booked for the upcoming weeks...
...Solopreneuering and struggling….
To then see them build a tree company with 20+ employees, 15 trucks, and their own lot.
This video and re-launching and re-committing to our Youtube channel, in particular, has been a labor of love that has challenged me, grown me, and stretched my capacity.
And, like anything that grows you…
For that is what happens when you RISE with courage.
...When you choose to look at your doubts and your fears and call B.S. on your own excuses.
It is with COURAGE + DECISIVENESS that YOU create your life.
To your courage!
Remember, your reign is now.
P.S. Drop us a comment on the video and share with me, which of the 7 lessons my dad taught me BEST serves you! SUBSCRIBE TO QUEEN TV NOW!
I am sooooo looking forward to connecting with you on Youtube!
50% Complete
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