Get your 20/20 hindsight NOW.

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2020

Ever look back on an event in your life and see EXACTLY why that happened to you?

You see the lessons, the learning, the growth. Maybe you see how it shaped you as a human to be more compassionate or more ambitious or more organized. Maybe you look back on that thing with appreciation, or gratitude or just a deep satisfaction that you were strong enough and had the resilience to pull through, even when things looked their bleakest. Maybe you’re just fuckjng grateful you survived, because, there were times when you didn’t think you could...but you did. 

You’re here. Reading this. 


When you were in it, you didn’t know how it would turn out. You didn’t know you’d be okay, days or decades later. 

You did the best you could with the information and the resources you had at that time. 

Looking back now, from this new place of courage or boldness or motivation, is NOT who you were back then. 

You’ve changed.

You’re different.


Hindsight is NOT 20/20. 

It’s, like, 20/10. You’re looking back from a whole new perspective, with new information, and being a new, more evolved being, you’re going to see things from your past that shape you as who you are NOW, not who you were when you were experiencing them. You see more, farther back than you did when you were experiencing it because you can see BEYOND the experience and toward the learning.

20/20 vision comes from being 💯 percent in the present moment WHILE also holding the vision, with the faith of where you are going. 

You can have that NOW. 

You can put yourself in the state or the feeling of what it will feel like conquering this crisis like a #boss when you shift your state. 

Albert Einstein said, “A problem cannot be solved with the same consciousness that created it.”

When you look forward from now, and getting there to THEN, to your IDEAL outcome, to how you feel and what you see and who you hear when you have achieved that, and THEN you look back on now, THAT is strengthening your 20/20 vision. 

Unlock your imagination and your glorious future as becoming your present. 

Let’s strengthen our vision together, shall we?

P.S. If you have a friend or a loved one who is struggling through this crisis, be the badass, bold, courageous leader that you are and share with a friend.

Leaders inspire leaders. Be the leader of your family, your community needs right now. 

P.P.S. Be sure to catch the Livestream today in our Crown Yourself FB Group!


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