How to Dig Deep When Quitting Just Isn’t an Option

Uncategorized May 26, 2020

Even I have days where I want to quit, where I wonder what's the f*ing point in all this work. 


Where I literally question EVERYTHING and want to choose the easy road, where the questions tickle my mind…


Maybe I could be normal?

Maybe I could just settle for another job, something that I didn't really care about and allow my art and creativity and absolutely love for what I do go to the back burner or go onto simmer?


Maybe I could tone it down and not have such big dreams? 

Maybe I could TRY, desperately, to quiet the voice inside of me that pushes me on to do MORE, have MORE, be MORE?

Because with passion for potential comes PAIN when people don’t recognize that their DREAM IS POSSIBLE. 

When they finally throw in the towel and settle for mediocrity instead of backing themselves on the grounds of certainty, safety, and the construct of “a sure thing”…


When really, let’s be honest, they’re just scared.


Running with their tail between their legs away from the arena of their art, of their dreams, of their potential because their greatness scares them more than their commonplace indifference to their dreams. 


And when I think of that, that’s what stops the tickling of questions of “normalcy” and “toning it down.” 


Been there. Tried that. 


It sucks your SOUL away on a slow spiral into blame and shame and complaining around the water cooler and bitching at the news for the hands that “LIFE” dealt you.




You CHOSE to take the hand you were given. 


You could have played that hand and raised Life again. 


You could have stayed at the table.


That’s when I immediately hit the brakes, and the gas and spin right back around doing a proper Fast and Furious 180 to head back toward my true north. 


Because THAT is the muscle of resilience that is forged ONLY through fire. 

THAT is forming the neuropathways that make your imagination your reality until your imagination IS your reality. 


And, yes, I wish I didn’t want people’s success more than they do.


And, yes, sometimes it really fucking hurts to care so damn much sometimes when I see people floundering and drowning in their excuses. 


But it is that care and that passion that also allows me to serve some of the most extraordinary humans I’ve been blessed to work with.


People whose passion to reach their potential, no matter the fear of their own success, still go, they still move forward, they still get up and into the arena and put that crown on their heads, even when ruling their lives and taking ownership of their results f*ing sucks.

Because it’s not where they want it to be.

Or it’s not what they expected it would be. 

Or it’s not where they believe it “should” be.


And that’s where I come in…


Where I see their hunger and I raise their ambitions.


Where I refuse to let them settle for their excuses which they already know are B.S. anyway, and they EXPECT me to push them.

Fact is, they live for it.


For deep down, beyond the self-limiting beliefs that we all have of…

Who am I to want this…

Am I worthy of having this…

Do I deserve the success I’m working my ass off for…


They know in their SOUL that YES…


YES, you are worthy.

YES, you f*ing deserve it.


Because your heart is in the place of impact, and your soul has been led by Purpose to be right where you are right now, working on yourself, through their sh*t and are willing to get back again, and again, and again to that table because they would never dare settle for the hand that Life just “gave” them.


Challenge Life. And rise into it!


The question is not, who are you to want what you want…






For in that answer lies your magic and your power…


In that answer lies your story not of your excuses, but of your ownership.


Ownership of your power. 

Ownership of your dreams.

Ownership of you taking charge of your destiny.


It is within that answer that the true Queen shall arise to her throne, confident, courageous, strong, and resilient AF. 


If that’s you, I have three spots left for 1:1 coaching. Book a consult now to see if you’re a fit.  


Remember, your reign is now.


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