You are the fire. The all-consuming, everlasting, eternal flame.
You cook up creations, businesses, opportunities, relationships that would be cold and stale if it wasn't for you.
You illuminate the sky.
You shine brightly.
Others fear it because they don't understand it. They're scared to get close to it. They don't know how to "handle" it.
Like you could ever be "handled," reigned in, toned down - hardly.
Alive in your own authenticity.
Dazzling in your vibrancy.
A beacon, ablaze for the world to see.
Let's ignite the sky together.
Let's set this world ablaze with love and light.
Let's turn up the heat on your desires and go ALL-IN.
This offer is ON FIRE.
Literally and it is ablaze with possibility.
Remember, your reign is now.
50% Complete
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