If negativity is your kryptonite too, keep reading.
Because hot dang, I feel frankly worn from these past few weeks. You too?
Thank God for Spike, my partner, and my support when I’m in the middle of a “Hurri-Kim” of crap feelings.
Fortunately, I’ve cultivated the tools over years and years of work to recognize, acknowledge, shift and break-through - but dang, when you’re in it it’s like the breaking down of your being.
What happens when you get stabbed with your own kryptonite?
Wait - what? Do you mean I’m not PERFECT?
Trying to pretend that shadow doesn’t exist only makes the monster under the bed get bigger and bigger in your head.
I learned this the hard way after I gave birth to Declan.
I was doing all the things in my business, it was growing. My mindset as a business owner was on track - but as a mom, I was riddled with fear, fear of losing the greatest love I’d ever experienced. And as a wife, I was navigating this new way of being “wifey” while for the first time in my relationship, making more money than Spikey.
I was feeling a lot more pressure - as a mom, as a business owner, as a wife.
I couldn’t acknowledge that I really wasn’t okay.
I didn’t acknowledge that I needed help. I needed to ask for more support from Spike (he would have totally given it, had I only ASKED). I was struggling...hard.
I felt shame and fear that I was never making “ENOUGH” even though I had just grown my company by 389% in the past year.
(Honestly, my younger self would have given me a proper smack in the face for thinking such ridiculousness)
But that’s the ILLUSION of shame.
You see, I loathed the fact that I didn’t feel like I had ALL my shit together packaged in a perfectly wrapped box of perfection.
I projected that loathing onto my husband when really...it was 100% me.
What if, instead I had looked on those initial feelings of judgment and just loved on them?
We project what we don’t like within ourselves onto others.
We judge in others what we judge most harshly in ourselves.
What if, instead, you loved on all the feelings right now?
All the anger, all the fear, all the doubt, all the guilt, all the shame - all of it.
Instead of suppressing it with more fear, more anger because of judging the feelings for being there in the first place.
It is in creating the space, asking for the support, and being so awakened to both your own light and shadows within that TRUE HEALING begins.
The gift of deeper understanding, learning, experience, consciousness.
That is what you are about to awaken to.
Stop scrolling and go sit.
Get into a place where you can breathe.
Allow it to speak.
Ask questions and then, ask more.
And allow yourself to listen.
For it is in that space that the deepest transformation occurs.
If everything in life is organizing for your greatness, then wouldn’t this moment of negativity be perfect - or dare I say, Divinely - time for you to experience learning that you never would have experienced or discovered had you not gone through that?
And then show up from THAT place of authenticity, not what you THINK people want to see from you by putting on a show of perfection.
Surrendering to what IS, instead of what “should” be, takes great strength.
Remember, your reign is now.⠀
P.S. This is the real positive-mindset work, not the fluffy pretend like everything is fine bullshit being hawked in Lululemon quotes on Influencers’ captions to inspire. It’s light and darkness, it’s pain and pleasure, it’s work and surrender.
And it’s the STRATEGY of surrender that is REQUIRED to scale to 6-figures.
Because growing from 5-figures to 6-figures will REQUIRE a whole new version of you - one who is FREE from the baggage, judgments, shame of “not having made it yet” to be able to achieve even greater heights.
It requires you to shed your SHADOWS and liberate your LIGHT, so you show up more boldly, more fearlessly, and more authentically - like a MAGNET to your soul-mate clients.
This is WHY my work with my clients is sooooo freaking transformational.
Because it’s not about some fancy-schmancy tactics or the latest THING that some marketing guru says will transform your business - ha! Hardly.
That’s looking outside yourself for some mystery fix...that is NEVER there!
In order to truly shift, scale, and grow, it starts from looking INWARD.
From widening your PERSPECTIVE beyond your current purview.
But it’s hard to see the whole field, and all the players, and all the possibilities when you’re on it, in the game, doing your thing.
That’s the power of coaching.
And if you’re ready to go ALL-IN, and to LOOK in, at the reflection of YOU - all of you, the shame, the fear, the abundance, the joy, the control, the freedom - to unlock your 6-figure self….
Then now is your time.
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