Are you completely shoe-obsessed like me? The moment I go into a shoe store, especially a fancy-schmancy one, gives me a rush, kind of like, I’ve arrived. A new pair of well-made, usually designer shoes, feel like a possibility.
Dolce, Manolo, Choo, Ferragamo - they call me. Give me sweet Italian leather every day of the week (sorry, vegans), wrapping around my feet, binding me to possible
Your shoes are a part of that.
I used to judge guys I was interested in, by the shoes they wore. I would like to say that I’m not proud of that - but actually, I’m not.
Were they falling apart? Did they have holes in them? We’re the laces frayed? Did they look polished and well-kept, or thrown around carelessly?
You can learn a lot about a person by looking at their feet.
This strategy served me well to weed out a lot of men who wouldn’t have been a fit. So go ahead, call me vain - I’ll own that one when it comes to shoes.
You can see if they take care of something they care about.
Needless to say, I take pretty darn good care of my shoes.
All 50 pairs stood tall and proud like Imelda Marcos in my walk-in closet back home. It was literally a shrine to shoes. And I loved every bit of it.
Not all of them were designer, of course. I had some nice fitting, comfy shoes for under $100.
Back in 2016, I realized something though…
I had started to “precious-ify” my shoes based on price.
I would wear my $100 shoes.
But, the fancy ones that were upwards of a $500 investment in fancy footwear, sat perched on their pedestal.
God-like in their statin sparkly divinity.
Those were for “special” occasions I reasoned.
Those were for that BIG meeting or that BIG client-closing conversation.
Those were for that BIG event on stage in front of thousands.
But everyday, they were “too special” (aka “too expensive” in my scarcity-based mindset for everyday wearing.)
Of course, this isn’t about shoes…
Maybe it’s achieving a $10K Month in your business?
Maybe it’s finishing that book?
Yep, been there too.
Maybe it’s marriage?
Yep, been there too. And I knocked myself off that one right quick back in 2011.
Here’s the thing about putting anything on a pedestal…
I just shared with my Mindful Monarchs in our catching call yesterday what putting my $10K month goal on a pedestal did in my business after I achieved it - and it wasn’t pretty.
When you put something, anything - a relationship, a pair of shoes, a business, a monetary goal - on a pedestal...
It means it’s not YOURS already.
It means it’s out of touch, out of reach from you being able to have it, breathe it, do it, be it, wear it.
It’s a divide of the ego separating YOU from whatever it is you like, or want, or even have because it comes from the belief that it’s not who you ARE now, or that you’re not WORTHY of it now, or you don’t deserve it NOW.
Putting anything on a pedestal comes from both pride and insecurity.
Pride comes before the _________________, right?
You got it, babe.
And, frankly, it's another form of fear.
Fear that you could lose it…
Wear it out…
Break it…
Have it “stolen”...
Fear that you don't/won’t/can't find/have the money again to buy it...
Pride like any other negative emotion vibrates lower than courage, which is the vibrational frequency REQUIRED for change.
So wear the shoes.
Work that outfit.
Buy the thing.
Hire the coach.
Achieve your $10K month.
Therein lies the secret to manifestation.
You manifest based on who you are BEING.
Achieving a $10K month feels like no big deal when you’re used to making $20K.
Wearing a pair of $590 feels like meh when you know that you can go out and buy five more pairs.
Closing half a million in sales feels like no big deal when you’re already making a million.
For her, it’s not an act of courage to sell a $10K package for’s NORMAL.
For her, it’s not an act of courage to communicate openly and candidly with her team about the businesses’’s NORMAL.
For her, it’s NORMAL to have the purse, to eat out for lunch, to have the once-a-week massage.
How can you make achieving your goals seem like NO BIG DEAL?
Remember, your reign is now.
P.S. Want to know what your “NEW NORMAL” can be at your next level? I’ve got a few spots open for the month of September for a handful of glorious humans who are ready, willing, and excited to take their dreams off a pedestal and start LIVING them...NOW.
Plus, just by signing up, you can make achieving your SALES GOALS your new normal because you get my $111 #SellLikeaQueen Course...for FREE!
And, with that BONUS you’ll be able to implement immediately the Profit Plan we will create together on this call to help you grow your business 150% in the next 12 months.
Take your dreams off a pedestal, strap on those fancy shoes, and let’s get to work. I’ll be wearing mine and I’ll see you there.
P.P.S. Now I wear my fancy shoes to the park with my toddler, because, as Declan says, “We can always get more.” That’s an abundance mindset, baby! (Guess who taught him that 😉)
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