The Energy of Cost vs. The Energy of an Investment

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2020

Everything is a form of energy. Food is. Relationships are. Business is. Money is.

You receive energy.  You generate energy - meaning you have it circling about you in some way. And you spend energy. 


Ever spend your time with someone who, after an hour or so, you felt completely drained, zapped of life, like you just needed to take a nap. You received their energy and spent your own energy...and not in the best way, or in the best life-giving relationship.

The same is true for our relationship with money.

HOW we spend money is just as important as WHAT we spend it on and WHY we are spending it. 

And it comes down to one simple principle of money...


When something is a “cost,” it means something is taken away, sacrificed. It’s an either/or energy. Something comes at the EXPENSE of something else. “Cost” is rooted in scarcity.

And all scarcity comes from fear. 

When something is an “investment,” it means there is a return, an ROI, a gain. It’s not an either/or, it’s an AND. Something that is invested in expands, grows, reaps a great bounty, multiplies. Investments are rooted in abundance. 

It is the simplest way to shift how you think about spending money. Are you spending money as a “cost?” Or are you spending money as an “investment”?

It’s all in how you perceive it. But the energy of your perception changes the reality of your world.

You’re costing yourself abundance, though, by thinking about it as a cost.


This looks like buying that Chanel bag to “prove” to yourself that you’ve made it, not because you have. If you have, why would you need the “proof.” You’d buy it because you desired it, simple. 

This looks like hiring that full-time employee to “prove” that you’re a badass business owner. If you are, you don’t have to prove anything. You just are. 

We’ve even seen this one all over social media, with people trying to “prove” what good little soldiers they are by spending money on hoards of toilet paper to be prepared for the pandemic.

The energy of “proving” stems from a deeper belief that you aren’t already the thing that you’re desiring to prove.

If you have to “prove” you’re something, then, frankly you really aren’t it to begin with. 

When you’ve got nothing to prove, that is when you just ARE.

Spending by trying to “prove yourself” costs you your belief in actually being the thing that you desire to be.

Spending for external validation is similar to “proving” yourself but it goes deeper, to the core of people-pleasing and getting all those crack-riddled words of affirmation from other people telling you how awesome you are because you have/do/are the thing.


If you don’t recognize that, though, within yourself, then no words of affirmation will ever call it forth. It’ll bounce off like a love bullet to your conditioned armor. 

Spending for external validation costs you your truth and trust in your own self-worth.

Even something that may look like an investment in your future, like spending money on a Ph.D., can be at a cost when it is for the gain of external validation from others being wowed by how smart you are, rather than from a love of learning and a desire to serve with your knowledge.


We’ve seen this one a lot recently. Spending out of a perceived need on $500 worth of pasta to hoard up for the pandemic, ain’t spending for the love of your family - even though you tell yourself it is. It’ s pure fear. 


It’s a belief, a fear, that you’re not enough as you are right now and that you “need” something else to become or have enough.

Odds are if you’re in a modern country with wifi, you’ve got a lot more than you need right now...including toilet paper. 

There is a different energy of spending for the investment in preparing for your future or the near future of quarantine, then the energy of spending out of “need.” Need feels like desperation.

Ever been in a relationship where someone was “needy.” You couldn’t run away fast enough, right? 

Yet, that is the vibe you put out when you spend money out of “need” - the money couldn’t run away fast enough. 

Spending from “need” costs you your trust in the Universe and that It has always got your back.


You’ll know when you’re spending from the energy of “cost” because you feel guilty, ashamed, or fearful. Like it’s not going to come back. Like you shouldn’t have done that. 

Your brain is a pattern-recognition machine. Every time you train your brain to feel a certain way - like with spending money - you are literally programming your mind to continue to feel that way.

This is how we become addicted to our emotions. 

Spending from the feeling of guilt, shame, or fear costs you feelings of joy, vibrancy, and abundance. 

Yes, it all comes down to a feeling.

Feelings have measurable vibrations. 


It all comes back to energy - to the root of the WHY you do what you do.

One of the tools I started using every time I spend money to curtail any feelings of fear, doubt, lack, guilt, or any crappy emotion is I say...

There’s plenty more where that came from.”

Because there is. 

Money is a form of energy and it is SUPPOSED to flow in and flow out, and like a power plant, you can choose to generate more. 

Abundance is all around us. 

Abundance is energy. 

Spend on what is aligned. 

Spend from a place of investing in yourself.

It can be a $30 scarf that makes you feel like a Queen…THAT is in an investment in how you feel.

It can $200 worth of organic groceries that make your body feel strong and healthy. 

THAT is an investment. 

It can be a $49 subscription to an online workout program that makes you feel good. 

THAT is an investment.

It can be a $99 subscription to an online business-building program that makes you feel excited about the future of your business. 

THAT is an investment.

You deserve to feel good.

Spending money deserves to feel good.

And your good vibrations have an infinite ROI. 

It is your spending from the place of aligned investing that keeps the ebb and the flow of money going.



P.S. Have no fear - that pic was taken before social-distancing or quarantining was a thing - I took Decky to the Moomba festival in Melbourne a month ago, and he got to ride on his first rollercoaster in a YELLOW car. And we laughed and laughed for minutes like crazy - that was the BEST $14 investment of joy, laughter, and fun ever!!

P.P.S. Generate more love and abundance in your relationships by forwarding this to a friend...or better yet to your partner. Being on the same money-vibe is crucial to your intimate relationships...especially in times of stress and fear.

As my millenial-counterparts say, “Your vibe attracts your tribe.”


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