Did it bother you that I spelled “werk” wrong?
I mean, I’m probably the WORST at grammar and correct spelling, but intentionally spelling a word wrong to be cool like Rhianna is both liberating and at the same time, I want to go back and fix the glaring spelling mistake...like, right now.
It’s funny when you start to become hyper self-aware of your sh-tuff.
As Dr. Gabor Mate says in his book When the Body Says No - our book of the month for our Mindful Monarchs Members -
“There is no true responsibility without awareness...People are deprived of the opportunity to become truly responsible...The more we can learn about ourselves, the less prone we are to become passive victims.”
Otherwise, we’re just cleaning the surface.
Kinda like dusting off the deck of the Titanic.
The ship may be sinking, but - hey! - at least it’s clean.
How often do we forgo really looking at the root of our Sht-uff in the name of comfort or familiarity?
Having taught Pilates for 13+ years and coached high-achieving leaders for the past 5 years, I’ve seen a phenomenal disconnect from our ROOT.
Our pelvic floor
Our values
Our root chakra.
Notice, I didn’t say who you THINK you are.
I mean who you are. REALLY.
Deep down. In there.
I couldn’t think of a more fun and engaging way than to bring in Liana Morrison, BOSSCHICKS® Twerk Instructor to help us get baby got back.
🎆 Now, while Mindful Monarchs is open for all gender orientations, this class will be ONLY for gender-identifying ladies only. (Sorry, dudes.)
For sometimes, as we tap into those deeper parts of ourselves - especially the root chakra - there can be some stuff. So to keep this safe for women, let’s be sure to honor that. And I thank you in advance.
Remember, your reign is now.
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