What did you know at 13?

Uncategorized Mar 31, 2022

When a 13-year old gives a TEDx talk on sexism, you pay attention. Isla Freer is an Australian teenager and student who reflects on the reality of sexism that she’s seen in her own school.

I first met Isla at the rehearsals for my TEDx talk in Currumbin. And she dazzled me! I was amazed at her courage to speak up and speak for the girls her age.

Having worked with grown adults for the past 5 years on their leadership, I realized just how jaded adults can be when it comes to the belief that they can actually create powerful, transformative change on BIG topics like sexism.

Not Isla.

As a mother of 2 young boys, I refuse to give them a world that just goes along with “how it’s been done” and Isla gave me massive hope.

To understand the vision of our future, we must look at what our children are experiencing, and sexism is a daily reality for girls in school.

Girls are noticing…standing up…and DOING something about it.

Female leaders like Isla are not accepting the societal plagiarized programming that we’ve passed down to them.

They’re rejecting it! And good on ya mate for it!

In this episode, Isla and I discuss the pressures of giving a TEDx talk at the age of 13, sexism in school, female leadership, and the changes that girls like Isla want to see in politics, business, and the world.

Like I said in my TEDx talk, “Your life is a testimony for possibility. And people are watching.”

This next generation of kids is watching the beliefs, habits, and programming that we’ve passed down.

They’re smart.

They realized these old paradigms and programming is not only NOT currently serving the world, but they are ripe for disruption, and thus, transformation.

It’s time we teach our kids, now, to be the ones to break down the teen gender gap to start growing the female leaders of tomorrow.

🎧 Click here to listen to Episode No.168 - Teenage Reflections on Sexism with 13-Year Old TEDx Speaker Isla Freer


Remember your reign is now.

P.S. Here are our top book recommendations to help you expand on understanding sexism and how to boldly choose to transform this world for our future generations:

📚 Daring Greatly by Brene Brown https://amzn.to/2qgfVkv

📚 Witch: Unleashed. Untamed. Unapologetic by Lisa Lister https://amzn.to/3HVLhzd

📚Patriarchy Stress Disorder: the Invisible inner Barrier to Women's Happiness and Fulfillment by Dr. Valerie Rein https://amzn.to/3KwzoS3



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