What do you do when an idea “lands”? When it comes into the port of your mind, do you strap it in, tie it down? Or do you let it dock there, but don’t claim it as part of your fleet?
They are dreams to be seized.
They are visions to be realized.
They are possibilities to be honed, sharpened, and beautified.
They are money to be received.
But, when you don’t lock them in - when you delay or doubt yourself (causing more delay), the idea just floats there, out somewhere at sea, and eventually, it floats off, to find a new more accommodating port.
There’s a children’s book series that is my absolute favorite, and one of the books is What Do You Do with a Chance. (Seriously, even if you don’t have kids, get this book. I recommend it to my adult clients.)
In it, the child leaps to take a chance but misses and falls. He starts not taking chances and the more he doesn’t take chances, the more he doesn’t see what chances are available to him.
That’s the thing with chances, with creativity, with money, with ideas with building businesses, with building ANYTHING, really -
The more you are able to recognize the possibility around you, the more possibility is PART of you.
The more you lasso in ideas and claim them, the more ideas you receive.
The more chances you take, the more chances you are given.
The more money you receive, the more you have to give, share, spend.
For what is out is also within.
Heck, it’s even biblical:
“To whom much is given, much will be required.”
No idea...
No chance…
No money…
...Is ever given without there being a requirement.
There is a requirement for you to level up.
The requirement is your good stewardship.
You are the steward of that idea, of that chance, of that money.
It is your job to take ownership, to take action and claim it, to nurture it, and to continually lean into what is REQUIRED of you to continue to BE the person who has it.
BE the person who takes action when an idea lands.
BE the person who takes the chance.
And lean into what is required of you from there.
Maybe that means showing up more on social media.
Maybe that means making bigger asks for help and support.
Maybe that means hiring more teams.
Maybe that means launching all those ideas in your head instead of just sitting on them.
Maybe that means creating more space in your schedule for fun (and actually limiting your time behind the screen - counterproductive as it may seem, you may surprise yourself with what you actually get done.)
Maybe that means checking in on your money every week or every day.
Maybe that means just opening your eyes to see more possibilities around you.
The question is this…
What is REQUIRED of you to take your ideas, your vision, your dreams, your money to the next level?
More ideas.
More chances.
More money.
That is ALWAYS available to you.
Remember, your reign is now.
P.S. We are diving deep into subconscious shifting, neuro-linguistic reframes and communication strategies, mastering your mindset, and challenging social media on Queen TV in the upcoming weeks. Brand new videos coming to you on Friday!!!
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