Can we just take a hot second to celebrate how awesome YOU are?
You and all your quirks...that make you unique, special, and one-of-a-kind.
You and all your mistakes...that you're learning from every day.
You and all your successes...that make you a freaking badass at what you do!
You and all your faults...that strengthen your self-compassion and your immense empathy for others.
You and all your roles...that you probably need to give yourself a lot more credit for (if we're being honest here.)
You and all your work...that you are doing day in and day out to serve others, your family, and our beautiful world. (Thank you for that, BTW!)
You and all your love.
You are perfect as you are...AND you are perfecting at the same time.
Thank you for being here.
Remember, your reign is now.
P.S. Acknowledgement of both your progress, your success, and your mistakes, foibles, and failures, are essential to generating momentum. I so often see high achievers beat themselves against a standard of “high performance” looking only at their weakness without really acknowledging their successes.
This trains your Reticular Activating System in your brain to ONLY see your failures, foibles, and weaknesses. Kinda like if I were to tell you to scan the room you’re in - yes, right now - and notice ALL the blue in the room. Everything. Now close your eyes. What did you notice that was yellow?
I dive deeper into this exploration and examination of our “weaknesses” on THIS episode of The Princess and the B podcast questioning - is it self-examination or addiction to struggle?
Having coached high achievers for the past 5 years, I’ve seen MANY (including myself) make things 10X harder by looking for the hard, because of a story of nobility, strength, and boldness that comes with things being hard. My question to you is, does that HAVE to be so?
Remember, acknowledgment is essential to momentum.
Listen here now (it’s one of my MOST popular episodes!)
And when you do, do me a fave + leave a review! Take a screenshot of your review and send it to [email protected] with your name and insta handle. We’ll feature YOU on our IG stories AND we’ll send you a special gift as a giant THANK YOU!
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