Unleash your true potential: Embracing your multi-passionate identity


You are expansive, immense, a Divine, infinite being encased in a human meat-sack of a body, so how in the heck can you contort yourself into - gasp! - just one mold?!

As a multi-passionate entrepreneur myself, whose changed careers a few times in the past two decades - from screenwriter to Pilates instructor to president of an e-commerce startup to coaching to CEO, to mom, wife, health and fitness lover, writer, content creator, podcaster - I could go on, but I think you get the point, I get the challenge of that dreaded question…

“So what do you do?”

Especially when you know your infinite superpower; that really, with enough time and energy, you have infinite possibilities as to who you could be! 

But, living in this 3-D world, it’s essential that you know how to define that “special sauce” that is the thing that you do so epically well.

Does it make you who you are? Somewhat.

After all, every experience IS shaping and evolves...

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