I'm Kimberly Spencer, host of Crown Yourself podcast. I'm thrilled to share with you some of the most profound lessons, ideas, and curiosities from my recent episode. I hope these insights spark your curiosity and inspire you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and growth.
The Tower Moment: I recently experienced a significant life change, a "tower moment," which led to emotional, hormonal, and physical challenges. It was a time of shedding old beliefs and embracing a new identity. It was uncomfortable, but it lightened my load and allowed for personal growth and transformation.
The Power of Manifestation: Despite our human experiences and challenges, we all possess a divine power. It's about recognizing this power within us and seeking guidance from our higher selves.
Embracing Humanity: Even successful individuals face fears, anxieties, and doubts. It's essential to address mental health and subconscious programming. I've learned to normalize the ebbs and...
You are expansive, immense, a Divine, infinite being encased in a human meat-sack of a body, so how in the heck can you contort yourself into - gasp! - just one mold?!
As a multi-passionate entrepreneur myself, whose changed careers a few times in the past two decades - from screenwriter to Pilates instructor to president of an e-commerce startup to coaching to CEO, to mom, wife, health and fitness lover, writer, content creator, podcaster - I could go on, but I think you get the point, I get the challenge of that dreaded question…
“So what do you do?”
But, living in this 3-D world, it’s essential that you know how to define that “special sauce” that is the thing that you do so epically well.
Does it make you who you are? Somewhat.
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