Journey of a Lost Girl: A Path to Resilience and Success with Rebecca Contreras

Please enjoy this transcript of the Crown Yourself Podcast, with President & CEO of AvantGarde LLC, Rebecca Contreras [@rebeccaanncontreras], and your host, transformational story coach, Kimberly Spencer (@Kimberly.Spencer)

Rebecca Contreras is currently the President & CEO of AvantGarde LLC (AG), a consulting firm she cofounded in 2011 as the majority owner.  AvantGarde has grown to over 120 employees across nine states including a team in the great State of Texas where Rebecca resides. AG's Offices are in the Austin and Washington DC area with clients in 26 different government agencies.  AG offers a one-stop-shop approach to addressing complex organizational issues, AGs capabilities center around four key areas:  Human Capital (HR), Organizational Development, Business Operations and Technology. Rebecca commutes back and forth between her TX and DC offices.

Connect with Rebecca Contreras:




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